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  • Hey Amy. Hi there. Long time no see. Nice to see you again. How are you?

  • Brilliant. So you do 'English' jacket potatoes? That's right.Yeah, we call them jacket potatoes in England

  • whereas in America, they call them baked potatoes.

  • Right. Ok

  • How long have you had this stall here?

  • We've been selling jacket potatoes for maybe five months now.

  • Before we used to sell milkshakes.

  • Ok. So who's 'we' anyway?

  • Me and my husband.

  • My husband's Taiwanese. so, we kind of pulled this idea together.

  • We really didn't want to have a boss anymore.

  • so, were our own boss.

  • It's great to not have a boss.

  • Exactly. You can come go to it when you like.

  • I see. You said they're called 'English' jacket potatoes.

  • So, what's different about your jacket potatoes?

  • We cook them for a little bit longer. We make them really, really tasty.

  • We also use traditional British recipes that my mother taught me.

  • Oh really? Your grandmother's recipes?

  • They get passed through the generations.

  • We try to keep them as traditional as possible,

  • but sometimes it doesn't go for the Taiwanese market so we tweak it a little.

  • Sounds great. I'm kind of hungry.

  • Which one would you recommend?

  • I recommend our signature which is the Bolognese.

  • The Bolognese is your signature? Ok.

  • Yes. It's an Italian recipe.

  • Italian? How do you know about Italian cooking?

  • My stepsister's fiance is Italian, so he gave me the recipe.

  • He's got a restaurant in Italy.

  • so, yeah, he helped me with that.

  • Brilliant. .

  • Let's have a Bolognese please

  • That's great. No problem. Fantastic

  • You can also eat the skin on the potato.

  • We wash it before and put salt,pepper and herbs on the outside.

  • Oh sure. I want pepper, I want salt. I want herbs.

  • Brilliant! That's fantastic. Good. We add a little bit of nutmeg to start with.

  • It really complements the potato.

  • How many forks would you like?

  • Two please.

  • Thank you very much.

  • Thank you very much. Thank you.

  • Thank you very much.

  • You're welcome.

  • See you again. Take care.

  • So look at that. It's going to be great.

  • Whose idea was it to have the stall?

  • Both of us really. We didn't want to work for a boss anymore.

  • We thought we wanted to open our own business.

  • so,we just thought we'd start with a night market

  • and then a shop in Banciao. And do something like thaat

  • How about yourself. What brings you to Taiwan?

  • Ah, nevermind.

  • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Hey Amy. Hi there. Long time no see. Nice to see you again. How are you?


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A2 初級

公館夜市 Part2 臺北的美食 (Gongguan Night Market Part2 The Eats of Taipei)

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    阿信子 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日