字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Someone's eyes can tell you a lot about that person. 一個人的眼睛洩漏了很多有關他的資訊。 Like if they're flirting with you, if they're intoxicated, and sometimes, if they are lying. 像是他們有沒有在跟你調情、他們是不是喝太多酒了,有時候也看得出來他們是否在說謊。 Our eyes are known as the windows to our souls, and sometimes passages to another dimension. 眼睛是靈魂之窗,也有人說眼睛是通往另一個時空維度的通道。 But the color of our eyes could be the code that unlocks the secret of who we are as people. 但其實我們眼睛的顏色就可能是能夠解釋我們是哪種人的關鍵。 So what does your eye color say about you? 那麼你的眼睛顏色又能夠告訴別人什麼呢? Black eyes. 黑色眼睛。 Black eyes form when there is a large concentration of melanin in the iris. 黑色眼睛的成因是虹膜上非常集中的黑色素。 People who have true black eyes are very rare, and it's believed that people with very dark brown eyes are considered to have black eyes. 非常少的人擁有真的黑色眼睛,大部分認為有深褐色眼睛的人就算是有黑色眼睛。 People with this eye color are known to be very trustworthy, and reliable, and can possibly be shy in their early years. 有黑色眼睛的人被認為值得信任、依賴並且他們小時候可能比較內向害羞。 As they get older, they focus on financial and emotional security. 他們長大之後會專注經營經濟以及情感上的安全感。 People with black eyes are also known to be very kind, and would rather talk about spirituality, and not other people. 黑眼睛的人也被認為非常友善,而且寧願談論精神性的東西,而不是議論他人。 Brown eyes. 褐色眼睛。 Brown eyes are the most common eye color in the world. 褐色眼睛是世界上最常見的眼睛顏色。 They are formed when a person has more melanin in their iris than a person with light eyes. 當一個人虹膜上的黑色素濃度高於淡色眼睛的人,他們就算是擁有褐色眼睛。 Someone with this eye color is known to be loyal, independent, and have a knack for exploring. 褐色眼睛的人通常忠誠、獨立並且喜愛冒險。 These traits make people with brown eyes the best leaders, because they exude strength and confidence. 這些特質讓褐色眼睛的人自然成為最棒的領導者,因為他們散發著力量跟自信。 Brown eyes are also known for their keen sense of elegance. 褐色眼睛的人通常也具有敏銳的美感。 No matter the occasion, brown-eyed people will show up in style and flow with grace. 無論什麼場合,褐色眼睛的人總是能夠優雅有型的出場。 People rocking brown eyes are also considered very adorable, because they are known to cheer others up and make them laugh. 褐色眼睛的人也被認為非常的惹人喜歡,因為他們會鼓勵別人並且非常幽默。 Hazel eyes. 淡褐色眼睛。 Hazel eyes are another rare breed of eye color. 淡褐色眼睛是另一個少見的眼睛顏色。 They usually consist of different shades of blue, green, and brown. 它們通常由藍、綠跟褐色的色塊組成 。 It's tricky to pinpoint this eye color, since there are so many variations of it. 一般來說要認出這種眼睛顏色並不容易,因為它們有非常多不同的表現形式。 These colored eyes are so unique, because the mixture of melanin and light reflect properties that can be very different from one hazel-eyed person to the next. 這種顏色的眼睛非常特別,因為它們裡面黑色素跟光的結合會反射各種不同的顏色組合,在每個淡褐色眼睛的人身上可能都會不一樣。 People sporting this eye color are said to bore easily and may not bode well in long relationships. 擁有這種顏色眼睛的人據說很容易覺得無聊,而且不善經營長期感情關係。 Their sense of adventure and passion for risk-taking may play a part in their tendency to be unengaged when not stimulated. 他們的冒險精神以及勇於嘗試也可能可以解釋為什麼他們在沒有受到刺激鼓舞時傾向於不投入。 This eye color may also indicate that a perosn is sharp, witty, and unpredictable. 這種眼睛顏色也可能代表一個人具有狡猾、機智跟無法預測的特質。 Because a person with hazel eyes likes to avoid conflict, they learn form an early age how to be sharp, and cunning when conflict occurs. 擁有淡褐色眼睛的人不喜爭吵,他們從小就學到怎麼在爭執發生的時候當那個狡猾得利的人。 Blue eyes. 藍色眼睛。 Blue eyes first started showing up around 6,000 to 10,000 years ago, and everyone who has this eye color are linked to one common ancestor. 藍眼睛大概在 6,000 到 10,000 年前開始出現,所有有藍眼睛的人都可以追溯到同一個祖先。 The blue eye color occurred when a mutation formed in this ancestor that "switched off" the ability for that person to create brown eyes. 藍眼睛的出現是因為這個祖先的眼睛發生突變導致他創造褐色眼睛的能力消失。 People with this eye color have less concentration for melanin in their iris than brown-eyed people. 擁有藍眼睛的人比起褐色眼睛的人在虹膜上的黑色素濃度較低。 Some cultures where brown eyes are common see blue eyes as a curse. 在一些大部分人擁有褐色眼睛的社會,藍眼睛被視為一種詛咒。 People with this eye color tend to be most attractive to each other. 藍眼睛的人傾向於跟藍眼睛的人互相吸引。 They aren't alone because most people agree that blue eyes are the most attractive eye color. 但不只他們這樣覺得,因為大部分人其實都同意藍眼睛是最吸引人的眼睛顏色。 Blue-eyed people are also deemed least trustworthy, but are good and strategic thinkers, so they might be able to con others easily. 藍眼睛的人也被認為是最不值得信賴的,但是能夠出色的策略性思考所以他們可能比較能夠成功的欺騙人。 Violet eyes. 紫羅藍色眼睛。 Violet eyes are among the rarest eye color. 這種眼睛是最少見的眼睛顏色之一。 Someone with these colored eyes have what is known as Alexandria's genesis. 擁有紫羅藍色眼睛的人有所謂的 Alexandria's genesis(一種神秘的基因突變)。 The myth that makes up this mutation dates back to ancient Egypt when a bright light formed in the sky over sleeping Egyptians. 有關這種突變的傳說可以追溯到古埃及一道強光在沉睡的埃及人頭頂成形。 The myth goes on to explain that anyone who went out to gaze upon the light developed shining white skin and dark violet eyes. 傳說當中接著說任何注視這道光的人皮膚變成發亮的白色,眼睛則是深紫色。 Though this is hardly scientific, people with this eye color are very mysterious, and are known to be noble and refined. 雖然這個傳說跟科學搭不上邊,但是擁有這種眼睛顏色的人非常神秘並且被認為具有高貴優雅的氣質。 Gray eyes. Gray eyes are considered very genetically close to blue eyes, but are not quite the same. 灰色眼珠。灰色眼睛跟藍色眼睛的基因組成非常相似,但仍然有些微不同。 Scientists believe that people with this color eyes are initially born with blue eyes, but as they get older, the color changes to gray. 科學家相信擁有灰色眼睛的人出生的時候其實是藍眼睛的,但是他們慢慢長大後,眼珠顏色就變成灰色了。 The color gray is associated with old age, therefore people with this eye color are viewed as gentle and wise. 灰色這個顏色常常讓人聯想到老年,因此有這種眼珠顏色的人被認為具有和善且有智慧的特質。 Because of their calm and gentle nature, people with gray eyes make the best caregivers. 灰色眼睛的人是最稱職的照護者 (包含保母、老人看護等等) ,因為他們天性冷靜和善。 They also tend to be very clean, and like to keep a clean appearance and house. 他們也常常很愛乾淨喜歡維持乾淨的外表以及居住環境。 Green eyes. 綠眼睛。 Green eyes are another rare color, and it's estimated only 2% of the world possessed green eyes. 綠色眼睛是另一種罕見的顏色,預估全世界只有 2% 的人擁有綠色眼睛。 Since this color is so rare, people possessing them are found very desirable, and are known to have intense and long-lasting relationships. 因為這個顏色非常稀少,人們通常蠻喜歡有綠眼睛的人,而他們的感情關係常被認為是穩定的熱戀。 Green-eyed people are also known to be mystical and magical, and during the Salem witch trials, having green eyes was a way to identify someone was a witch. 綠眼睛的人也被認為具有神秘甚至神奇的特質,在塞勒姆審巫案的時期,人們用是否具有綠色眼睛來認定誰是女巫。 Green eyes are also associated with envy, hence the term "green-eyed monster," so people with this eye color may be more jealous than people with other eye colors. 綠色眼睛也被認為跟嫉妒有關,「綠眼睛妖怪」的說法也因此產生 (所謂「綠眼睛妖怪」指的就是「嫉妒心」)所以綠眼睛的人可能比其他顏色眼睛的人更容易感到嫉妒。 Amber eyes. 琥珀色眼睛。 Amber eyes can sometimes be confused with hazel eyes. 這種顏色的眼睛常常被跟所謂淡褐色的眼睛搞混。 Though hazel eyes have flecks of red or yellow, amber eyes always remain a golden hue. 雖然淡褐色的眼睛有紅色或黃色的小色塊,琥珀色眼睛永遠都是金黃色的。 Amber eyes occur when the iris has lower melatonin and high pheomelanin. 琥珀色眼睛的成因是當虹膜上面的褪黑激素較少、褐黑素較高。 People who have this eye color are said to have wolf eyes because of their color resemblance and personality traits. 琥珀色眼睛被認為是狼眼睛因為狼眼睛也是琥珀色,而且有這種眼睛顏色的人擁有許多跟狼類似的人格特質。 Like wolves, these people are social animals, and have a need to fit in. 跟狼一樣,這些人也喜歡集體行動,並且需要融入群體。 They can also be cunning and alluring, and are found to be sexy and very appealing. 他們也可能狡猾卻又迷人,並且被認為很性感、有魅力。 What did you learn about your eye color and what it says about you? 你知道你的眼睛顏色代表什麼了嗎? 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B2 中高級 中文 美國腔 眼睛 顏色 灰色 眼珠 黑色素 神秘 原來透過「靈魂之窗」可以知道這麼多事情?!10 件眼珠顏色偷偷揭露的事實! (10 Things Your Eye Color Reveals About You) 41307 2647 Tim 發佈於 2024 年 07 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字