字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hi! My name is Jennifer Hsu and I'm 24 years old. 大家好,我是潔恩 (Jennifer),今年 24 歲 I'd like to call myself an outdoor-enthusiast. 我非常喜歡戶外活動 Many of my greatest memories were collected outdoors. 人生中很多美好回憶都是在戶外獲得的 And I would like to inspire other people to share the same passion, and to care more about this planet. 我希望能夠鼓勵更多人走進大自然 並且關心我們居住的地球 Have you always loved nature? 你一直都很愛自然嗎? No, on the contrary, I was quite terrified of it! 噢不!我以前超怕的。 Growing up in the city, I didn't have much exposure with the nature. 我是都市長大的小孩,對大自然接觸的少 And I had no interest in getting to know more about it. 當時候也毫無想更加了解的慾望 The thought of having leaves or twigs brush against my bare skin was enough to send cold chill down my spine. 光是想到樹叢或者小樹枝碰到皮膚,就足以讓我渾身起雞皮疙瘩 What changed you? 是什麼改變了你 My sole purpose was to experience growth, and step out of my comfort zone. 我想要體驗成長,並且跨出舒適圈。 So I went to the extreme and signed up for an outdoor program. 所以就大膽地報名了戶外活動課程 There were various moments when I thought I couldn't make it. 有好幾次我以為自己會撐不過去 The sweat, the dirt, and the bugs were way to much for me to bear. 汗啊、土啊、蟲子啊一次集結在一起,徹底超出可以忍受的範圍了 One night, we were asked to spend a night out along in the dark forest. Away from the camp site. 某天,學員們一個個都得在營地外黑漆漆的森林中獨自過一晚 One night, we were asked to spend a night out along in the dark forest. Away from the camp site. 某天,學員們一個個都得在營地外黑漆漆的森林中獨自過一晚 However, earlier that evening, I had just suffered from heat cramps. 然而當天傍晚,我才因中暑痛苦不已 So I was basically mentally physically weak and unprepared for such activity. 簡單來說,當時的身體、心靈狀況都非常脆弱且不適合做這樣的活動 Not long after we were dropped of the camp site, I had leeches feasting on me. 抵達森林過也的地方不久之後,邊發現身上有螞蟥在吸我的血 And that was it. That was all it took. 當下徹底崩潰 I broke down, and scrambled my way back to the instructor's camp site. 連滾帶排睇衝回輔導員們的營區,只差沒有換氣過度 Although I didn't make it through the night that day, 雖然那天晚上沒有順利撐過 I heard this little voice in my head, asking myself the next morning: 隔天一早,腦海中卻有個聲音在問自己 What if you had made it? 「如果我有撐過去呢...?」 What changes would it bring? 「會帶來什麼樣的改變呢...?」 You have already come so far! 「都已經撐了這麼遠了!」 And that's how my journey started. 這便是我旅程的開端 Now, I'm actually very comfortable when I'm outdoors. 現在的我很享受在外頭的每一刻 And even more so, I enjoy how the leaves brush against my bare skin. 甚至真心享受樹葉掃過皮膚的感覺 And the soil between my toes. 以及腳趾間的大地 Why do you love it so much? 為什麼你會如此熱愛這件事? I think it's very hard to put this into words. 這件事要用言語表達並不是那麼容易 But I think it's the feeling of letting your body take complete control of you. 我想是感受整個人被身體主宰 Focusing only on the steps you take, and the rhythm of your breathe. 只專注地踩著步伐還有數著呼機節奏的那種感覺吧! Most important of all, I don't have to be anyone else when I'm out there but myself. 最重要的是,在外頭,我不需要扮演任合一個角色,只要純然地做自己就好 Letting my legs carry me to places I've never thought I could be at. 讓我的雙腳、帶著我走 And surprise myself every single time I accomplish something even more. 走到自己沒有想過能夠到達的地方以及完成更多的那種成就感 And I think this is exactly what I love about this. 我想這就是我極度熱愛的原因。 So... might as well do this until my heart stops beating! 我想,我會繼續追隨這樣的感覺,謢到我的心臟停止跳動的那一天。 If you have yet find the courage to do so, do it once. 如果你還沒給自己機會嘗試,找機會讓自己是一次 You might be surprised at how your experience will lead you. 或許你的經驗能夠帶領你走上一條不一樣的路唷 I can say aloud and proud: That I'm so blessed to have the opportunity to experience the outdoors 3 years ago. 我可以勇敢且大聲地說:我真的非常幸運能夠在三年前接觸到戶外活動 Since then, my life completely changed. 自此之後,我都生活有很大的改變 I realized that there are so much to do, so much to experience out there. 我發現,這個世界有好多好多等著我去發掘和體會的事情 I've completely fallen in love with it. 而我,也愛上了這樣的世界。放了假,滿腦子只想著可以到戶外跑跳 I would do everything in my power to make sure this fire in my heart would never burn out. 我會竭盡所能地保有心中的這股熱情,讓這股熱情陪我度過一生 For those of you who share the same passion as I do, 那些對喜愛戶外活度的人 or those of you who have a strong passion for something else. 或心中擁有任合此種熱情的人 I'm sure you can relate to how this feels. 應該可以體會我在說什麼吧 : ) It would mean a lot to me to get this opportunity, to experience the art of wilderness with all the other contestants. 如果能透過大家的梆物順利成為台灣的活動大使,跟其他國家的參加者一起去體驗及第,內心將會有無限法言喻的感動 Please, help me out by casting your vote for me in my profile. 如果你願意幫我,請到活動頁面為我投下一票 Thank you so much for bringing me one step closer to my dreams. 謝謝你們讓我離夢想又更進一步了!
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 戶外 活動 學員 營地 森林 熱情 Fjallraven極地2017年參賽選手--徐靜雯。 (Fjallraven Polar 2017 Contestant-Jennifer Hsu) 1405 92 VoiceTube 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字