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  • There are...a lot of popular diets out there. So we thought we’d create a simple video

  • investigating which ones are scientifically sound, and actually work.

  • From the outside it seems like a simple equation: your weight is determined by the balance between

  • the calories you take in, and the calories you burn. By changing what you eat or your

  • activity level, you can tip this equation towards weight gain or loss. Which brings

  • us to our first category of diets:

  • Calorie Restriction. Companies like Weight Watchers claim you can eat whatever you want,

  • as long as you stay below a prescribed number of daily calories. Getting all your calories

  • from junk food is technically allowed, but from a health perspective, it’s important

  • to think of the nutritional value of the foods too. If you don’t, you risk heart problems,

  • nutrient deficiencies and chronic health issues.

  • Calorie Restriction with Optimal Nutrition or CRON diets, generally reduce their caloric

  • intake by 20% while still meeting the daily nutritional requirements. For example, instead

  • of having a whole apple, a CRON dieter will just have the apple skin, which contains most

  • of the nutrients.

  • If used properly (and not excessively), calorie restriction can be a safe and effective tool

  • for weight loss.

  • Next up is Carb Restriction. Many diets like the South Beach, Atkins, or Zone Diet suggest

  • that carbs are the enemy of the fit body youve always dreamed of.

  • The ideology claims that when more carbs are taken in than burned off, the liver converts

  • them into fats. But for most healthy, reasonably active people, carbs are broken down to glucose

  • and transported to the cells for energy. Very little is actually turned into fat.

  • In response to excessive glucose, the body uses insulin to turn it into glycogen, which

  • is stored in the liver and muscles. This glycogen may later be broken down in times of low glucose,

  • to refuel the body.

  • But the type of carbs you eat do matter - those from simple sugars like honey, fruit or sugar

  • are more readily turned into triglycerides or fat than complex carbs like whole grains

  • and veggies. If you consistently eat way more than necessary, and most calories are simple

  • carbs, then these will be converted to fat.

  • Low carb diets often have extreme restriction at first; no starches like bread or pasta,

  • and no sugars including from fruits or even alcohol. This can lead to some intense side

  • effects, including constipation, dry mouth, bad breath, fatigue, dizziness and nausea.

  • In studies, carb restriction dieters tend to lose weight faster, initially, compared

  • to those simply using calorie restriction, but this is likely due to water loss, which

  • returns in later phases when youre encouraged to eat normally again.

  • On top of this, the Atkins diet, for example, promotes caloric intake from high-fat and

  • high-protein sources, which means meats, cheeses, cream, butter and...losing weight? Sounds

  • pretty good right? But many doctors show concern over the high intake of saturated fat - that

  • may lead to morebadcholesterol and therefore an increased risk of heart disease.

  • Some claim these kinds of diets are dangerous and unhealthy, given that they promote the

  • limitation of foods like carrots, sweet potatoes, or apples, that provide the body with important

  • micronutrients and vitamins. Instead, people require supplements, which the body is not

  • able to absorb as effectively as vitamins, minerals and micronutrients in whole foods.

  • Then there are High Protein Diets. The main principle is that protein rich foods are not

  • as easily broken down by the body and take more energy to digest than carb-rich food.

  • This means you won’t feel hungry again as quickly, and youre more likely to run a

  • caloric deficit than if you ate the same number of calories from carbs.

  • The Paleo Diet, for example, suggests that 10,000 years ago agriculture was introduced,

  • and the human diet changed from hunter-gathers eating primarily meat, wild fruits, veggies

  • and nuts, to diets containing more grains. And as a result, some believe the human body

  • isn’t designed to digest these processed foods like grains, dairy, and breads. Some

  • also believe that grains lead to inflammation related health problems, but this is largely

  • untrue except in the case of people with celiac disease.

  • But because of it’s straightforward guidelines, many find it easy to follow, and it does promote

  • more nutrient absorption. However, as paleo cuts out all grains and legumes, we lose an

  • important source of dietary fibre necessary to keep our bowels running smoothly. Not to

  • mention the high protein leads to nitrogen production meaning stinky farts! Add to that

  • constipation which allows your digested material to sit longer in the large intestine and continuing

  • to decompose and...yup. Smelly farts.

  • Now there is another class of diets we might call theJust Stop EatingDiets. Those

  • looking toget slim quickmight be tempted to only eat cabbage soup for 7 days, or do

  • theMaster Cleanse Dietwhich only allows salt water in the morning and a concoction

  • of water, maple syrup, lemon and cayenne pepper through the day, and a laxative tea at night

  • - but these diets are exceptionally unhealthy. Not only is most of your weight loss from

  • water weight, but there are many side effects such as dizziness, fatigue, dehydration and

  • nausea.

  • The Master Cleanse can ever lead to a white tongue, which some claim is the toxins leaving

  • your body, but it’s actually due to swelling and a yeast infection of the mouth. And after

  • going through all that, youre likely to gain any weight lost after stopping.

  • Then of course there are straight up crazy diets. Like eating cotton balls dipped in

  • soup or juice so that you feel full, which of course provides hardly any nutritional

  • content and can cause intestinal blockages which require surgical intervention.

  • Or how about the sleeping beauty diet where you just...sleep? You can’t eat if youre

  • always asleep! The truth is most diets focusing on quick, dramatic results also have a ‘yo-yo

  • effect, where you lose initial weight but slow down your metabolic rate, so your body

  • starts burning less calories. And when you start eating again...there’s all the weight

  • back, and often more!

  • After following contestants from the showThe Biggest Loserfor 6 years - some

  • of which who had lost hundreds of pounds in 7 months - scientists noticed something interesting.

  • Not only did most of the participants in the study regain their weight, but their metabolic

  • rates changed. One man in particular now burns 800 fewer calories a day than would be expected

  • for a man his size! This is 6 years after leaving the show, showing how extreme measures

  • to lose weight - while they may be successful at the time - have long lasting impacts on

  • your metabolism, making it harder to keep off weight in the future.

  • The hard truth is, that even using many of the principled diets, about 97% of people

  • regain everything lost and sometimes more within 3 years. If you want to lose weight,

  • finding a diet that works for you and keeps you motivated, with small incremental changes

  • is important. Of course, a number on a scale doesn’t measure how healthy a person is,

  • though many struggle with this perception. If food and weight preoccupations are a problem

  • for you or someone you know, check out the description of this video for links with more

  • information.

There are...a lot of popular diets out there. So we thought we’d create a simple video


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哪些飲食方式真正有效? (Which Diets Actually Work?)

  • 489 40
    Po-ching Tsai 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日