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  • Germany's Romantic Road, the next leg of our journey, can't be done by train. It's best explored

  • by rental car. We'll have this car for two days

  • and drop it in Munich.

  • You can arrange your car rental before leaving home.

  • Prices vary dramatically from month to month,

  • country to country, and from company to company, so shop around.

  • Even if you don't plan on driving, bring your license.

  • Your American license generally works just fine.

  • It's fun, and it's easy, to rent a car on a whim.

  • There's nothing exotic about driving in Europe.

  • While the British drive on the left,

  • everyone on the continent drives on the same side as we do in the USA.

  • Filling the tank here, whether diesel or gas, is like filling the tank back home.

  • Except it's Euros and liters rather than dollars and gallons.

  • Figure four liters per gallon.

  • Don't overreact to Europe's high cost of gas. Over here, cars get great mileage,

  • and distances are short.

  • Rental cars come with a basic insurance policy,

  • but the deductible can be really high.

  • You can pay extra for zero deductible, for your peace of mind,

  • but first, check with your insurance company at home to see how well you're already

  • covered in Europe.

  • When driving, to cover long distances in a hurry,

  • use the freeway.

  • This is Germany's autobahn.

  • Like most of Europe, Germany's laced with these super freeways. And around here,

  • fast driving is considered a civil liberty.

  • On the autobahn, you'll learn quicklythe fast lane is used only for passing.

  • Cruise in the left lane, and you'll have a Mercedes up your tailpipe.

  • Here and throughout Northern Europe, the autobahn is toll free.

  • In France and countries south of Germany, these super freeways usually come with tolls.

  • Learn some navigation basics.

  • In Germany,

  • "zentrum" means "center"

  • A giant letter "P" means parking.

  • And this icon means autobahn.

  • Color coding and arrows point you in the right direction.

  • And while many travelers go through their entire trips thinking all roads lead

  • to the town of Ausfahrt,

  • "ausfahrt" is German for "exit."

  • This sign means traffic circle or roundabout.

  • Merge safely into the circle and take the exit for the direction you're heading.

  • If you're not sure, relax,

  • take an extra loop, and explore your options.

  • Entering a new town

  • this is Dinkelsbuhlit's safe to assume that the church spire marks the center.

  • and the tourist office is nearby.

  • Old town centers are increasingly difficult to drive in

  • one-way streets or closed to cars entirely.

  • Drive as close as you can and find a place to park.

  • Confirm you're parked legally.

  • Your time's valuable.

  • Just pay to park.

  • Know the key road symbols. They're the same throughout Europe. No parking anytime.

  • No traffic allowed. Wrong waydon't enter.

  • This means no cars or bikes from 8:00 till midnight.

  • No passing.

  • And you know this one.

  • Make educated guesses.

  • With this one, be ready for anything.

  • I navigate by town names because road numbers on maps often don't match the signs.

  • Distances and speeds are in kilometers.

  • On this road, 80 kilometers an hour.

  • A kilometer is 6/10 of a mile.

  • To change to miles, cut the kilometers in half, add back 10% of the original.

  • So, 80 kilometers per hour would be

  • 40 plus 8 — 48 miles per hour.

  • Bewarephoto speed traps can be really expensive.

  • And those with rental cars are billed by mail. Save time and avoid

  • wasted car rental days by picking up and dropping off your car

  • in different cities

  • like Rothenburg and Munich.

  • When using a bigger company

  • with many branches, you can generally do this anywhere in the same country

  • for no extra charge. While dropping a car in a different country usually comes

  • with a high fee, it can also be a great convenience.

Germany's Romantic Road, the next leg of our journey, can't be done by train. It's best explored


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B1 中級

歐洲旅遊技能。在歐洲開車 (European Travel Skills: Driving in Europe)

  • 285 76
    Chun-Jen Chen 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日