字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 (festive music) (節日應景音樂) - [Kristina] Hi everyone, Kristina here. [克莉絲汀娜]哈囉,大家好,我是克莉絲汀娜 Welcome to Day 18 of the Holiday Card series for 2016. 歡迎來到二零一六年的節日卡片系列第十八天 Today I'm going to be making a card completely from scratch. 今天我要一切從零開始,創造出一張卡片 I'm not using any stamps or dies. 我不會使用任何印章或模具 I'll be watercoloring the entire card. 卡片製作全程都會使用水彩上色 You see my sketch up there on the top corner. 你可以看見我在卡片紙上畫了草圖 I had a little idea for what I wanted my card to look like. 因為我已經大致想好卡片的設計小點子了 So I'm sketching it out onto some Arches watercolor paper, 所以就直接把草稿畫在法國「Arches」牌水彩畫紙上 and just with a really light pencil. 輕輕地用鉛筆勾勒出雛形 Now, I'm taking some Drawing Gum, or masking fluid, 現在,我要使用一些繪製膠或是留白膠 and I'm going to mask off the two mittens 把膠塗抹在兩個手套上 as well as all of the words. 也塗在文字上 And I'm doing this because I want those areas to be white 塗上繪製膠的原因是,我想要把那些區域留白 so that I can paint on top. 這樣一來,當我把其他顏料塗到想留白的區域時,才不會受到影響 The words in particular, I'm going to keep white completely. 特別是文字部分,我想要完全留白 I want them to be nice and bright compared to the outside color that I'll be adding later. 我想和稍後即將上的背景顏色作為對比,將文字營造出好看、明亮的感覺 So, I needed to make sure that I masked that on. 因此,我必須確認文字區域有塗上繪製膠 If you were to do something like this, 如果你也想要使用這樣的「留白手法」 and you don't have masking fluid, 但你身邊並沒有繪製膠的話 you could go around the mittens, 可以直接繞過「手套」圖案位置 and then use a white acrylic paint, or gouache, 接著使用白色的丙烯酸塗料或是樹膠水彩(譯註:俗稱「不透明水彩」) something opaque to paint on the lettering afterward 在上卡片被景色後,再把文字的地方用不透明顏料塗白 instead of having to mask off the lettering. 這樣就不用在文字區域塗上繪製膠了 So while that masking fluid was drying, 在等待繪製膠風乾的同時 I taped my watercolor piece down to a board, 我把水彩顏料擠到水彩盤上 and I also tested out some different colors of watercolors 我也測試了不同的水彩顏色 just to get the colors of watercolors exactly where I wanted them. 配置出我最想要的卡片顏色佈局 After it was dry, all of the masking fluid, 等到所有的繪製膠都風乾後 I started to go in with my background color. 我開始塗上卡片的背景顏色 And I'm using sort of like a muted aqua teal. 我也使用了類似灰綠色當作背景色 It's kind of a really, kind of dusty kind of color once it's dry. 等到顏料漸漸乾掉後,看起來就會像是「塵埃色」 I want to have this as the background color. 我想要用灰綠色當作卡片的背景色 It's going to be creating kind of a shape around the entire picture around the mittens and also the words. 這會塑造出整張卡片的色調,圍繞著手套圖案與文字區域 I wanted to do this because 我之所以會這樣設計是因為 I didn't want it to have just a plain white background. 我不想要卡片的背景是一片死白 I wanted it to have a little bit of color 我想要卡片背景有點顏色襯托 so it would give it some tone. 定出卡片的主視覺 I'm just using this shade all over the entire area. 我想要用這樣的陰影色塗滿整個背景區域 I'm watering down some areas using a little bit less paint, 我也把筆沾上一點水,暈染在一些背景區塊 so that I have some different interest. 這樣可以讓畫面看起來較不單調 I'm also going to do a second coat, 接著我準備塗上第二層 dropping in some darker areas of that paint. 把顏料點在一些在構圖內屬於陰影的區塊 Just so that it spreads around, 任顏料隨意擴散 and I get a little bit of variation in color. 這樣顏色看起來就比較有變化了 I'm using the same shade for this. 在文字區域也同樣使用這樣的手法 I'm just watering it down a little bit. 用筆沾水進行暈染 So I'm not gonna get a huge difference in color, 這樣就不會讓顏色彼此太過突兀 and you'll be able to see that once I have it dry. 等到我把顏料烘乾,你就可以看見效果了 You can see there are a couple dry patches, 你可以看見有一些乾掉的區塊 but it's not really a big difference in color. 但並沒有和原先顏色有太大的差異 So, I decided to go over it with a second coat of paint. 所以,我決定再塗上第二層 In some areas, I'm just adding water, 在一些地方,我只加水 and in others I'll be adding a little bit of a darker paint color. 在另一些地方,則加上深一點的顏色 Just less water, more pigment. 水少一點,顏料多一點 This is going to give it a little bit of interest. 這樣畫面看起來就會更為生動了 I also wanted to soften those edges around the shape a little bit, 我也要把四個邊角稍微「柔焦化」 and that second coat of paint did that. 藉著塗上第二層顏料,來達成我想要的柔焦效果 So after it was completely dry, 等到顏料完全乾掉後 I'm gonna go ahead and remove the masking fluid. 接下來就是要去除繪製膠 The thing with masking fluid that you have to remember is 上繪製膠的要訣是 you never go on to the next step unless everything is dry. 在所有顏料都完全乾掉以前,絕對不進行下一步驟 So after you apply it, you have to let it completely dry. 所以塗上繪製膠後,你必須等它全乾 And then after you paint it, 接著塗上顏料後 you have to let it completely dry. 你也必須要等到顏料全乾 And then you can remove the masking fluid. 最後才能去除繪製膠 I'm using a Xyron adhesive eraser 我使用日本「Xyron」牌的黏性橡皮擦 to help me remove all that masking fluid. 幫我去除繪製膠 So now I'm going to start painting on the red areas on the mittens. 現在我準備使用紅色顏料塗上手套圖案的一些區域 I'm going to do this in a variety of different ways. 我要採用很多不同手法來設計手套圖案 I'm going to do it in flat washes, 使用水平上色手法 as well as adding some more masking fluid, 也會再使用繪製膠 and just doing some simple designs. 進行一些簡單的設計 So I've dropped in some plain colors of red. 所以如你所見,我已經塗上一些紅色色塊了 Now, I'm going to do kind of a little zigzag shape. 現在,我要繪製些鋸齒花紋 And I'm going to have the zigzag be white. 把鋸齒的地方留白 So I'm going to start by painting the top of the zigzag, 塗上上方鋸齒所形成的倒三角形 and then I'll go ahead and paint the bottom. 一路塗到底 I don't think this design is particularly difficult, 我覺得這樣的設計並不算太困難 I think most people, 我想大多數人 if they break it down into steps, 如果把流程分解成不同步驟 could probably create a card similar to this. 可以創造出和我非常雷同的卡片設計 It's all just a matter of slowing down, 只是需要放慢的功夫 being patient with yourself, 對自己有點耐心 and giving yourself plenty of time to work on this card. 空下時間來製作這張卡片 I think most people could do it, 我想多數人都可以做到 especially if you simplify the mitten even more. 特別是如果你簡化了手套的繪製設計 So I'm adding some masking fluid details, 接著,我要在一些細節設計塗上繪製膠 some snowflakes, or stars, and then also some dots. 雪花圖案、星星圖案,然後是一些點點圖案 I let that dry. 等這些區域風乾 And I'm going to add in a very light wash of red, 而後我用很輕的筆觸塗上一點紅色 kind of a more muted tone of red, 比較偏向冷色調的紅色 over the top of the snowflakes. 覆蓋在雪花圖案上 And this one on the left was dry before the one on the right. 左邊區塊已經乾了,但右邊區塊還沒有乾 So I'm going to move on to adding some darker details on the wristbands of the mittens. 然後,我要把手套上的手腕處等細節的顏色再加深 Then I went around the mittens, 我拿筆描繪手套圖案邊框 and I added a little bit of a shadow. 再加一點陰影上去 I wanted to give these a little bit more character, 我想要讓卡片看起來有個性一點 make them look like they're standing up off of that page. 看起來就像躍然而上 So, just adding a little bit of a darker area. 所以我再把部分背景加深 I did the same with the lettering down below, 文字區域也是 just adding some shading. 在文字區域加上陰影 And I tried to make it look like, 我試著讓畫面看起來 or I thought in my mind to help me do this, 或是我下意識希望這麼做 that the light was coming from the upper left corner. 這樣可以營造出燈光從左上角打下來的感覺 So, as long as I had the light beam down from the upper left corner, 所以,一旦我讓燈光看起來像是從左上角往下照射 I knew where I needed to place my shadows. 我就知道該在哪些地方打上陰影了 So I painted in some additional dark areas of red. 再把深紅色上在一些地方 And then made sure everything was completely dry, 並確保顏料都已全乾 before I removed those dots and snowflakes that I drew with masking fluid. 在去除上過繪製膠的點點和雪花前 Used my heat tool to speed up the drying process. 使用我的加熱工具加速顏料能快乾 You could definitely just let this air dry if you want. 你當然也可以自然風乾 But I wanted to make sure everything was bone dry before I removed the masking fluid. 但在去除繪製膠前,我想確保每個地方真的都達到百分之百全乾 So I'm removing that masking fluid once again with a Xyron adhesive eraser. 接著再次用黏性橡皮擦去除繪製膠 This just helps me grab all of the masking fluid, and makes sure I get it 黏性橡皮擦可以協助我去掉所有的繪製膠,確保所有的膠 all off my watercolor piece. 都不會附著在卡片上 I'm almost done here. 已經完成的差不多了 I'm just going to add a few more details onto the mittens. 接下來只要在手套上再加些細節 I've realized that that large area at the top of the mittens was 我覺得手套上部 a little bit too flat for me, 對我來說很像太單調了點 so I thought I would add just a couple stripes in the darker red shade. 所以想要再加上幾條暗紅色橫紋 So, I removed it from my board. 所以我把卡片從「工作墊板」上取下 I took off all that blue tape. 去掉所有的藍膠帶 And I trimmed it down to 4 1/4 wide 我把寬邊裁切成四點二五英尺 by 6 1/4 tall. 長邊則是六點二五英尺 And this is basically 3/4 of an inch short from each direction of a 5x7 card. 這樣大概就是一張五乘七大小的卡片各邊縮放四分之三的大小 I then created a 5x7 card base out of some 接著我另外製作五乘七打小的卡片基底 Simon Says Stamp schoolhouse red card stock. 基底的紙是「Simon Says Stamp」牌的「Schoolhouse red」(譯註:紙的色號)原色卡片紙 I just scored that at five inches 我大概量了五英尺 to create a side-folding 5x7 card. 設計出一張單面五乘七大小的卡片 And then I adhered my watercolor piece 接著把剛剛用水彩畫好的圖 down onto the card base using some foam tape. 貼在黏好泡棉膠的卡片紙基底上 I decided to add a little bit of shimmer using a clear Wink of Stella glitter brush pen. 我決定再使用一支乾淨的「Wink of Stella」牌閃亮畫筆在卡片上加些亮粉 I just went over a few of those red areas, 只大約帶過紅色區塊 and it's hard to see in photos, 現在你們可能很難用肉眼從影片中看到 but in real life there's a little bit of shimmer. 但實際看成品,是看得到亮粉的 So, that's the card for today. 所以這就是今日的卡片製作教學 Hope you guys enjoyed. 希望大家會喜歡 I will see you very soon for Day 19 of the Holiday Card series. 我們很快會在節慶卡片系列第十九天再相見 Until then, thanks so much for watching, 謝謝你一直以來的收看 and I'll catch you guys next time. 我們下次見! (festive music) (節日應景音樂)
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 卡片 顏料 手套 繪製 圖案 文字 2016年假日卡系列--第18天 (Holiday Card Series 2016 - Day 18) 254 24 a203314 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字