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  • Hi guys, I am Desiree and today we are going to do the top 25 Italian nouns.

  • Let’s start with the first one.

  • CosaThing”. Cosa means thing. So you can use it to ask

  • about something you don’t really know the name of like Che cosa è quello? what’s

  • that thing but in Italian, it is really useful because you can use it when you don’t understand

  • what someone said like Cosa? what, can you repeat it? That’s the meaning of cosa. Also

  • you can use it to say in different situation like what are you going to do tonight Cosa

  • farai stasera? or Cosa ti piace mangiare? what do you like to eat?

  • AnnoYear”. Anno means year and you can use it to ask

  • how old are you so Quanti anni hai?

  • UomoMan”. Who is that man? Chi è quell'uomo? That man

  • is my father. Quell'uomo è mio padre.

  • GiornoDay”. Giorno means day and you can use it to know

  • which day of the week are you in like Che giorno è oggi? which day is it today Lunedi

  • or you can say Buongiorno that means good day or good morning.

  • VoltaTime”. Volta means time like let me pay this time

  • Fai pagare me questa volta. or once upon a time C’era una volta... . Also we have a

  • way of using that but it’s a bit scary like I remember my teacher saying to me Questa

  • volta passi, ma la prossima... and this is not a good sign anyway. So it means this time

  • it is okay but the next one... and they don’t finish the phrase that it’s the most scary

  • thing. But be careful not to use volta asking for what time is it because that’s a different

  • word and it will be Che ora sono?

  • CasaHome”. Casa can be big or small but the best thing

  • is when people tell you that your casa is accogliente that means that they feel that

  • they are home even if it’s not. So you can say do you want to come to my home tonight

  • Vuoi venire a casa mia stasera?

  • PartePartParte means part. So it can be the first part

  • of a movie La prima parte di un film. or when you take part in something, so some kind of

  • events prendi parte a degli eventi.

  • VitaLife”. Vita means life. Life is beautiful La vita

  • e bella. or if you say Vita mia! it would be like you are my life.

  • TempoWeather”. Tempo means weather but be careful because

  • tempo also means time but in this case, it means weather. So Il tempo è bello oggi.

  • means the weather is nice today. Yes.

  • DonnaWoman”. Donna means woman and what kind of woman would

  • you like to be Che tipo di donna vorresti essere? talking about me, I am the kind of

  • woman who likes shoes. Sono il tipo di donna a cui piacciono le scarpe.

  • ManoHand”. Mano means hand and La mia mano è grossa.

  • my hand is big or my hand is small. La mia mano è piccola. In Italian, you can ask for

  • a girl’s hand. That means if she wants to marry you. So Posso avere la tua mano? can

  • I have your hand Posso avere la tua mano?

  • OcchioEye”. Occhio means eye. My eyes are blue I miei

  • occhi sono blu. but we use it also to say watch out. So if you are in the street and

  • a car is coming and people will say Occhio! that means watch out!

  • OraTime”. Ora means time and you use that to ask what

  • time is it. Che ora è? or you can also hear people saying Che ore sono?. So in the plural

  • way but the meaning is the same. Ora also means now. Something that is happening right

  • now. So are we going? Yes Stiamo andando? Si. When? Quando? Ora. it’s strong. A strong

  • way to say right now, now we are going.

  • SignoreMister”. Signore means mister. So you use that with

  • people that you don’t really know, maybe you can say Mi scusi signore! Excuse me Mr.

  • and then add your info that you need to know. Even if it’s not the same in English, in

  • Italian, if you see Signore written with a big S, it can refer to God.

  • PaeseCountry”. Paese means country and when people ask you

  • Da che paese vieni? where are you from, even if they don’t mention the word paese it

  • still means where are you from, which country are you from. Also we have a way of saying

  • that Paese che vai, usanza che trovi. it means country you go, tradition that you find. So

  • basically it means that every country has its own culture.

  • MomentoMoment”. Momento means moment. So can you wait a moment

  • please Puoi aspettare un momento per favore?

  • ModoWay”. Like what’s the best way to get the promotion

  • Qual è il modo migliore per avere una promozione? that’s good question. My tip is just be

  • yourself so you don’t stress too much. If it goes well, it’s okay, otherwise you didn’t

  • lose anything.

  • ParolaWord”. Parola means word. So how do you say this

  • word Come dici questa parola? Also in Italian, if someone is not talking anymore, you can

  • ask them, did you lose your words, Hai perso la parola?

  • PadreFather”. Padre means father. For example, my father

  • is a judo teacher Mio padre è un insegnante di judo it’s fun to do sports with my father

  • E' divertente fare sport con mio padre. If you are talking with your dad, you would say

  • papa. Padre is a bit formal.

  • PuntoPointPunto means point but for us, it’s more

  • like dot, because we are refer it to what you put at the end of the phrase, but if you

  • are discussing something, you can say, the point is Il punto è... when you would say

  • we are done in English. In Italian, it can be Punto. that’s it Basta, non voglio più

  • parlarne. Punto. stop it, I don’t’ want to talk anymore, that’s it.

  • LavoroJob”. Lavoro means job. So what’s your job? Qual

  • è il tuo lavoro? I work at the airport. So Il mio lavoro è all'aeroporto.

  • StatoState”. Stato it means state has two meanings. The

  • first one can be Sono in uno stato pietoso. that means like I am in a really bad state,

  • don’t look at me. I just finished my daily jogging and just the state I’m in. The second

  • one is where do you come from, so which state are you from. Il mio stato è l'Italia. So

  • my state is Italy.

  • CasoCase”. Caso means case and here too, we have different

  • meanings. The first one can be by accident, so by chance. We met by chance L'ho incontrato

  • per caso. or case like it depends case by case Dipende caso per caso. and the last one

  • it can be I didn’t pay attention Non c'ho fatto caso. I am not sure about that, I don’t know.

  • città “Town”. Città means town. Da che città vieni? Which

  • town do you come from? Or also - La mia città e al nord dell'Italia. My city is in the north of Italy.

  • AnimaleAnimal”. Animale means animal, what’s your favorite

  • animal? My favorite one is a Panda. Qual è il tuo animale preferito? Il mio animale preferito è il panda.

  • That’s it for today, guys, with the top 25 Italian nouns and remember to subscribe. Ciao!

Hi guys, I am Desiree and today we are going to do the top 25 Italian nouns.


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學習25個必知的意大利名詞! (Learn the Top 25 Must-Know Italian Nouns!)

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    Carol 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日