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You know, when you're trying to play a game, one thing you want to always have in your
arsenal, is shooting the ball. The first thing you want to do when you're shooting a ball,
is there are several steps, and I talked about it a little earlier, several steps. Spelling
the letter beef, the B stands for balance. Get your feet together, square them to the
basket. The E, stands for elbows up. Get your elbows up. Place your elbow directly on that
rim, in the middle of that rim, if you can, right there. The second E stands for eyes
on target, because you've got to focus on the basket. Just like any other sport, keep
your eyes on the target, and then the last step, the F is for follow through. Now, another
thing you want to make sure you do is, whenever you're shooting a basketball, you want to
make sure, try to, because a lot of times in games, you don't have time to make that
adjustment. You want to try to make sure the lines are going horizontally, with your body.
You want to place your hands right there. Maybe the fingertips, right on that line,
or somewhere in that general vicinity, so your other hand, your off hand will go on
the side, just as a support, but you're actually shooting with that right hand. The last step,
you want to follow through. Flick your wrists, just like that.If you shoot it properly, it
should be a backwards rotation, and the ball should go directly in, and if you do hit part
of the rim, that's the purpose of the backwards rotation, is so that if it hits part of the
rim, it will still go in. A little something like this. That's shooting the ball.