字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hello, I'm Scott Mills from BBC Radio 1 嗨!我是 BBC 一號電台的史考特 And I'm Chris Stark. 我是克里斯 And today we're here with Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt, 今天我們邀請到小珍妮佛和克里斯派特 about to play another game of Playground Insults. 來參加我們的「嘴砲競技場」 Now, Jennifer and Chris are ready here 珍妮佛和克里斯都已在現場 Sat opposite of each other 相互對峙 Very tense 箭在弦上,一觸即發 Staring each other out 怒目相對 Don't hold back. 全力以赴 What's said in this room is just a game 遊戲一場 Don't take the insults personally 認真就輸了! The insults would leave the room when you do. 遊戲一結束便煙消雲散 All you gotta do is try and make one another laugh. 目標是讓對方笑出來 So the sillier the insult, the better for us. 所以羞辱越搞笑越好 And remember, the game ends when someone absolutely loses it, 記得,當有一方失控或是 or delivers the killer insult. 講出致命的一擊,遊戲便結束了! I think today, Jennifer Lawrence to serve. 今天,就讓 Jennifer 先攻 Let's go! 開始! You are so falsely strong. 你健壯只是假象 If I was given a choice of you or your wife to protect me, 若讓我選要由你還是你太太來保護我 I would choose Anna. 我絕對會選安娜 Why did they call you Joy? 他們憑什麼叫你「樂樂」? I really loved you in "Everwood" 我蠻喜歡你在 Everwood 裡的角色 Said no one ever! 才怪! I can't think of anything bad about you 我想不出你的缺點 ... Stop. No. Don't you psych me out. Shut your mouth. 不,不要跟我打心理戰喔!閉嘴! I like you. I like you so much. 我蠻喜歡你的。 You are so stupid. 你笨到 It's a shame 很可惜地 that your three-year-old son 你所知的一切 has probably taught you everything you know 都是你三歲兒子教的 compliment smacked down there 一記重拳 it's such a shame 我覺得蠻可惜的 to meet somebody you thought you'd like. 認識了一個誤以為自己會欣賞的人 You are so dumb 你蠢到 that I consciously make an effort not to use compound words or words more than three syllables 我竭盡所能地不用複雜的單字或是三個音節以上的單字 hmmmm How does it feel being in the stupidest Marvel movie 參與最蠢的漫威電影感覺如何? You are so bad at acting that the cast of "Saved by the bell" feel sorry for you. 你的演技廢到 "Saved By the Bell" 的整個卡斯都同情你 I recently told you that you act like Adele sings. 我曾跟你說你的演技可媲美艾黛兒的歌聲 I hate Adele. 我恨死艾黛兒了 Where do you keep your oscar? 你都把小金人放哪呀 Um... that was really good. 喔... 這招不錯 You were given an oscar for best actress. 你曾獲得奧斯卡的最佳女演員 You would also get one for being... the worst. 八成也可以拿個最糟女演員吧 Think I just lost about 20 points on that one. 這大概讓我扣了20分 You really got me on the ropes. 我黔驢技窮了 Whewwww (拭汗) You are such a bad guy... (I don't have anything) 你很糟糕... (我快沒招了) your beard is so thin... Oh I can talk about my pubes. 你的鬍子細到... 跟我的陰毛差不多 Ten point. 加十分! You are so old. 你垂垂老矣 That your publicist is a registered nurse. 老到你的公關是名需照顧你生活起居的護士 You have so much fake hair 你的頭髮都是接上去的 that if you committed a crime, 若你犯了罪 the CSI lab would probably convict some Ukranian girl. 犯罪現場調查小組會認為是烏克蘭女孩幹的 ... okay. 好 Before our sex scene, I took two pepto bismol 我們拍床戲之前,我吃了兩顆胃藥 HOooo! 哇塞 During our sex scene, 我們拍床戲的時候 I felt your dick rubbing into me. 我發現你的屌頂著我 And that is Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt. 各位觀眾,小珍妮佛和克里斯! Playground Insults. 嘴砲競技場 That was the darkest one yet. 這真是太邪惡太黑暗了 BY FAR! 前所未有 Oh! 喔! My heart is beating so, so fast right now. 我心跳超快的 I have adrenaline and I don't know why. 不知道為什麼,我腎上腺素上升了 You're like Obama but not as hot. 你就像是醜版的歐巴馬 I think he's got more coming 喔他波濤洶湧 We should stop it here 該阻止他們嗎 Marggot is on an absolute role, see she just keeps going 她仍然戰力強大 You have the face of a twenty-year-old. But the hearing of a ninety-year-old. 你長得像20歲,聽力卻跟90歲的老人一樣 SHOULD I SAY THAT AGAIN BUT LOUDER? 需要我更大聲地再說一遍嗎? DID YOU GET THAT WILL? 你有聽到嗎???
B1 中級 中文 英國腔 克里斯 演技 遊戲 現場 單字 演員 嘴砲競技場:小珍妮佛vs克里斯派特,嗆到不行!(Jennifer Lawrence & Chris Pratt Insult Each Other | CONTAINS STRONG LANGUAGE!) 20812 1445 Kristi Yang 發佈於 2016 年 12 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字