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  • MURRAY: Hi, I'm Murray from Sesame Street,

  • and I'm looking for the Word on the Street.

  • What's the Word on the Street?

  • GIRL: Respect.

  • MURRAY: What does the word respect mean?

  • GIRL: Treating people the way you want to be treated.

  • BOY: You want the people to feel like they're being cared for.

  • GIRL: You treat them kindly.

  • MAN: You make them feel that they're wanted.

  • MURRAY: And who should we treat with respect?

  • WOMAN: Everybody

  • MURRAY: Keep listening for the word respect today

  • on Sesame Street.

  • GIRL: Respect.

  • MURRAY: That's the word on the street.

  • HENRY: Hi, I'm Henry.

  • ELMO: Oh, and Elmo is Elmo.

  • HENRY: And we're here to tell you all about the word respect.

  • ELMO: Yeah.

  • R-E-S-P-E-C-T, baby.

  • HENRY: That spells respect.

  • ELMO: Yeah.

  • HENRY: And the word respect means treating someone

  • in a way that makes them feel cared for and important.

  • PIGS: Help!

  • Help!

  • Help!

  • BIG BAD WOLF: Stop, you piggies!

  • HENRY: Whoa, guys.

  • What's going on here?

  • PIG: The Big Bad Wolf wants to huff--

  • PIG: And puff--

  • PIG: And blow our respective houses in!

  • ELMO: Oh no, well, Mr. Big Bad Wolf can't do that.

  • BIG BAD WOLF: Oh, sure I can.

  • I'm the Big Bad Wolf, you know.

  • ELMO: Yeah, but today's word is respect.


  • HENRY: So, respect means treating someone

  • in a way that makes them feel cared for and import.

  • ELMO: That's right.

  • BIG BAD WOLF: So does that mean I

  • should treat the piggies with respect?

  • HENRY: It would be the right thing to do.

  • ELMO: Yeah.

  • And also it would help teach everybody today's word.


  • Then in the name of vocabulary, I

  • shall treat the piggies with respect.

  • HENRY: Good choice, Big Bad.

  • PIG: Where's he going?

  • BIG BAD WOLF: There you go, Piggies.

  • PIG: Wow!

  • PIG: It's a cake that says, "Piggies rock!"

  • PIG: I feel cared for.

  • PIG: And important.

  • HENRY: That's respect.

  • ELMO: Yeah, respect.

  • PIGS: We love you, Big Bad!


  • Hey.

  • Now I feel cared for and important.

  • HENRY: That's respect.

  • ELMO: Yeah, respect.

  • BIG BAD WOLF: Well, thanks for teaching me about respect,

  • you guys.

  • PIGS: You guys are the best.

  • PIG: Come here, you.

  • HENRY: Now I feel cared for and important.

  • ELMO: Yeah, Elmo, too.

  • HENRY: That's

  • ALL: Respect!

  • TELLY: Hit it, safety chickens!


  • playing with your friends in your school or on your street,

  • there's a rule you must remember-- a requirement

  • to meet.

  • This rule will keep us safe so we don't do each other harm.

  • It's what our mama taught us when we grew up on the farm.

  • She said,


  • BABY BEAR: Huh?

  • What does that mean?


  • give a peck for safety and respect.

  • Safety and respect.

  • Oh, give a a peck for safety and respect.

  • Safety and respect.

  • BABY BEAR: So what's respect, chickens?

  • CHICKEN: Good question!



  • is when you treat people fair.

  • You make them feel important, and you show them

  • that you care.

  • ROSITA: How do you do that?

  • CHICKEN: I'm glad you asked.

  • SAFETY CHICKENS: [SINGING] Don't hit with your hands.


  • Don't kick with your legs.


  • You might hurt someone.


  • Or you might break your best friend's eggs.

  • Don't use your arms to push someone to the ground.

  • Respect your friends and neighbors.

  • Neighbors.

  • And everyone around!

  • Yeah!


  • Which means


  • Show safety and respect.

  • Safety and respect.

  • Oh, give a peck for safety and respect.

  • Safety and respect.

  • Oh, give a peck.

  • Show safety and respect.

  • Safety and respect, please.

  • CHICKEN: All right, is everyone clear about safety and respect?

  • BABY BEAR: Oh, yeah.

  • No hitting.

  • ROSITA: No kicking.

  • BOTH: And no pushing.

  • CHICKEN: Mhm.

  • They got the rules.

  • CHICKEN: Well, looks like our work here is done.


  • CHICKEN: Be careful!

  • NARRATOR: It's Global Thingy!


  • NARRATOR: Hi, Global Thingy.


  • He's cute.


  • Let's see what's happening.

  • It's a concert.

  • Listen to the music.


  • PHONE: Hello?

  • NARRATOR: Come on, you can't talk during a concert.

  • Think of the people around you.

  • Show some respect.

  • They're moving.

  • That's good.

  • Let's listen again.

  • PHONE: Bye bye.

  • Hey, where'd they go?

  • Huh.



  • NARRATOR: Ah, come on!

  • You're not thinking about everybody around you.

  • You're not showing any respect.


  • PHONE: Hello?


  • NARRATOR: How would you like it if people

  • were interrupting you?

  • PHONE: Huh?

  • Shh.

  • NARRATOR: Doesn't feel too good, does it?

  • ALL: Shh.

  • VOICE ON PHONE: Can you hear me?

  • PHONE: Oh, gotta go.

  • ALL: Thank you.


  • Now everyone is showing respect.


  • GLOBAL THINGY: Bye bye.

  • MURRAY: What does the word respect mean?

  • MAN: Respect is when you treat someone like you care for them.

  • WOMAN: You treat them special.

  • WOMAN: To appreciate and value others.

  • MURRAY: Who do you show respect to?

  • BOY: My parents.

  • My teachers.

  • GIRL: My uncle, my aunts.

  • BOY: My friends in my classroom.

  • WOMAN: A sign of respect would be

  • making sure not to hurt your friend's feelings.

  • BOY: If you meet somebody, shaking their hands.

  • BOY: Calling the person Mr. and Mrs.

  • GIRL: If someone's talking to you,

  • you respectfully listen to them.

  • BOY: Respect.

  • MURRAY: That's the Word on the Street.

  • You're being respectful because I'm talking,

  • and you're listening.

  • Way to show respect.

  • USHER: Hi, I'm Usher.

  • BERT: And I'm Bert.

  • USHER: And we're here to tell you about the word unique.

  • BERT: Yes, unique.

  • One of my favorite words.

  • USHER: Unique happens to be one of my favorite words,

  • too, Bert.

  • BERT: No, you're kidding.

  • Wow.

  • Well, it seems we've got a lot in common then, Usher.

MURRAY: Hi, I'm Murray from Sesame Street,


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芝麻街。尊重(街頭播客) (Sesame Street: Respect (Word on the Street Podcast))

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    葉偉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日