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  • You know, when you're trying to play a game, one thing you want to always have in your

  • arsenal, is shooting the ball. The first thing you want to do when you're shooting a ball,

  • is there are several steps, and I talked about it a little earlier, several steps. Spelling

  • the letter beef, the B stands for balance. Get your feet together, square them to the

  • basket. The E, stands for elbows up. Get your elbows up. Place your elbow directly on that

  • rim, in the middle of that rim, if you can, right there. The second E stands for eyes

  • on target, because you've got to focus on the basket. Just like any other sport, keep

  • your eyes on the target, and then the last step, the F is for follow through. Now, another

  • thing you want to make sure you do is, whenever you're shooting a basketball, you want to

  • make sure, try to, because a lot of times in games, you don't have time to make that

  • adjustment. You want to try to make sure the lines are going horizontally, with your body.

  • You want to place your hands right there. Maybe the fingertips, right on that line,

  • or somewhere in that general vicinity, so your other hand, your off hand will go on

  • the side, just as a support, but you're actually shooting with that right hand. The last step,

  • you want to follow through. Flick your wrists, just like that.If you shoot it properly, it

  • should be a backwards rotation, and the ball should go directly in, and if you do hit part

  • of the rim, that's the purpose of the backwards rotation, is so that if it hits part of the

  • rim, it will still go in. A little something like this. That's shooting the ball.

You know, when you're trying to play a game, one thing you want to always have in your


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A2 初級

籃球技巧:如何拍攝籃球 (Basketball Tips : How to Shoot a Basketball)

  • 665 18
    Zenn 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日