字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 New York is situated in the Northeast region of the United States of America. 紐約市位於美國的東北部。 Over eight million people call the Big Apple home, 俗稱大蘋果的紐約有八百多萬人口, and the city attracts up to fifty million visitors a year. 每年吸引多達五千萬名遊客到訪。 Ever since the Colonists arrived in 1624, 自從1624年殖民者踏上這片土地, New York has been continuously shaped by the waves of immigrants drawn here 紐約就吸引了一波波移民前來追尋希望和自由, by the promise of hope, and liberty. 也從此不斷深受這些移民影響。 Every newcomer arrived with a cultural suitcase that contributed to the sounds, 每位新移民都帶著自身的文化,為紐約增添 tastes and textures of New York. 新的聲音、風味和文化底蘊。 But it is their dreams which built the city. A city like no other! 也正是他們的夢想造就了這座城市,一座無與倫比的城市! New York touches not only the heavens with its mythic skyline, 紐約不僅以令人目眩神迷的天際線象徵其縱天之志, its influence radiates to every corner of the globe. 其影響力更是遍及全球每一個角落。 Every street corner it seems, is familiar through documentary, movie and song. 透過紀錄片、電影和歌曲不斷放送,紐約每個街角已成為你我熟悉的一部分。 New York's straightforward grid system makes it an easy city to explore 紐約的棋盤式道路系統四通八達,您可以輕易 by foot, taxi, or on its subway, which, just like the city - never sleeps! 靠雙腳、計程車或從不打烊的地鐵探索這座不夜城! In Manhattan's Midtown, you'll find many of The Big Apple's most iconic symbols. 來到曼哈頓的中城區,您會看到許多大蘋果最著名的地標。 The Art Deco-designed Empire State Building is one of the most impressive 以裝飾藝術為設計理念建造而成的帝國大廈, and endearing skyscrapers ever created. 堪稱史上最雄偉也最迷人的摩天大樓。 The skyline may have grown up around it, but the view from the 102nd floor 帝國大廈雖然已淹沒在群起的高樓之中,但現在從102樓看出去的景觀 is as breathtaking today as it was when it first opened in 1931. 依然和1931年開幕時一樣美得令人屏息。 New York has always been a place where "when the going got tough, the tough got going". 若要用一句話來形容紐約精神,那就是「寸步難行,唯勇者行。」 The Rockefeller Center, a visionary city within a city, 洛克菲勒中心,一座極具遠見的城中之城, rose during the darkest days of the Great Depression. 便是誕生在美國大蕭條時期最艱困的年代。 Today, it's still a place of creativity, inspiration 時至今日,這裡依然是創意和靈感薈萃之地, and even more incredible views of the city. 也展現了許多紐約令世人驚奇的面貌。 Closer to earth is Grand Central Terminal. 如果您想貼近在地生活,就該一訪中央車站。 Step into the Main Concourse, and feel the echo of every tearful farewell 走進車站大廳,感受一下迴盪在中央車站的歷史洪流中, and joyous greeting throughout the station's history. 那送往迎來之間悲喜交錯的人生風景。 New York has always been the gateway to the Land of the Free, 紐約一向是美國這個自由國度的重要門戶, but it is also the city of the spree - the shopping spree! 但它也是一座狂歡之城,讓人盡享購物樂趣! This city is shopaholic heaven, 這裡是購物狂的天堂, and Fifth Avenue with its eye-popping window displays 充滿酷炫吸睛櫥窗裝飾的第五大道, is the high temple of the retail world. 是零售業者爭相進駐的時尚聖殿。 Times Square - one of the most visited tourist attractions on the planet. 時報廣場是全球最多人造訪的旅遊景點。 Stand here, on the corner of Broadway and Seventh Avenue, 站在這個百老匯大道和第七大道的交叉路口, and you stand at the crossroads of the world. 就有如置身在世界的中心。 It's also the place to snap up a half-price ticket to a Broadway show. 此外,您也可以在這裡以半價買到百老匯音樂劇的門票。 New York has been blessed with generous civic spaces. 紐約擁有得天獨厚的美麗市民空間, But there is no greater chill-out space in the Big Apple than Central Park, 但要說哪裡是紐約市最佳遊憩地點,則非中央公園莫屬。 a beautiful 850-acre network of meadows and lakes. 草地與湖泊交織出這座850英畝的美麗公園。 This is the place where New Yorkers come to rest, romance, and express themselves. 在這裡,紐約客可以休憩、約會,或是表現自我。 Over the decades many New Yorkers made it big, 數十年來,許多紐約人在此獲得非凡成就, and much of that fabulous wealth was reinvested into collecting 並將他們的財富運用於再次投資, some of the greatest artworks on the planet. 搜羅世上一些最偉大的藝術作品。 Nowadays, much of this art is available for everyone to enjoy. 現在,這些藝術品中大多數都提供給一般民眾參觀。 A walk through the The Metropolitan Museum of Art 只要走一趟大都會藝術博物館, is a walk through 5000 years of humankind's greatest creative moments. 您就能一一感受五千年來人類史上最偉大的創作。 The Frank Lloyd Wright designed-Guggenheim is a different kind of walk, 走進由名建築師萊特設計的古根漢美術館又是另一番美的感受, one which spirals ever-upward through a dizzying collection 只要沿著館內螺旋上升的走道前進, of 20th and 21st Century masterpieces. 就能遍覽令人目不暇給的20和21世紀大師作品。 Newcomers to New York spend much of their time looking skyward, 初到紐約的外來者常會抬頭仰望天際, but since the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center, 但自從發生2001年的世貿中心攻擊事件後, a new attraction gives locals and visitors a chance to pause and bow their heads. 有個新的景點讓當地人和遊客有機會停下腳步、低頭省思。 The Reflecting Absence memorial and museum honors the 3000 people 「倒映虛空」紀念廣場和紀念館, who lost their lives on that darkest of September days. 紀念著在慘痛的911事件中喪生的三千條人命。 New York resonates with the sounds of over 800 language groups, 紐約的人口多元,共有八百多個使用不同語言的族群, and nothing epitomizes this diversity like the city's neighborhoods. 而最能彰顯此一多元性的莫過於自成一格的少數民族區。 Little Italy packs all the tastes and flavors of Italy into just a couple of streets, 小義大利的範圍不過幾條街廓,卻能讓您嚐到所有義大利的道地風味, while Soho attracts cool cats and well-heeled bohemians from all over the world. 蘇活區則是讓全世界的嬉皮和多金的布波族趨之若鶩。 A few streets away, Greenwich Village proudly retains the cafés and bars 幾條街之外的格林威治村是許多美國著名歌手的發跡地, where creative residents like Bob Dylan first performed before becoming American icons. 至今這裡還保留著巴布狄倫等創作歌手首次登台表演的餐館和酒吧。 And then there are the boroughs. 當然還有紐約的行政區。 Walk across the Brooklyn Bridge to the melting pot of Brooklyn. 穿越布魯克林大橋,就能來到布魯克林區這個大熔爐。 With its own distinctive neighborhoods, museums, open spaces - 這裡有獨樹一格的街區、博物館和開放空間, and who could forget Coney Island! 以及令人難以忘懷的康尼島! So welcome to New York City, The Big Apple. 快來暢玩紐約市,體驗大蘋果的魅力。 We've only just given you a bite-sized taste of what this incredible city has to offer. 這座迷人城市的精彩之處遠遠超過我們介紹的一切。 But if you've got an appetite for the very best things that life has to offer, 但如果您想品味生命中最美好的部分, this is the destination for you - 千萬不要錯過紐約, there's enough to feast on here for a lifetime!� 這裡的豐富饗宴夠您用一輩子來品嚐!
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