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Acting, by its very definition, involves performing a fictional role.
When performing a fictional role and pretending to be somebody else,
an actor has to project that character's traits, which range from their speech and intelligence to their body language and skills.
The latter of those traits, the skills, can often be difficult to convey, which is why in a lot of cases,
actors actually have to learn new skills to convincingly become another person on screen.
In this video, we'll take a look at just some of the skills that actors had to become proficient at in order to portray certain characters on the big screen.
Here are 10 crazy skills actors had to learn for movie roles.
這裏是 10 項演員因為角色而學習的瘋狂技能
Olivia Munn, sword skills for "X-Men: Apocalypse."
Olivia Munn 在《X 戰警天啟》中展現的劍術
The very beautiful Olivia Munn played the mutant Psylocke, one of apocalypse's 4 recruits and a skilled user of a sword in 2016's "X-Man: Apocalypse."
美女 Olivia Munn 在 2016《 X戰警天啟》中所飾演的靈蝶為天啟四騎士之一,是個擅於劍術的殺手角色
To prepare for that role, Munn endured 6 hours of daily sword-fighting training and she became incredibly skilled in the art of wielding a blade.
為了詮釋這個角色,Munn 每天忍受 6 小時的劍鬥訓練,而最後她也對舞劍這門藝術熟能生巧
She showed off her impressive skills in an Instagram video alongside Ryan Reynolds,
她在一部影片中和 Ryan Reynolds 展現了她厲害的技能,而 Ryan Reynolds
who played Deadpool in the Merc with a Mouth's titular movie, which was also released in 2016.
所飾演的死侍(嘴砲傭兵),也是於 2016 年上映
Although Reynolds also trained with a sword for that role, he was no match for Munn in the video, as his sword was made of balloons.
儘管 Reynolds 也有接受用劍訓練,他在影片中卻無法與 Munn 他匹敵,因為他用的是一把氣球劍
Channing Tatum, tap dancing for "Hail Caesar."
Channing Tatum 為《凱薩萬歲!》所學的踢踏舞
If you've seen "Step Up" and "Magic Mike," you'll probably understand why the Coen brothers assumed that
Channing Tatum could tap dance when they cast him in 2016's "Hail Caesar."
決定讓 Channing Tatum 演《凱薩萬歲!》 時以為他會踢踏舞
They were wrong to do so, however. And Tatum spent months preparing for his role as actor and dancer Burt Gurney in the movie.
他們誤會了。而 Tatum 花了好幾個月的時間揣摩同時為演員與舞者的角色 Burt Gurney
About that preparation, Tatum said, "I spent about 3 months preparing. It's the most I've ever prepped for a six-minute section in a movie.
對於準備過程,Tatum 說到:「我花了大概三個月的時間準備。這是我為了一段 6 分鐘的片段所花過最長的準備時間
We went over Christmas and New Year's so I had all that time to let it just stick.
I let it sink into my bones over the holiday break. When I'm nervous about something, I drill it to a point that is probably unhealthy.
But as long as it works even halfway, I'm happy at the end of the torturous day.
Natalie Portman, ballet for "Black Swan."
Natalie Portman 在《黑天鵝》中跳芭蕾
Natalie Portman played the ballet dancer Nina Sayers in the brilliant 2010 psychological thriller "Black Swan,"
Natalie Portman 在 2010 年 叫好的心理驚悚片《黑天鵝》中飾演芭蕾舞者 Nina Sayers
and the American Israeli star actually learned ballet for the role.
She trained for at least 5 hours each day whilst working on other projects at the same time.
Portman told the "New York Times," it was a rude awakening to get there, and to be like,
Portman 告訴紐約時報成功詮釋這個角色讓他猛然醒悟
I don't know what I'm doing. If I had know how not close to ready I was, I never would have tried it.
I'm glad I was a little ignorant slash arrogant, the training definitely paid off for her, however.
The actress won the Academy Award for best actress for her performance in the film.
Robert Downey Jr, the violin for "Chaplin."
Long before Robert Downey Jr. was Ironman in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the actor played an equally iconic figure for the real world,
that being English comic actor Charlie Chaplin in 1992's "Chaplin," and he had to learn a very interesting skill for the role.
在 1992 年飾演英國喜劇演員卓別林,而他也必須學一個十分有趣的新技能
To accurately portray the actor, Downey Jr. learned to play the violin as well as a little bit of tennis, incidentally.
And he had to do so left handed.
His performance in the role earned him an Oscar nomination for best actor,
but he was ultimately and unfortunately beaten by Al Pacino for his performance in "Scent of a Woman."
不過此獎最後很不幸地被《女人香》的 Al Pacino 拿走
Joseph Gordon-Levitt, tightrope walking for "The Walk."
Joseph Gordon-Levitt 在《走鋼索的男人》中走鋼索
In 2015, Joseph Gordon-Levitt portrayed real-life daredevil Philippe Petit in "The Walk."
2015 年,Joseph Gordon-Levitt 在《走鋼索的男人》飾演現實生活中不怕死的男人 Philippe Petit
A movie about Petit's tightrope walk between the twin towers in New York City.
這是一部關於 Petit 於紐約雙子星大樓走鋼索的故事
Gordon-Levitt actually worked with Petit to learn tightrope walking for the role, a challenge he enjoyed and benefited greatly from.
Gorden-Levitt 為了這個角色也真的和 Petit 學如何走鋼索,一個讓他既享受又頗有收穫的挑戰
Gordon-Levitt told "Entertainment Weekly," "he's such an optimist, Philippe, he's such a positive thinker
Gordon-Levitt 和 美國娛樂周刊說 Philippe 是個樂觀主義者
and when someone believes that you can do something, then you yourself believe you can do it.
And that's when you can actually do it. When you believe in yourself."
The actor still struggled a little with the height, however.
Jennifer Lawrence, chopping wood and skinning squirrels for "Winter's Bone."
Jennifer Lawrence,在《冰封之心》裡面砍樹跟扒松鼠的皮
Jennifer Lawrence is currently the hottest actress in Hollywood
and she has her breakout role in "Winter's Bone" to thank for her rise to the top.
The 2010 drama saw Laurence playing Ree Dolly, a teenage girl who looked after her whole family in rural America
Laurence 在這部片飾演 Ree Dolly,一個在美國蠻荒之地照顧全家的少女
while teaching them basic survival skills like hunting and cooking.
For the role, Lawrence learned how to chop wood and how to skin a squirrel.
為了演好那個角色,Lawrence 真的去學砍木頭跟扒松鼠皮
If you haven't seen the scene in which she does the latter, we don't recommend it. It's really not very pleasant on the eyes.
如果你沒有看過她扒松鼠皮的那幕,我們不建議你去看啦... 其實真的有點不太舒服
Jesse Eisenberg, magic tricks for "Now You See Me."
Jesse Eisenberg 在《出神入化》中的魔術表演
In 2013 heist thriller "Now You See Me," Jesse Eisenberg played Danny Atlas, aka, The Lover.
在 2013 年的偷竊驚悚片《出神入化》之中,Jesse Eisenberg 飾演 Danny Atlas,又被稱為 The Lovers
Atlas was an arrogant illusionist street magician and a member of the magic group known as The Four Horsemen.
Atlas 是個傲慢的街頭幻覺魔術師,也是四騎士魔術師團其中一員
And Eisenberg actually learned some magic and sleight-of-hand tricks for the movie.
Eisenberg 也真的為這部電影學了一些魔術還有把戲
About what he had learned, Eisenberg said, "I'm better than I was before the movie started but not good enough to do them in public.
問到他學了什麼的時候,Eisenberg 說「我比開始這部電影之前厲害多了,但是還不到可以公開表演的程度」
My character has been practicing since he was 8 years old, so he's been working on the same tricks every single day, 8 hours a day.
To get as good as my character is, I would have to start 20 years ago."
Adrien Brody, the piano for "The Pianist."
Adrien Brody 在《戰地琴人》中的鋼琴技巧
Given the plot and indeed the title of 2002's "The Pianist,"
從 2002 《戰地琴人》的劇情跟電影名稱
it should come as no surprise to learn that the movie star, Adrien Brody, had to learn to play the piano
不難猜到男主角 Adrien Brody 為了要演好電影裡面的波蘭籍鋼琴家跟古典作曲家 Władysław Szpilman
for his role in the movie as polish pianist and classical composer Władysław Szpilman.
What might be surprising is the extent he went to learn it. Brody went fully method for the role,
會令人感到意外的應該是他投入的程度。Brody 完完全全的投入那個角色
telling BBC, "I gave up my apartment, I sold my car, I disconnected the phones and I left. I took 2 bags and my keyboard and moved to Europe."
他告訴 BBC「我賣掉公寓跟車子,丟掉手機然後出走。我帶著兩個袋子跟我的鍵盤然後搬去歐洲。」
His effort certainly paid off as he won the Academy Award for best actor for his performance.
Daniel Day-Lewis, tracking, hunting and skinning animals for "The Last of the Mohicans."
Daniel Day-Lewis,在《大地英豪》中追蹤、獵殺動物(還有剝皮)
Daniel Day-Lewis is, of course, known for his method acting.
Daniel Day-Lewis 當然因為他的方法派演技獲得好評
It's the main reason he's won 3 Best Actor Oscars after all.
But the English Irish star went above and beyond to perfect his performance for the 1992 adventure drama masterpiece "The Last of the Mohicans."
但是這位英國-愛爾蘭裔明星演員為了完美詮釋他在 1992 年冒險劇情大作《大地英豪》的演出付出了很大的心血
Day-Lewis actually lived outdoors as a survivalist, as an extreme form of preparation to play Nathaniel Poe,
Day-Lewis 為了演好 Nathaniel Poe(又名「鷹眼」,是 mohawk 部落最後一位酋長領養的白人小孩)
aka Hawkeye, the white adopted son of the last chief of the Mohawkan tribe.
In the movie, the actor picked up a very useful skill in the process as well, he learned how to hunt his own food.
Margot Robbie, holding her breath for 5 minutes for "Suicide Squad."
Margot Robbie 為了演好《自殺突擊隊》學會在水中憋氣五分鐘
There's a scene in 2016's "Suicide Squad" in which the Joker's purple Lamborghini ends up in some water with him and Harley Quinn still inside.
在 2016 年的《自殺突擊隊》當中有一幕是小丑把載著他跟 Harley Quinn 的紫色藍寶堅尼開進水裡
He escapes, but Harley is left halfway through the windshield sprawled across the bonnet
他自己逃出來了,但是 Harley 被擋風玻璃卡住然後趴在引擎蓋上
and Batman has to swim to the bottom of the water to rescue her.
The scene only required actress Margot Robbie to be underwater for 1 minute, but she trained herself to hold her breath for 5,
Margot Robbie 為了這一幕其實只需要在水裡憋氣一分鐘,但是她練到可以憋到五分鐘
telling Jimmy Fallon, "it's all about lowering your metabolic rate, you kinda like meditate underwater.
她告訴 Jimmy Fallon「你必須要降低自己的代謝率,就像是在水裡打坐一樣。
It's what freedivers do, but it's amazing. I got to 5 minutes and I was like, you know what,
this is above and beyond what I thought I'd get to. I'm good, I'm good with 5."
Thanks for watching our video about 10 crazy skills actors had to learn for movie roles.
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