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  • Let's talk about the VMAs.

  • You started out your routine, you were on a life cycle.

  • You were on a bike and then you actually sang.

  • First of all, thank you for really singing.

  • It's horrible to watch those shows and nobody really sings.

  • I love when people really sing.

  • So thank you for really singing.

  • >> [APPLAUSE] >> Did

  • you think it through because it seemed like you were a little out of breath.

  • >> It was definitely tiring, but I was you know what, it's worth it,

  • I need to be on a bike.

  • So I committed to it, stuck with it, yep,

  • had the idea of the bike thing the first time I heard Nicki's verse.

  • And she says the phrase [BLEEP] bicycle, and the idea was born.

  • And I really committed to it and I- >> What?

  • >> [LAUGH] >> Yeah, she has a lyric in the song,

  • she says [BLEEP] bicycle.

  • >> [LAUGH] >> What does that mean?

  • >> You know.

  • >> Unh-unh.

  • >> [LAUGH] >> [APPLAUSE]

  • >> I really don't.

  • I mean, I think I'm down with it.

  • I know the lyrics and- >> [LAUGH]

  • >> But what does that mean?

  • Is that like a banana seat?

  • >> [LAUGH] >> Kind of.

  • >> Is it?

  • >> I don't know, actually.

  • >> Well, you should know.

  • >> We should, I was on the bike.

  • >> [LAUGH] >> I sang, that happened and you know.

  • >> This is totally different than the Hillary interview.

  • >> [LAUGH] >> Yeah,

  • it'd be wild if next time you see her you ask her about [BLEEP] bicycle.

  • >> Yeah. >> [LAUGH]

  • >> That would be crazy.

  • >> I will bring it up and it'll just be a joke between all of us.

  • >> [LAUGH] >> Hope for the best.

  • >> Yeah.

  • >> Let's talk about your love life, can we?

  • >> My god. >> Do you mind?

  • >> God, I don't know, man.

  • >> This is so crazy,

  • I wouldn't compare it- >> What?

  • >> I don't know. >> The thing is,

  • the guy that you're with is Mac Miller, right.

  • >> My God, is this coming- >> When you were here before,

  • he was a dancer.

  • No, he's a rapper.

  • He was with you. >> Yeah,

  • we performed together on your show, we were babies.

  • >> And I asked you- >> Wow, that's so-

  • >> I asked you something about him, and

  • you said, I'm his homie.

  • And now he's living in your homie.

  • >> [LAUGH] >> There's that.

  • >> Right. >> [LAUGH]

  • >> Cuz you all were-

  • >> Wow.

  • >> That was three years ago.

  • >> It was, yeah, yup.

  • >> So you've been friends and then all of a sudden now you find out-

  • >> This is so crazy.

  • I've never had the relationship talk on a show before.

  • >> It's just me so far.

  • >> Yeah. >> [LAUGH]

  • >> You haven't joined in.

  • >> No pressure.

  • >> But you're with him,

  • right, and you're happy and stuff? >> Yeah.

  • >> Good. >> Thanks.

  • >> That's good, good talk.

  • >> [LAUGH] >> Good talk.

Let's talk about the VMAs.


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A2 初級 美國腔

阿麗亞娜-格蘭德關於愛情、自行車和VMAs的演講。 (Ariana Grande on Love, Bicycles & the VMAs)

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