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  • Hi guys I am Desiree and today we are going to do the top 25 Italian phrases

  • that means useful words in Italian.

  • Ciao. Hello. Ciao is the first word and it’s a really

  • useful word because you can use that to your friends to say Ciao. Ciao. but not to people

  • that you don’t really know.

  • Buongiorno. Good morning. Buongiorno. that means good morning and you

  • can use it with friends or even with people that you don’t know. So Buongiorno.Buongiorno.

  • and people can even answer to you back Ciao. that is okay but use Buongiorno. with everyone

  • and you will be safe.

  • Buonanotte. Goodnight Buonanotte So goodnight, you can use it of

  • course in the night but it’s a word that we don’t really use to people that we don’t

  • know. So it’s like Ciao. If people say to you Ciao to say bye, you can answer Buonanotte

  • but just if you know that they are really going to bed. Otherwise it’s good evening.

  • So Buonasera!

  • Sono (Desiree) I am Desiree. Sono, that means I am. You can use it with

  • your nationality. So I am Italian Sono italiana. or with your name, I am Desiree Sono desiree.

  • Mi chiamo (Desiree). My name is Desiree. Mi chiamo Desiree. means my name is Desiree.

  • And you can use that to introduce yourself to people that you may know that you don’t

  • know. It’s okay because it’s formal and informal at the same time, it’s okay. Mi chiamo Desiree.

  • Come ti chiami? what’s your name Come ti chiami? so what’s your name Mi chiamo

  • Desiree. (Tu) come ti chiami?

  • Piacere di conoscerti. Nice to meet you. You would always use Piacere di conoscerti.

  • Come stai? How are you? Come stai? that means how are you but it’s

  • something that you use with your friends, not really with people that you don’t know

  • because in that case, it would be something like Come sta?

  • Bene, grazie. E tu?I am fine thanks and you. Bene, grazie. E tu? That means fine, thanks

  • and you.

  • Per favore, please. Then we have a really useful word that is

  • Per favore. that means please. So you can put it at the end of any phrase and it will

  • give you a nice way of asking even if you don’t know how to say may or can, just add

  • Per favore and it will help you.

  • Grazie. Thank you And to say thank you, you will say Grazie.

  • Grazie.

  • Prego. you are welcome And to answer you are welcome, you have Prego.

  • So if you ask something and add Per favore at the end and then the people will do something,

  • you can say Grazie and the other one will answer Prego.

  • Sì. Yes. Sì that means yes, of course it’s really

  • useful because Vuoi mangiare qualcosa? would you like something to eatyes.

  • No. No. And if you manage to say no because it’s

  • hard to say no to an Italian offering you some food, then you can say no but it’s

  • the same Italian and English no

  • Va bene. okay. Then we have Va bene. that means okay. So

  • again when people ask you, do you want this? You can say Va bene. so it’s okay.

  • Scusi. Excuse me. Scusi. which means excuse me but to people

  • that you don’t really know. So it would be like excuse me, do you know where the station

  • is Scusa, sa dovla stazione?

  • Scusa. I am sorry. If you know the people you are talking to,

  • you should use Scusa which means I am sorry.

  • Che ora è? what time is it? Che ora è? which means what time is it. You

  • can use it in a formal or informal way. It’s the same. So you can say Scusa Che ora è?

  • or Scusi, che ora è? . It’s the same.

  • Dovla stazione? Where is the station? When you want to know where some place is,

  • so where is location, you will say Dovla stazione? that is for example, the station.

  • Posso usare il bagno? May I use the restroom? When you need to ask permission for something,

  • you will use the word Posso? which means can I. So in this case, Posso usare il bagno?

  • can I use the toilet and I would add please. So per favore? And the answer would be yes,

  • sure sì , prego. Grazie!

  • Vorrei (qualcosa da mangiare) I would like something to eat.

  • When you need something, you can use the word vorrei which means I would like to. So vorrei

  • mangiare I would like to eat vorrei bere I would like to drink vorrei dormire I would

  • like to sleep. We can go on forever but still vorrei and then add the verb that you need.

  • Posso avere il conto? Can I get the check? When you finish to eat and you want the check,

  • you can say Posso avere il conto? that means can I have the check and if you want to be

  • more polite, you can say Posso avere il conto, per favore? that means can I have the check

  • please.

  • A presto. See you soon. When you say bye to your friends and you don’t really know when

  • you are going to meet them again, you will say A presto. that means see you soon.

  • A dopo. See you later. If you know that you are going to meet them

  • later on, you can say A dopo. that means see you later.

  • Dove posso mangiare (la pizza)? That means where can I eat a pizza.

  • If you really want to know where you can eat a good pizza, you can add buon that means

  • good. So it will be Dove posso mangiare una buona pizza?

  • of course, you cannot use pizza but another type of food that you really want to eat and

  • that would be maybe Lasagna or maybe Gelato. So you can say Dove posso mangiare un buon

  • gelato? or Dove posso mangiare una buona lasagna?. We learned how to ask how are you and to answer

  • I am fine, thanks but what about if you are not really fine. So you can say Cosi cosi

  • that means more or less or Male that means bad, really bad. Guys, that’s it for today.

  • We finished the top 25 Italian phrases and which one was your favorite one?

  • Mine is Cosi cosi that if you remember, it means umm not so well, but anyway remember to subscribe. Bye bye!

Hi guys I am Desiree and today we are going to do the top 25 Italian phrases


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學習25個必知的意大利語短語! (Learn the Top 25 Must-Know Italian Phrases!)

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    Carol 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日