字幕列表 影片播放 列印英文字幕 November the 4th is in the books. Here on Wall Street. Here's the New York Minute. 11月4日已經落幕。這裡是華爾街,歡迎收看 New York Minute It's been a quiet day on world markets with the non-farm payroll polls. It's going almost as unnoticed as the Fed meeting earlier this week . 今天的全球股市和非農數據相當平靜,就跟這週稍早的聯準會一樣沒什麼動靜 Now if you take a look at the under-employment rate, which is improved dramatically since its worst points. 現在,如果你看一下就業成長率,它從最低點有大幅地成長 Or at average hourly earning now is growing as fast as they have done since the great financial crisis. 現在平均時薪的增加速度是金融危機以來數一數二快的 You can see that, yes, things are improving as the Democrats to put it. 你可以看到,的確,如民主黨所說的,情況正在轉好 But they're still pretty bad and could have improved much faster, as the Republicans would say. 但是共和黨會說,情況仍然滿糟的,而且應該要改善的更快 They don't affect the election and they don't affect the calculates for next Fed rate decision. 然而它們並不會影響到選舉,也不會影響到下一個美聯儲利率決議 When it comes to stock markets, you can see the FTSE developed markets index is now apparently 1% for the year. 現在來看股票市場,今年已開發國家的富時指數明顯地達到的百分之一 The S&P 500 is sold off 9 days in a roll, which is the first time that's happened since 1980. 而標準普爾 500 指數則在 1980 年來第一次連續九天跌價 The Vix continues to spike, it's now higher than it was before the Brexit referendum. Vix 指數持續上升,已經突破了 Brexit 公投前的高點 And the dollar continues to sell-off. Obviously, all concerned about the possibility of President Trump they would all probably sell off a bit more. 美元則是持續的貶值。川普是否當選總統顯然影響著未來各種指數的走向,他的當選勢必會再帶來一波跌價 If you want a recovery just a little bit, if he lost. 他的落選才有可能會降低些許損失 And that's the New York Minute. 以上是 New York Minute
B1 中級 英國腔 FinancialTimes 指數 當選 成長率 美聯 聯準會 工資單?什麼工資單? (Payrolls? What payrolls?) 32 2 Sabrina Hsu 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字