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  • Please welcome Tomi Lahren.

  • -♪ ♪ -(cheering, applause)

  • Thanks. Thank you.

  • I'm in the lion's den, Trevor.

  • I am not a lion at all.

  • Is that, like, an African thing? No. Um, welcome to the show.

  • Be-Before we get into it, uh, I-I know who you are,

  • because I-I... my Facebook feed has you in it.

  • Uh, there are a lot of people who don't, so if you don't

  • know Tomi Lahren, this is a little taste of her show.

  • The protesters are still out in force, but let's be honest--

  • they're not protesters, they're crybabies with nothing better

  • to do than meander around the streets

  • with their participation trophies and false sense

  • of purpose. This isn't for Hillary.

  • I'm not even sure this is against Trump.

  • It's the same thing we've seen time and time again

  • with these so-called protesters and demonstrators.

  • It started with the Occupy Wall Street brats,

  • moved on to the more militant and overtly aggressive

  • Black Lives Matter More crowd,

  • cycled through the DNC-paid violence instigators

  • and now here we are, November of 2016,

  • with President-elect Donald Trump and a crowd

  • of misfit babies formed from every failed movement,

  • all sandwiched together to become the largest group

  • of whiners the country has ever seen.

  • -All right... -Pretty much covers it, doesn't it, Trevor?

  • Quick question-- like, why are you so angry?

  • I'm actually not that angry. It's just there's things

  • that need to be said, Trevor, and a lot of people

  • -are afraid to say 'em. -In an...

  • in an angry way. I mean, you can't say you're not angry

  • and, I mean, this is-this is what you're known for.

  • It's a strange thing to say-- "I'm not angry"--

  • but that is the one thing... It's like Ellen saying,

  • "I don't like dancing." It's like, yeah, you do, Ellen.

  • You do. You-you are angry about everything, it seems.

  • Some of these people just need to be called on their (bleep).

  • -You know? I mean, when... -What-what... But when you say

  • "your (bleep)," what in particular?

  • -Well, when you're... -'Cause this is the-this is the thing--

  • protesting a, you know, fair and free election...

  • that, to me, you-you're gonna get called on your (bleep)

  • a little bit. It's time to clear the streets, it's time

  • to accept reality, it's time to move on,

  • time to make America great again.

  • -You consider yourself a conservative. -I do.

  • -Okay. -I mean, a millennial, so I don't really like labels.

  • -But, yes, I'm conservative in thought. -Sorry, my brain...

  • You just gave a label to say you don't like labels.

  • -But, anyway, um... -We exist on a spectrum, Trevor.

  • I mean, you're... Would you consider yourself a liberal?

  • That was just... that was just funny. That was just funny.

  • -It was just a funny moment. Um... -I'm a millennial.

  • -We can surprise you. -It's just... it's just funny.

  • Um, in terms of Black Lives Matter,

  • like, you know, you have quite a record...

  • For somebody who is not racist,

  • you have to spend a lot of time saying, "I'm not racist."

  • Uh... what is your biggest issue with Black Lives Matter?

  • I think-- and I've said this many times--

  • it started with good intentions.

  • I think it was. It was well-intentioned.

  • The moment that they started pushing "hands up,

  • don't shoot"-- which is a false narrative,

  • proven time and time again to be a false narrative--

  • the minute that that became their slogan,

  • the minute that protesting turned into rioting and looting

  • and burning and militant actions,

  • that's when I lost respect for Black Lives Matter.

  • Okay, but, now, here's my thing.

  • Let's address each of these things one by one.

  • When you go, protesting, turning into rioting and looting,

  • that's not a Black Lives Matter phenomenon.

  • That is what happens when there is a protest a lot of the time.

  • There are people who rioted and looted

  • when teams won in Chicago years ago.

  • It doesn't mean that they are now bad people.

  • That's what happens...

  • There are some bad people in every instance.

  • Going back to Black Lives Matter, though,

  • for you to say that... You say they have good intentions,

  • they had the good intentions.

  • How are you labeling out the actions of a few

  • and condemning an entire group? I don't understand that.

  • Because they subscribe to the Black Lives Matter movement.

  • They say, we are the Black Lives Matter movement,

  • fry 'em like bacon, "F" the police.

  • They are saying those things.

  • These are a few people. These are a few people.

  • This is not the Black Lives Matter pro...

  • -These are... these are... -That is not the platform, though.

  • I saw it in my... my city of Dallas.

  • I saw what a Black Lives Matter protest looked like.

  • And I saw five fallen officers because of it.

  • -So I've seen... -That's not fair and that's true.

  • -That's-that's not... -No, no, no, no, no, it is fair, Trevor,

  • because the shooter said, point blank shooter said,

  • he's doing this because of Black Lives Matter.

  • Yes, and there are many things you can say.

  • I mean, if you go outside,

  • you can say anything about doing something because of...

  • You cannot deny that the man had mental issues, as well,

  • and he was in a tough place.

  • Just because you say the thing doesn't mean

  • -it's what it stands for, right? -Do you feel emboldened?

  • Because you're the same person...

  • You're the same person who argued on your show

  • that just because Donald Trump has supporters from the KKK

  • doesn't mean he's in the KKK,

  • so it goes against that argument.

  • He didn't say... he didn't say... No. No.

  • -(applause and cheering) -It goes against that.

  • You can't say he did it because of.

  • No, but, he, the shooter said, "I am..."

  • Yes, but Black Lives Matter has never said

  • go out and shoot people.

  • I'm saying, you're saying this to your audience,

  • and I honestly do not understand where you're getting that from.

  • Just because a person...

  • What if somebody says, "I felt emboldened by Tomi Lahren,

  • and so I went out, and I shot black people"?

  • Are you now responsible? Is that your black...?

  • But it's not one... Trevor, it's not one or two people.

  • -If you look at it... -How many people is it?

  • If you look at it in every city,

  • -look at the protests that have gone on. -How many people is it?

  • In Baltimore, in Ferguson, in New York City,

  • the protests that have now turned to anti-Trump protests.

  • -These are not a few people. -Okay.

  • -This is mass crowds of people. -Okay.

  • They're doing this in the name of Michael Brown.

  • They're doing this in the name of Freddie Gray.

  • They're doing it as the front of Black Lives Matter,

  • and the mainstream media is emboldening these people.

  • Okay, so then let's use that same logic

  • that you're using, then, and then go, police.

  • Are the police racist? Because police in many cities...

  • You look at Baltimore,

  • or you look at what happened in New York,

  • you look at what happened in the case of Walter Scott.

  • You tell me, are police racist?

  • Because they've been shown to harass black people unfairly.

  • They've been shown to shoot black people

  • when they're unarmed. Does that mean the police are racist then?

  • Because that's the same logic you're using.

  • -It's really not, though, Trevor, because... -It is.

  • the mainstream media is not emboldening them as a group.

  • -(groaning, booing) -It's not. And did you know

  • that a black man is 18.5 times more likely

  • to shoot a police officer than a police officer is

  • to shoot a black man? Those are statistics

  • -no one wants to talk about. -(booing, groaning)

  • Here's the thing. So, let me ask you this, then.

  • If you say, as you said when you walked out,

  • "I'm not as mean as people think I am,

  • I'm not the person that people think I am,"

  • what do you wish people would understand about you

  • that are in another bubble?

  • What do you wish people would understand about you

  • on the other side?

  • I wish that we could disagree with each other

  • without thinking that we are bad people or ill-intentioned folks.

  • So because I criticize a black person

  • or I criticize the Black Lives Matter movement,

  • that doesn't mean that I am anti-black.

  • It does not mean that I don't like black people,

  • or that I'm a racist.

  • It means I'm criticizing a movement.

  • I criticize Colin Kaepernick.

  • That doesn't mean that I don't believe

  • in his First Amendment rights.

  • It means that I believe in my First Amendment rights

  • to criticize him.

  • So it doesn't make me a bad person,

  • it doesn't make me a racist to point out...

  • I mean, I've never used racial slurs to address people.

  • I've never looked down on someone

  • because of their skin color.

  • To me, true diversity is diversity of thought,

  • not diversity of color. I don't see color.

  • I go after Hillary Clinton,

  • -(laughter, groaning) -and she's as white as they come.

  • You don't... you don't see color?

  • So what do you do at a traffic light?

  • -(laughter, applause & cheering) -I don't believe in that at all,

  • when people say that.

  • There's nothing wrong with seeing color.

  • It's how you treat color that's more important.

  • -You're right. It is. -Here's my thing.

  • Like, all these points that you make are great,

  • and I do believe that you believe them.

  • And I don't believe anyone is actively trying...

  • There are a few people who are trying

  • to be bad from their point of view.

  • But when I look at what you're saying,

  • you say you're not pushing a racist narrative,

  • you're not... you're criticizing.

  • Do you really believe you're criticizing

  • and you're not mal-intentioned when you say things like

  • Black Lives Matter is the new KKK?

  • Because you realize Black Lives Matter can't be the new KKK,

  • the KKK is still around.

  • -They have not vacated their premises, -(clears throat)

  • -(applause) -and most importantly,

  • to say Black Lives Matter is the new KKK is... like,

  • to really, really minimize what the KKK did

  • and what they stand for-- that is not the same thing.

  • Surely you understand the incendiary, like...

  • -But... -feeling of your comments. You know that, surely.

  • It's controversial, but I think there are some things

  • that need to be said, and when the Black Lives Matter movement

  • is going out with signs saying, "Fry 'em like bacon,

  • F the police," when they're going out saying

  • if you see a white person, target them...

  • That is happening, Trevor.

  • That happened in Milwaukee not too long ago.

  • That is happening. So when that now becomes the narrative

  • and you're starting to loot, burn and riot,

  • -what did the KKK do? -That is not...

  • Look, we'll go around in circles...

  • Did you say, "What did the KKK do?"

  • No. What did they do? When you're saying...

  • -(laughter) -Wow. -Listen, listen... Trevor...

  • -Wow. -Trevor, when you're saying...

  • when there are people in the street saying

  • if you see a white person, beat their ass...

  • does that not sound reminiscent of the KKK

  • -or their motives to you? -Is that the narrative

  • of Black Lives Matter, or are there people

  • who are saying that within a crowd of other human beings?

  • There is a distinction between a movement and the people.

  • That is something that we keep coming back to.

  • But let's go back to what you were saying

  • on Colin Kaepernick and the National Anthem.

  • This is something I don't understand,

  • and I... when I watch your videos,

  • I go... I truly do not understand.

  • You say... Colin Kaepernick is exercising

  • his First Amendment rights, and you are exercising

  • your First Amendment rights in criticizing him.

  • -Mm-hmm. -So what you're saying is...

  • "You have the right to say anything you want, so shut up."

  • No. Not at all.

  • I'm saying I don't agree with what he did.

  • -Yes. -I think that he went about it the wrong way.

  • -I don't think he understands... -What is the right way?

  • When people say that, I'm always fascinated.

  • What is the right way? So, here's a black man in America

  • who says, I don't know how to get a message across.

  • If I march in the streets, people say I'm a thug,

  • if I go out and I protest, people say that it's a riot,

  • if I bend down on one knee, then it's... What is the right way?

  • That is something I've always wanted to know.

  • What is the right way for a black person

  • -(applause, cheering) -to get attention in America?

  • Taking it out...

  • Trevor...

  • taking it out on our flag and our National Anthem,

  • -to me... -But how?

  • Why would you take out

  • your perceived oppression of black people

  • out on the National Anthem and our flag?

  • A country that you live in, a country that you benefit from,

  • a country that people of all races have died for,

  • have died to protect, have died for the vote,

  • died to be enfranchised by this nation,

  • how do you then go and disrespect the flag

  • and the anthem of that country?

  • -Why is that the outlet? -Well, maybe you're a person

  • who's lived and read through history,

  • and you realize that a lot of those people of every color

  • who died for this country, some of them didn't have the rights

  • that their fellow servicemen had

  • when they came back to the country after fighting for it.

  • And that flag means a lot to those folks, too.

  • Maybe you're one of those people who realizes

  • that the penal system in America was designed

  • to oppress black people, it was designed to enslave people,

  • it is a relic of slavery.

  • Maybe you're one of those people.

  • So what I don't understand is, a guy is kneeling in the corner,

  • I don't understand why that offends you so much.

  • It's not even like he's trying to sing over you.

  • If he was doing that, he's like, ♪ O say... ♪

  • O say can me see! No. He's singing...

  • He's not... he's not doing anything that affects you.

  • I don't understand why it gets to you.

  • I genuinely don't. He's in a corner,

  • kneeling by himself-- why does that offend you so much?

  • For me, I know what that flag means to me,

  • I know what that flag means to those that are fighting

  • for our country right now-- it's bigger than a piece of cloth.

  • It's a symbol of patriotism.

  • Our National Anthem has meant a lot to a lot of people,

  • it's got a lot of people through very hard times,

  • and this country, it's got its scars,

  • it's got its wounds, it's got its history,

  • but I still believe it's the greatest nation

  • on the face of the Earth, and I believe

  • if you live in this country, you can want to better it,

  • but to disrespect our flag and our anthem,

  • in that way, and that be your outlet

  • to get out whatever aggression you have,

  • whether it be passive or active aggression,

  • I disagree with it.

  • And so he has every right to do it--

  • that's his First Amendment rights,

  • and I agree with his First Amendment right to do it--

  • I don't agree with what he did.

  • So because I don't agree with what he did,

  • then now I should shut up? Because I'm white?

  • So I should shut up? I shouldn't be able to talk

  • about black issues 'cause I'm white?

  • No one brought up whites at all.

  • I never said that. I don't see color.

  • -I... -(laughter)

  • I don't think that that's what the argument is.

  • What I'm saying is... I asked you one question,

  • and that is: How should a black person

  • bring up their grievances?

  • That's all I ask. How?

  • If that's not the right way, if marching isn't the right way,

  • what is the right way?

  • When you talk... What he said was,

  • he is protesting the anthem and the flag

  • because of the oppression of black people

  • -in this country. -Yes.

  • I would like him to further explain

  • what he's talking about when he's discussing

  • -the black oppression in this country. -Which he has.

  • Also, is it against police? Is it against the government?

  • I'm not sure what oppression he's discussing.

  • I would love to have him come on my show

  • and discuss it with me.

  • To me, when you make the flag and you make the anthem

  • the outlet for your anger,

  • or the outlet through which you're going to protest

  • your country that you live in, you reside in,

  • that you take $19 million a year from,

  • I don't think that that is the correct outlet for your anger.

  • So, what is he protesting?

  • Again, you haven't answered my question of how...

  • -how you want black people... -So...

  • I'm just asking how. And I'm asking you...

  • honestly, I'm not saying in a challenging way--

  • I'm saying to you, I don't know the answer

  • apart from these methods, so I would like to know

  • if you've ever thought of a how.

  • Because you're the first person I've met who's said this.

  • I've seen this message online.

  • I'm not labeling you as "the bad person."

  • I just want to know if you've ever thought of the how.

  • That's all I want to know.

  • For me, I think there are a lot of folks in this country,

  • I, being a woman, um, I didn't have rights after black people,

  • until women got the right to vote,

  • but because I feel like I'm a woman,

  • and I'm marginalized in some way,

  • I don't protest my country.

  • I don't see what he's protesting.

  • -I would like to know exactly what he is protesting. -So...

  • -It's a very... -So how do you-- No, no.

  • -How do you protest, then? That's what... -I don't protest.

  • Because I'm not a victim.

  • I guess we can, we can go back and forth

  • on a lot of these issues, um...

  • It's-it's an interesting place to be in,

  • because, honestly, y-you've won, you know.

  • Like, your side has won, as you say, you know.

  • The liberal snowflakes are melting

  • in the streets as they protest.

  • And now I would like to know from your side, genuinely,

  • as someone who's won, do you believe

  • that Donald Trump will follow through on his promises?

  • I will be a vocal opponent if he doesn't.

  • I am not somebody that gets on the cheerleading bandwagon.

  • If he does something I disagree with, I will discuss it.

  • I did before I was a Trump supporter,

  • I was critical of Trump.

  • I was a Marco Rubio girl for a long time,

  • and then I started to see that was gonna be our nominee.

  • And I said it's him or Hillary.

  • -A lot of Americans were in that position. -Yeah.

  • And then I got closer to the campaign,

  • and I started seeing some of the things he was saying,

  • and I started seeing the effect he was having on people,

  • and the things that he was saying that was touching people,

  • -and making them feel like they... -He was touching people.

  • -Yeah. He was. -(laughter)

  • He really was.

  • Hillary could use some of that every now and then, right?

  • Bill's a little busy, Bill's a little busy.

  • I appreciate you being on the show.

  • Thank you so much for being here.

  • -Thank you, Trevor. -It is, a...

  • a conversation we should continue having, uh, having.

  • You can find, uh, Tomi's Final Thoughts

  • at

Please welcome Tomi Lahren.


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每日秀--托米-拉倫--在 "托米 "上為美國保守派發聲。 (The Daily Show - Tomi Lahren - Giving a Voice to Conservative America on "Tomi")

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