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Hey Youtubers, it's Charlie.
This is going to be my flash episode six video.
Just careful for spoilers if you haven't seen the episode yet.
This Savitar aesthetic it seems like they've gone with is like a Daniel West costume via
Megatron transformers very metallic very pointy and dangerous but just meant to be more horrifying
than previous versions of the reverse flash like zoom, so many comic book things happening
in this episode so they had the shade character which actually debuted in flash number 151.
He's like an actual character.
They also just reintroduced him in flash rebirth.
But there was so much about dual identities secret identities like earth 19 Harrison wells
had the thing that mast his identity, so that he wouldn't be arrested in public Caitlin's
killer Frost dual identity and then Wally's dual identity.
So beneath the plot in this episode.
They're just trying to tell you that everybody has like another secret self so when Julian
disappeared in the episode everyone's like oh wait a minute.
Just as everything goes he is nowhere to be found.
So we just waiting for big reveal that they won't actually reveal who Doctor alchemy is
till episode nine that's like when he'll actually take the mask off.
So before then we'll just be a couple more clues about who he is, but I'm still going
with the Julian Albert Albert Desmond Doctor alchemy twist from the comics so be like a
variation of Doctor alchemy from the comics listed top 10 WTF and comic book Easter eggs,
so number 10 they open the episode like it's Wally's TV show like were back in the flashpoint
universe I am the flash like the same way grant Gustin does every week see you can have
like this cheesy Wally scene where he just doing everything to help the city just having
a great time of it that he wakes up tells Joe.
He's like super excited about it like all yeah get to be a hero but just like who do
you remember what happened with magenta a couple weeks ago she said she had the dreams
she went to alchemy so Joe's is like trying to talk some sense into him, but the big metaphor
of the episode is that you can't ignore problems you have to deal with them.
So number nine.
Barry comes clean to everyone about flashpoint Wally and Iris.
And even she's disappointed like she thinks that flashpoint Iris is cooler than she is
in of course Wally's like I have to have powers now it got a little soapy for me during this
part of the just trying to get across that almost like the true Wally is trying to claw
his way out of this husk here so I kind of ignored the character stuff because we all
know that he's going to become a version of the speedster of the queen of the real question
like Joe's fears number eight will he be the Wally that we know like the good Wally or
will it be a dark twist on that.
So I will say.
They didn't make that yellow kid flash costume and spent all that money on it.
The only use it a couple times so eventually you do whatever ends up happening we comes
out of the chrysalis even if it's something super crazy he will eventually be kid flash
again on the TV show just remains to be seen like what happens before he but that costume
on like if the gonna take some dramatic WTF left turn where he goes super crazy for little
while but number seven is the Cecile plot.
So if you couldn't tell the turning her into a pretty big character on the show.
She also has a daughter it's almost the exact same age as Wally.
So it's like they're telling you there can introduce her eventually.
I don't know if you going to be a meta-or anything like that of the just going to be
another cool character for them to interact with season, kind of feel the sexual chemistry
between the two of them there basely.
Just trying to tell you that you know may be they're meant to be together and if everything
with Doctor alchemy and's Savitar doesn't rip them apart shall effectively become Wally
in irises new mom but I always like when they tease things that you know that they'll have
to pay off later or Rosita will just write like how could you tell us about all these
characters and then out introduce in.
So eventually will meet her daughter, but number six meet the shade so he's a meta-on
the TV show but in the comics he actually has like a measure of immortality his powers
work a little bit differently.
There is trying to introduce like a more scientific explanation for what he does like he vibrates
like Barry does, to give the appearance of invisibility.
So it's not quite the same thing like his powers don't come from the speed force but
functionally it looks almost like the same thing but Harrison wells earth.
19 Harrison wells is the person who gives in the name a we had a guy named shade on
our earth two that had pretty much the same powers.
So then number five Caitlin finally comes clean to Cisco about her killer Frost powers
you can use the power dampeners for now but obviously we know episode seven next week's
episode is called killer Frost.
So the be some big twist and shall have to go nuts in the big question is is will she
be able to stop herself from being evil is the whole point here the whole reason she's
afraid is because she's convinced she's going to be evil.
So there's like a couple things that the TV show hasn't explained like she gets powers
but is there like a psychological component to her powers because otherwise she totally
be able to control herself like she just be making things cold absorbing energy but the
way the TV shows, presenting it is like you know something is happening inside her brain
is making some other personality takeover like a killer Frost personality so I'll understand
if you guys are just like a little confused about that part because unless they explain
something different she didn't get her powers from Doctor alchemy she got them because of
flashpoint, so they just occurred naturally after the dark matter explosion alone five
versus killer Frost I love that he doesn't tell her the way they colored this you can
barely see what they are wearing their full-blown comic book costumes that they tease and that
other video that I posted last week so these are what they look like their little blurry
here but you can kinda get an idea pretty close to their comic book persona is just
a slight twist with awake were gonna find out next week's episode like that episode
seven will completely explain where they're taking the character I think it's gonna be
really interesting in no Danielle Panabaker is not can leave the show like she's worried
that she's going to be evil and have to leave she is still very much a series regular.
So even if she does go evil in the future she might be gone for like an episode or two
she still series regular shall still be in most of the episodes so number four I will
call Schippers bait.
This is basically like the biggest bait the you to give Barry Iris shipper fans were he
flat out tells her there is no flash without Iris West.
So there any the big thing in the comics obviously we knew that they were going to get together
on the TV show eventually but this is just them telling you oh yeah we are totally doing
the thing, so I'll understand if you guys think that it was like a little cheesy like
a little heavy-handed the way they did that but they just want to get that across like
they're definitely pursuing Barry and Iris this year but the thing is when they get all
nice and cozy.
That's when the villain comes into something crazy.
So's Savitar is going to get in the middle of that.
So if you're not a big fan of how so be they're getting with this relationship stuff just
wait to see what's Savitar has to say about Barry and Iris trying to enjoy themselves
is just a there's a long history in the comics of evil flashes trying to go after flash girlfriends
or wives see you can imagine what the TV show is going to do that they can have a little
bit of fun with that idea but see next one flash versus shade actually wasn't that big
of a fight that was really just a distraction for Wally West WTF the number three Wally
versus Iris he just get knocked the hell out and goes down like a sack of potatoes.
But they follow him to alchemy's layer.
And even though they were a little heavy-handed with.
The twist like I wish for you to all be away I did like the way they set the stage like
they had that creepy atmospheric music in the background like the followers there chanting
so adeptly remind you of the aesthetic of zoom's layer in season two like if you're
really evil person on the flash your layer has to have like a certain level of dark grunge
to it.
But number two they apprehend alchemy but Wally picks up the philosopher's stone and
activates like the process of becoming that other flashpoint self so he goes into a chrysalis
which is actually a deep cut from Babylon 5 wage they name dropped on arrow so there
is some meta-sci-fi crossover happening but if you didn't watch Babylon 5 at the end of
the first season like one of the big characters goes into this chrysalis and undergoes this
huge transformation in his like this really ominous portent of things to come, but is
not necessarily a bad thing, so the question is is what will Wally looked like when he
comes out will he just be Wally with flash powers will he become kid flash or will he
be twisted inside like all the other people who got their powers via Doctor alchemy.
So if you're wondering how the philosopher's stone is able to give him his flashpoint self
given those powers that he had the of the timeline will explain that in future episodes
but it'll probably be some twist where like the philosopher's stone is a reminiscent of
that other timeline.
So don't worry they'll totally explain that in the future episode.
Just like they'll explain Doctor alchemy the big twist behind him but number one WTF obviously
is's Savitar the God of speed is actually the name's Savitar is the Hindu god of speed
so that was what they use that for in the comics but you can see he super armored he's
physically much bigger than Barry.
So is basically like a motion capture villain gorilla Grodd style.
So there's like an actor in a mocap Suit when they're filming the scenes and then they add
the special effects later so he looks kind of like Megatron will probably find out is
that you he's a person underneath there but he manifests his costume from the speed force
the way they do it in the comics but they just introduce that idea in the rebirth comic.
But they did confirm that the next couple of episodes will like slowly tease Savitar
out but really the big reveal in episode nine is going to be Doctor alchemy.
So there's still a lot of Doctor alchemy to come before they roll hard on's Savitar just
in general it seems like they're setting's Savitar up to be the big challenge for the
second half of the season so that's what were only just seeing him now, even though he's
been around this whole time see you guys can let me know what you think like what you think
of the look of's Savitar.
Do you think that Julian Albert is connected to Doctor alchemy even if he's not flat out
alchemy I think there's going to be a big twist from the comics it will be exactly like
it is in the comics with Desmond Albert but it'll be pretty close just reminder that there
is a new episode of the flash next week but everything else will be on break at least
for DC TV and they're supposed to be dropping a new Justice league trailer so maybe there
can attached a fantastic piece of the wait till December to drop it but there is a new
Justice league trailer coming soon.
So another big heads up there is a new round of the DC giveaway that's going on right now
all you have to do to enter is be a subscriber and leave a comment on this video just a $20
Amazon gift card so do in episode 7 killer Frost trailer video next that will post tomorrow
morning and then there's new episode of arrow they're going to debut of the big comic book
character so get hype is can be a lot of fun I was actually happy with this episode it'll
be interesting to see where they take this Savitar character.
It has a lot of potential but there really only just teasing him.
So will see how close he is to his comic book persona but obviously he looks a lot different
in the extra cool thing here is that nobody else can see him but Barry maybe that's because
he's moving so fast they'll probably explain that the more they tease him out while you
guys wait for that to post you can click here for the trailer for the 4 night crossover
and you can click here to learn all about Marvel's inhumans TV show thank you so much
watching everybody high five I'll see you guys tonight!