字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Mr. Polish 波蘭先生 Hey this is MatSan 嘿這是MatSan and welcome to our life section 歡迎來到我們的生活篇 today...still in Lublin 今天人還在Lublin so that's why 這就是為何Józef先生沒在現場 Mr. Józef is not here 但我們邀請到 so this is.. 企鵝先生和幽靈先生 from Chełm 幽靈先生是從Chełm城市來的 and he has the spider net on him 身上還掛著蜘蛛絲 in the underground of Chełm 你可以在Chełm的地下隧道買到這個紀念品 you can actually buy it there 因為這城市有個傳說 because there is a story that there's a ghost 說地下道有鬼住在那 I am a butterfly 我是隻小蝴蝶 today we're going to talk about 今天要聊的是 mean comments! 刻薄的留言! oh no no 不對 how mean people could/ can be 到底人可以多刻薄 it's not about only YouTube 到底人可以多刻薄!! but about our whole life experiences 我們不只有會談我們的YouTube留言 our life experiences everywhere 還會談我們的生活上遇到的人 since previously I was doing customer service 我們遇過的刻薄人故事 I need to talk with lots of... 畢竟我前工作是客服 stupid idiots 我每次都要跟很多白癡講電話 over the phone 當人們不用跟你面對面對談時 they can be really, really mean to you 他們真的什麼話都講的出來 if they don't see you face to face 我之前是在賣手機跟配件 I was selling phones & accessory of phones 在百貨公司裡面 in the shopping mall 但一樣的 and still you can meet lots of... 你變成要面對面跟一堆笨蛋對話 stupid people face to face 先從我們的YouTube留言開始 yea 先從網路留言講起 let's start from the comments 我們現在有越來越多的訂閱者 and the side of internet 大多數的人都非常非常正面 we're gaining more and more subscribers 很酷的支持者 and most of them are very, very positive 但我要說 very awesome, very nice, supportive 就是會有ㄧ些很負面的觀眾 right now I'm just saying that 有的留言超級怪 some of them are not so great 怪到你根本不知道他要表達什麼 some of them are so... 像是 weird 他們想要表達說他在罵你 that you don't know what they're talking about 但又不太確定 it is mean 因為你根本看不懂那留言 or it's not even mean 有的人在留言的時候 because we don't understand this 他們無論如何就是要酸你: some people, when they're making the comments 你爛透了! and they want to be angry at you 但他們無法找到正確的措辭來罵你 for example: you suck 至少學會把話講清楚吧 but they can't even present this 這樣我們才知道,哦他在罵我們耶 at least present your meaning clearly 「我是波蘭人!」 so we will understand 我就想 ok you're attacking us 好,我知道你是波蘭人 I'm like, ok I get it 然後呢? and that's it 我就很納悶 that's all 這是要罵我們還是在支持我們 I'm like 他到底要表達什麼呢?好好奇 is this mean comment or it's a supportive comment 再來就是筆戰 what is he trying to say? 在我們頻道上漸漸可以看到筆戰 "argueing" 不是在攻擊我們 already getting popular in our youtube 但就是要在這攻擊別的網友 it's not about us 一個網友說了他意見 but about other people 另個網友就是堅持要跟他吵 one person said something 「你很笨,這想法太蠢了」 and the other person is ike blahhhhhh 然後就這樣無止盡吵來吵去 you're so bad and terrible 整個留言區就被這些人攻佔 and then that person is like: 正常的留言都被洗掉了 No YOU are terrible, I hate you 要一直往下拉才看的到 and the whole argue is going on 有時候我們也會覺得有點煩 so you can't see normal comments there 因為這些留言 you have to scroll down 跟我們影片的主題根本無關 through this whole conversation 我們完全就是在講另外一件事 it's kind of annoying us 但這些酸民 sometimes 他們就是會從中挑出一支針 because it has nothing to do with... 然後從背後狂刺你 what we were saying in the video 再不然就是 we were talking about totally different topics 他們會從你影片挑出一句話 but these mean people 真的是很不重要的一個關鍵字 they can just pick out one needle 我們根本不記得我們講了這句話 and just start to stab you in the back 沒錯,然後他們就會開始大肆評論這件事 or they'll take something you said in the video 就是要在我們的留言區寫一篇論文就對了 just one word 去做點有意義的事吧 one small keyword 他們時間太多了我覺得 that we don't even know we said that 這些人每天的待辦事項 and they're gonna talk about this 第一項 as if this whole video is about this 到YouTube上留刻薄的留言 they're gonna write an essay on our comment 我特別想講關於以下這種留言 get a life, people 讓我覺得很怪 they have too much time 第一 their daily routine, like check list 是關於 no. 1 口音 "LEAVE MEAN COMMENT ON YOUTUBE." 這件事真的... and also I want to highlight 他不覺得困擾 2 comments (actually only one lol) 但我看了很厭煩 which I find it weird 有些人會留言說 no. 1 喔喔喔喔喔 it's about Mateusz的波蘭腔好重 the accent 那又怎樣? this is really the thing that... 如果我是德國人 not annoying him 你也要批評我的德國腔嗎 but more about annoying me 好啦你可能覺得這腔調很惱人 because people are like 但這不等於他的英文很差啊 ohohohohohoh 譬如說愛爾蘭人講英文時愛爾蘭腔很重 Mateusz got a very strong Polish accent. 英國人也有濃濃的英腔 and so what? 但你不會批評說這些都是不對的口音 so if I'm German 像我們的舌頭 so you're gonna say 已經習慣用波蘭文發音的方式來發英文的音 I have very strong German accent? 所以要把自己口音改掉不是那麼簡單的事 I mean, OK 「英文」每天被各種不同口音的人使用著 you might find it very unpleasant 不是只有英腔才是正統腔 but it doesn't mean it's a bad English 你可以有美國腔 for example, Irish people they have strong Irish accent 澳洲腔 and British have strong British accent 英國腔 but we won't say it's not right 愛爾蘭腔 you know usually your tongue 蘇格蘭腔 is working like the way you pronounce Polish words 粵語腔 so 好 我可以說我的口音還不錯 it's hard to make it like, American or any kind of accent 那假如今天我講的就是濃濃的台式英文 but to be honest 又如何? there are lots of accents 如果別人可以了解我 there's not "English accent" 那我覺得就沒什麼關係 there is 只要我們可以了解彼此 American accent 我們完全可以聽懂彼此 Australian accent 特別加上我們也有些外國朋友 British accent 他們都是英文母語者 Irish accent 我的美國朋友之前就跟我說 Scottish accent 拜託,我完全聽得懂你們在講什麼 yes 不要在意自己用的單字很簡單 Cantonese accent 完全ok的,這又不是你們的母語 right? 幹麼對自己這麼嚴厲 yea and 你超氣這整件事的 ok, I would say 他不在乎 my accent is ok 但這些留言對我來說 but what if today I have very strong Taiwanese accent? 又來了,又來一個來討論口音的了 and so what?! 我建議你把自己的口音錄起來 if people could understand me 我很樂意聽聽你口中的完美口音是如何 so I don't think it's an issue 來呀 as long as we can understand each other 不然你來幫我們上課好了 we can understand each other perfectly 你用你的帳號上傳一集,教我們怎麼發音 and especially we have some... 對我們會很受用的 friends from abroad 好笑的是 they're native English speakers 如果有酸民出現 my American friends 你點過去他的首頁 they even told me 結果他一個訂閱者都沒有 come on, it's totally understandable 0位 don't worry that you're using simple words 連張大頭貼都沒有 it's ok 接下來是真實生活中的客戶 come on, it's not your native language 我們每天都在應付這些人 why are you being so harsh on yourself? 老阿公 you're so pissed by this thing 老太太 he doesn't care 對什麼都不滿意,都要生氣 but for me it's like 對我來說我很難理解和想像 oh come on, another one 你人生到底有多無聊啊 talking about the same issue? 有空去跟店員爭論這根香腸你賣太貴了 so maybe record yourself 他們可以跟你耗上幾小時 and I would like to see 對只能聽命於上司的店員生氣 what's the "proper" accent in your mind 這些人不是店經理耶 come on 我是在我前工作看到這情況的 maybe give us the lesson 我在賣我店裡的東西 make some videos about 這些客戶就是什麼大小事都可以抱怨 how to pronouce English 為生氣而生氣 so yea, that's gonna be useful 我之前做客服嘛 and it's funny 讓我印象深刻的 if there's any mean comment 是一個澳洲男子 you just click on this person, and... 基本上他跟別間公司訂了票 nothing 但他以為他是跟我們公司訂的 not even the profile picture 所以他給組不是我們的訂單號碼 then the customers in real life 但我還是很熱心地想幫他 normal life 不然先生你給我你的名字 we deal with this every time 電話或是email these old grandpa 任何你預約時填的資料 old grannies 但是什麼都找不到 they're so angry about everything 我就跟他說 I don't know... 很不幸的,你的票不是跟我們訂的 I don't understand... 結果他超級無敵生氣 how boring your life have to be 他說 just argue about one sausage 你是想當個賤人嗎?! which is too expensive for you 我大傻眼:什麼?! they're gonna spend hours there 在那之後我超級無敵生氣 being angry to someone who sell the product 我回他 they're not even the manager 好 先生 I see this from my previous job 第一 I was selling something 我剛剛是盡全力在幫你的忙 and they were just being angry at everything 第二 they're angry at you, just because 我不是賤人 and like my previous work was customer service 拜拜 and what impressed me a lot 我就掛他電話 was one guy 我們公司有說如果客人對你不禮貌 he's from Australia 或是對你罵髒話,你有權利掛電話 basically he made the booking with other company 我覺得最愛吼別人的客戶 and he thought me made the booking with our company 就是那些已經知道自己搞砸事情的人 so he gave me the reservation number 我一定要投訴這件事 which is not our reservation number 我要大吼這些店員 I was still very helpful 所以說不定.... trying to help him 他們就會退我錢了 maybe...sir can you give me your name? 事情自然就會解決了 and phone number 他們又不能對自己生氣 email 所以他們一定要找個發洩的對象 anything you put when you book this reservation 這些人就是太懦夫了,不敢承認自己把事情搞砸了 and there's nothing 只好找個代罪羔羊 so I said 但同時這些人又讓我們滿開心的 sorry, Mr. 因為他們,我們多了很多故事可講 you didn't make the reservation with us 我的前工作 unfortunately 我就只是一線客服專員 and then he got pissed so much 工作就是聽你的抱怨跟投訴 he was like: 就這樣 "Are you trying to be a bitch?!" 我沒有任何權力可以「現在馬上退你錢」 and I was like 除非我用我私人帳戶把錢匯給你 WHAT?! 那些打來投訴的人每次都不斷大罵 and I was so pissed after that 「你現在馬上把踏馬的錢還給我!」 I said 我只能說 OK, Mr. 不好意思我真的無法 No. 1 凡事都是要照流程來的 I was trying my best to help you 先生,每件事都是要照流程走的 No. 2 你還能做什麼呢? I'M NOT A BITCH. 大概就是這樣啦 GOODBYE 我們還有很多故事 so I just hung up on him 但會講不完 because we do have the right if someone is being rude 我希望這集不會太負面太悲觀 or use abuse words to us 但你懂的,這是真實的人生 I think the most shouting people 你不可能每天都遇到快樂的人 are the one who already know that they fucked up something 但至少我們試著對大家都保持開心的態度 and then they're like 我試著不要吼別人 I'm gonna complaint about this 因為我最近講話滿賤的哈哈 and shout at the person 對不起~~~ so maybe...somehow... 就這樣啦 I will get the refund 另外一集的Lublin直播 things will be solved 下次見囉 they can't be angry at themselves 希望你們喜歡這集 so they'll be angry at someone else 請按讚,訂閱和在底下留言哦 they're too coward to admit it's their own fault 也別忘了去逛我們的Facebook專頁哦 so they just want to push this mistake to someone else 祝你有個美好的一天! the silence 再見囉!byebye! these people made our day at the same time 我可愛嗎 we got so many stories to tell 不 because of them previous job I am the customer service, ONLY the representative the first line who is suppose to listen to your complaint your bullshit that's it I don't have any right to "Give you back the money at the moment" unless I transfer from my own bank account they're always shouting so much: "Give me back my fucking money right now!!" I can only say I'm sorry, I just can't you have to follow the procedure everything has to be done by procedure, Mister. what else can you do? so that's pretty much it we have lots of stories, but it's gonna be too much I hope it's not too pessimistic too negative for you but you know, it's real life you can't always meet happy people, right? yea we're trying to be happy to everyone yea I'm trying not to shout to people cuz I'm pretty bitchy recently I'm sorry so that was it another episode from Lublin see you guys next time hope you like the video Please Like, Subscribe, and comment below! and like our Facebook fanspage :D have a nice day see you! byebye! cześć! Am I cute? No
A2 初級 中文 留言 口音 生氣 先生 刻薄 店員 MatSan。吝嗇鬼! (MatSan: MEAN PEOPLE!!) 428 27 鄭伃庭 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字