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  • *thunder booming*

  • [Lightning]

  • [Continuing Lightning and Thunder booming]

  • [Glass shatters]

  • Newaz Sharif

  • [Hedwig's theme playing]

  • [Some Other Theme getting more intense]

  • [Eerie music]

  • [orcastral music]

  • [Orcastral music continues]

  • [Orcastral music ends]

  • [Dramatic Music Plays On]

  • [Opening theme with text]

  • [piano plays ominous music]

  • [Fast wind howling]

  • [Dumbledor's grave opening]

  • [Voldemort's breathing over Dumbledor's dead body]

  • [Voldemort takes Elder wand from dead body]

  • [Voldemort casts powerful spell]

  • [Harry] Griphook, I need to get inside Gringotts Bank, into one of the vaults.

  • [Griphook] It is impossible.

  • [Harry] Alone, yes. With you, no.

  • [Griphook] The sword of Gryffindor... is my price.

  • [Harry] Griphook, you'll be under the Invisibility Cloak with me.

  • [Hermione] There'll be a Horcrux in the Lestrange Vault, Ron. We find it, then we're one step closer to killing You-Know-Who.

  • [Ron] Hermione, how do we destroy Horcruxes if we give Griphook the sword of Gryffindor?

  • [Hermione] It's the only way he'd help us. Besides, he doesn't have the sword...Yet.

  • [Hermione] Ready? This Polyjuice potion won't last forever.

  • [Ron] Hope Harry knows what he's doing.

  • [Bogrod] Madame Lestrange! How may I help you today?

  • [Hermione] I wish to enter my vault

  • [Bogrod] Would you mind presenting your wand?

  • [Hermione] And why should I do that?

  • [Bogrod] They know Hermione's an impostor!They've been warned!

  • [Ron] Imperio!

  • [Bogrod] Very well. If you will follow me.

  • [Ron] What's that? Up ahead.

  • [Ron] I should've known...

  • [Hermione] Griphook! What's that!

  • [screams]

  • [Harry] Hermione, both look like you again.

  • [Hermione] How?

  • [Griphook] The Thief's Downfall. It washes away all enchantments.

  • [Bogrod] What the devil are you all doing down here?! Guards!

  • [Ron] Imperio!

  • [Griphook] We shall meet you at the vault, Harry Potter

  • [Hermione] Griphook and Bogrod will take the direct route to the vault. We'll have to find another way down.

  • [Ron] I've never been this deep in Gringotts before. It's massive!

  • [Hermione] What was that?

  • [Ron] Whatever it was, sounded big! Big and Hungry!

  • [Ron] D'you think there are spiders down here?

  • [Hermione] Harry, we need to get past those guards.

  • [Ron] We'd better Stun them before they raise the alarm.

  • [Hermione] We need to get going - they may try to seal of the vault, now.

  • Baam wow

  • [Hermione] Somebody's coming. We should get out of sight...

  • [door opens] Stop where you are!

  • [Ron] Blimey, that thing's going to bring the roof down!

  • [Hermione] Look out, Harry! We can't get past them! See if you can get closer to him!

  • [Ron] Yeah, mate! Use Protego, or we'll be here all day!

  • (tauntingly) Too scared to face us alone, eh Potter?

  • [Hermione] Thanks, Harry.

  • [Ron] Nice use of Protego, mate!

  • No on is allowed in the vault. Without exception!

  • It's him! It's Potter!

  • Don't try and hide!

  • There's nowhere to go, Potter!

  • [Hermione] Watch out, Ron, this bridge doesn't look very stable.

  • [Ron] Really, Hermione, I don't know what you're--

  • [Ron] ...worried about.

  • [Ron] Sorry, mate!

  • [Hermione] Honestly, Ron! It's no use, Harry, we'll go on ahead. See if you can find another way down.

  • [Ron} Harry, we're going to need some help down here!

  • [Hermione] Quickly, Harry, or they'll cut us off!

  • [Ron] Aaaah!

  • [Ron] That was brilliant , mate!

  • [Hermione] Harry, when we said find another way down...

  • [Hermione] Well done, everyone. Now we better get the door open.

  • [Hermione] Alohomora! Alohomora!

  • [Hermione] It's not working! It must be bewitched!

  • [Ron] That figures. Didn't really think it would be easy.

  • [Hermione] Cover me, Harry, while I try to open it...

  • [Hermione] Not too much longer!

  • The vault must be protected!

  • [Ron] We're not stealing...we just want to borrow something!

  • [Hermione] That's it! I thought it was going to take forever!

  • [Ron] Brilliant

  • [Harry] Let's go. We must be really close to the vault now.

  • [Harry] That sound came from the vault!

  • [Hermione] Whatever it is, it sound like it's in distress

  • [Hermione] Harry, keep low.

  • Forget it, Potter. Surrender!

  • You won't escape.

  • Don't let them past!

  • Surrender!

  • [Enemy get hit]

  • You won't get away!

  • You'll wish you'd never broke in here!

  • [Ron] We're almost there... through from the sound of it I wish we weren't.

  • Richie: Jesus! What the hell he's using?

  • Put down your wands!

  • Richie: Fucking gun chanting bond (?)

  • [Hermione] Whatever they're guarding, it's just beyond here

  • You won't escape.

  • [Hermione] Whatever they're guarding, it's just beyond here

  • [Ron] We're close to the vault now.

  • [Ron] I don't think we'll be able to talk our way out of this one...

  • Richie: Yeah, there's really nothing good to screen as well

  • Richie: Like this is any better but its something.

  • [Ron] So now what? Keep going down I guess...

  • [Harry] Why is it so quiet?

  • [Hermione] Suspicious isn't it?

  • [Ron] Yeah, and we still don't know what's down here...

  • [Hermione] *coughs* Where is all this smoke coming from?

  • [Ron] Seems a bit warm down here...

  • [Harry] Is something burning?

  • [Hermione] Wait a minute. That's no ordinary fire, it's...

  • [Hermione].....a dragon!

  • Richie: (mockingly) a dragon

  • [ dragon roars]

  • [Hermoine] Look at the scars on it's's barbaric how it's been treated!

  • [Ron] It looks partially blind. I bet it'll still go for you, though....

  • [Harry] We have no choice; we have to get past that dragon; Griphook should meet us on the other side with Bogrod.

  • [Harry] I'll go first. You two wait here.

  • [Ron] Yeah, that, uh.... sounds like a plan. We'll stay here!

  • [Hermione] Okay, if we have to .... Be careful, Harry!

  • [Hermione] Stay behind the pillars, Harry and watch out when it's breathing fire.

  • Richie: oooh

  • -Defend your companions from attack when they are unlocking magical doors-

  • I dont have the patients for this

  • -Stay with your companions when in combat (in order) to increase your chances-

  • [ Dragon roars ]

  • [Hermione] It must be so confused down here...

  • [Hermione] Stay behind the pillars, Harry and watch out when it's breathing fire.

  • Head master snape

  • Fght time for today

  • Who will win Harry or the Witches

  • [Hits Enemy]

  • [Enemy Groans Out In Pain]

*thunder booming*


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B1 中級 英國腔

哈利波特與死亡聖器。第2部完整的基於電影的遊戲1/2 (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 Full Movie Based Game 1/2)

  • 477 15
    Jing Fen Chang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日