字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 哈囉我是滴妹~ 哈囉我是滴妹~ 今天要來分享我去英國哈利波特影城的冒險遊記! 今天要來分享我去英國哈利波特影城的冒險遊記! Hello everyone~ 大家好~ Welcome back to Crown's vlog 歡迎回到滴妹的英文日誌 As most of you know 大部分的小滴們應該知道 last month I went to England and I had an amazing time there 上個月我去了英國,真的是超好玩的 What you might not know is that 但你可能不知道的是 I also had the chance to go the London Harry Potter Studio Tour 我還去了一趟哈利波特影城玩 Should I do the whole video in British English or not? 我要不要整部影片都用英國腔呢 Hmmm...Ok let's do it 誰怕誰,來吧 As a proud Gryffindor student 身為一個以葛來分多為榮的學姐 I will be taking all you first year freshmen on a tour 今天就要帶你們這些菜鳥參觀一下 and show you the magical world of Harry Potter 讓你們來體驗一下哈利波特的魔法世界 First of all, let me give you a heads-up 首先呢,給大家一個提醒 and tell you that you have to pre-order your tickets online 想要參觀的話得先在網路上訂票 at the Harry Potter Studio Tour website 你可以去 Harry Potter Studio Tour 這個網站訂票 You can't buy the tickets at the studio 你沒辦法在現場購票 so keep in mind that you absolutely must place your order online first. 所以一定要記得,要事先在網路上訂票 Actually, you know what 你知道嗎 Imma change back to the American accent 我還是換回美國腔好了 because it's so tiring 因為用英國腔超累的 We bought a guidebook along with our tickets 除了票以外,我們還買了導覽手冊 so that costs us about 45 pounds per person 所以加起來一個人大約花了 45 英鎊 You can also get an extra audio guide if you want 你也可以購買語音導覽 they're available in 8 languages including Chinese 語音導覽有八種語言,包含中文 The studio is located quite a long way from London 這個影城其實離倫敦有一段距離 so we took the overground train from Euston Station 所以我們先從 Euston Station to Watford Junction Station 搭地鐵到 Watford Junction Station then the studio's shuttle bus to the studio 然後再轉乘接駁車到影城 All of this sounds really easy and chill 感覺是不是很輕鬆簡單呢 but to be honest our whole journey was really terrifying and messy 但是老實說,整個旅程都超糟糕超混亂的 cuz we were behind schedule, we had to basically run everywhere 因為我們行程一直落後,所以基本上去每個地方都是用跑的 to catch our transportations 才趕得上交通工具 But hey, the hectic process made the memories even more fascinating and fun 但匆匆忙忙的過程反而加深這次的記憶,變得更棒更好玩了呢 Now we got all the info you need to know out of the way 現在介紹完行前資訊後 we've finally arrived at the Harry Potter Studio Tour! 我們終於抵達哈利波特影城了 Before you really start the tour 在你進入影城前 they will let you into a really big room and show you an exclusive clip 工作人員會帶你進入一個大房間,讓你看獨家影片 then something magical will happen 然後魔法就會發生了 and you will find yourself standing in front of "THE" door 你會發現你突然站在門口 "Welcome to Hogwarts!" 「歡迎來到霍格華茲!」 You will be able to walk the full length of the dining hall 你可以走過整個大廳 and see each of the four houses' costumes on the side 在兩旁分別是四個學院的服飾 and the professors' costumes at the front 在最前方則是各個教授的服飾 and yeah, I only recorded the costumes for Gryffindor house… 嗯沒錯,我只有錄葛來分多的部分 50 points for Gryffindor 葛來分多加50分 Ya~~~~ 耶~~~~ In the studio, you will see all kinds of sets, special effects, costumes, arts and many, many more 在影城裡面,你可以看到各種場景,特效,服裝及藝術,還有更多其他東西 The Gryffindor boy's dormitory 這個是葛來分多的男宿 where Harry and Ron lived throughout their years in Hogwarts 就是哈利及榮恩在霍格華茲住的地方 the Gryffindor common room where Neville stood up against his friends 這裡是葛來分多的休息室,就是奈威對抗他朋友的地方 the intricately designed and spaciously magnificent Dumbledore's office 這個設計超細緻又空間很大很雄偉的地方就是鄧不利多的辦公室 the potions classroom where you can stir things with your magic 這個是藥學教室,在這裡你可以用你的魔法攪拌東西 and the Weasleys' always cozy, warm, and welcoming home 然後這裡是衛斯理超級溫暖舒適的家 Also, they have a special section that teaches you how to cast spells 這裡也有個特別的地方,會教你如何施魔咒 I'll be putting this clip right here... 我就默默的把影片放在這裏... "Bend the wand forward of the head, and whip it back" 「把魔杖擺在頭的前方位置,然後往後一揮」 (swoosh) (咻咻咻) "Now let's see you try that" 「現在換妳試試看」 (swoosh) (咻咻咻) Aren't I cool? (lolz) 我有沒有很帥?(噗) Stupefy~~~~ 昏昏倒地~~~ Other than the many movie sets 除了這些電影實體佈景 we also got to see a variety of the different tools used in the movie 我們也可以看到在電影裡的各個道具 Here in this glass case 這個玻璃箱裡 there's the time turner Hermione used to get to all her classes 有妙麗用來倒轉時間去上許多堂課的時光器 the golden snitch that Harry has to catch to win Quidditch 有哈利為了贏魁地奇需要補捉到的金探子 and the Philosopher's stone that can make you live forever 還有這個能讓人獲得永生的神秘的魔法石 The most essential thing in the magic world is no doubt the wand 在巫師界最重要的東西,毫無疑問就是魔杖 This showcases all the wands of most of the main characters in the franchise 這裡幾乎展示著各個重要角色所用的魔杖 And of course, here's the mirror 當然,還有意若思鏡 in which you can see your deepest desires fulfilled 能夠讓你看到你內心深處的慾望全被滿足 Moving on to the next section of the tour 來到第二個展示區 we've come to see the Hogwarts Express with our very own eyes 我們親眼見到霍格華茲特快車 This section starts with an introduction of 這個區域開頭有著一個介紹 how the first movie and the last movie of the Harry Potter series 寫著第一部及最後一部哈利波特電影 ended with a shot of Harry standing next to the Hogwarts Express 都是以哈利站在特快車旁邊作為最後一幕來呈現 After passing through this tunnel section 通過這個隧道區域 we've arrived at Platform 9 ¾ 我們就來到了九又四分之三月台 Besides seeing the iconic platform plate 除了可以看到這個標誌性的月台掛牌外 there's a wall where you can take pictures of yourself 這裡也有那一面有名的穿越牆 pushing your trolley 讓你可以推著行李推車拍照 a small section where it invites you to guess whose luggage this is 這裡有個小區塊讓你猜這些行李是誰的 and of course you can board the Hogwarts Express itself 當然,你也可以親自登上霍格華茲特快車 Yay! Hogwarts train! 耶!霍格華茲火車耶! Now, watch me run beside it! 現在,看姐在它旁邊奔馳吧 The train from Hogwarts! 霍格華茲的火車! Hogwarts Railways 霍格華茲鐵路 After the exciting Hogwarts Express experience 在體驗過霍格華茲特快車後 the studio continues to amaze me 影城還是持續讓我驚喜滿滿 because next up ready for us 因為下一站 is the famous butterbeer 就是鼎鼎大名的奶油啤酒 You must, definitely, absolutely 你一定要,必須要,絕對要 try the butterbeer no matter what 無論如何都要,試試看奶油啤酒 We got ourselves the souvenir mugs 我們還買了馬克杯當紀念品 so we can bring them home with us 如此一來就可以把他帶回家囉 as seen in the clip here 就如同你在影片片段裡看到的一樣 and I must say, butterbeer is such a delight 我一定要說,奶油啤酒超棒的 This is my first time trying butterbeer~ I'm so happy~ 這是我第一次喝奶油啤酒,超開心的! Woahhhhh~~~ 嗚喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔! It's really good!!! 很好喝耶! So, it's basically soda plus sweet butter foam at the top 基本上呢,它就是汽水在上面加上甜甜的奶泡 It is very sweet so I loved it to bits 超級甜的,所以我超愛 Don't leave the studio until you've had that drink!!! 沒喝過你真的就不准給我離開啦 Also, I got to literally walk in Diagon Alley, and see all those amazing shops 還有呢,我真的走進了斜角巷,看到了很多不可思議的商店 Oh, that bank (Gringotts), and it's so slanted 那個銀行,而且他好歪喔 Ollivander~ The place that makes and sells wands 奥利凡德~製作魔杖的地方 Fred and George's shop is over there 喔他們的店,弗雷和喬治的店在那邊 Then here you can see how making a movie really takes up so much time, energy and innovation 在這裡,你可以發現拍電影真的需要投入很多時間、精力以及創意 The construction of the Hogwarts school itself was first made into white card models 這個霍格華茲城堡一開始是先做成紙板模型的 You can see how detailed a small model can be 你可以看到在小小的紙板上有超多細節 and how it can be magically transformed into this 然後甚至被放大之後神奇的變成了這樣 So, now you've reached the end of the Harry Potter Studio Tour 好了,我們現在已經到了哈利波特影城之旅的尾端了 I hope you enjoyed this video as I have enjoyed myself back then 我希望你覺得這部影片很好玩,就如同我當時親身體驗覺得真的超好玩一樣 There are still so many, many things that I didn't talk about 還有很多很多東西我沒有提到 but I did manage to squeeze all of the most interesting things in here 但我已經盡我可能的把最好玩的都塞在這個影片了 You'll just have to experience the rest of the magical world 如果你想要體驗全部的魔法世界 when you visit there in person 那就趕快去那裡親身體驗吧 If you love Harry Potter as much as I do 如果你和我一樣愛哈利波特 share this video with all your family and friends 趕快和你的朋友分享這部影片 then leave a comment in the section down below 也不要忘記留言 and tell me what you think of this video! 告訴我你覺得這部影片如何 如果你喜歡這個的影片,請幫我按個讚! 如果你喜歡這個的影片,請幫我按個讚! 那如果你想要看到更多影片 那如果你想要看到更多影片 不要忘記要按下訂閱按鈕! 不要忘記要按下訂閱按鈕! 我們每個禮拜一跟四的晚上九點都會有新影片! 我們每個禮拜一跟四的晚上九點都會有新影片! 那我們在 Facebook 跟 Instagram 也都有帳號 那我們在 Facebook 跟 Instagram 也都有帳號 可以用 阿滴英文 來搜尋到我們! 可以用 阿滴英文 來搜尋到我們! And that's a wrap, thank you guys for watching, as always 影片差不多就到這裡結束囉,謝謝大家的收看 and I'll catch you guys next time! See ya! 我們下次見囉!掰掰!
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 阿滴英文 影城 哈利波特 霍格華茲 影片 魔杖 滴妹帶你逛英國哈利波特影城! (Harry Potter Studio Tour with Crown!) 28649 2620 梁蕎庭 發佈於 2016 年 12 月 06 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字