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In this short tutorial I will show the correct pre-flight, taxi and takeoff using the Boeing
777 from Ramzzess productions for X-Plane.
Before you load the airplane prepare the charts you will be using on the EFB. Copy the charts
to the applications folder. If the charts are in PDF format press here to change them
to PNG format, it they are already in PNG format press here to change them to MAP format.
Once in map format put them in the maps folder.
I will explain some of the features built into the simulator, however please consider
that this is a very complex simulation that requires a lot of study from the information
included in the DOCS folder.
Please follow these procedures in order, exactly as described in the manual or in this video
to stay out of trouble, just like in real life.
Let's begin with a short explanation of the MAIN MENU. You access it at any time by clicking
While you become familiar with the normal operation I recommend you to uncheck this
first box called "Custom Failures" as it will give you some additional problems to deal
with like APU failures, fuel leaks and things like that. We don't want to deal with those
right now.
Quick zoom gives you a panel navigator. By clicking the different zones you are taken
straight to those areas, like the overhead panel, pedestal, cdu, etc.
Real time means it will take real time for the ADIRU to align, if you are in a hurry
un-checking this box will give you an instantaneous alignment.
Hide Yoke is self-explanatory.
And real Limits means G load limits.
I recommend that you left checked this boxes here.
Ok is time now to begin the simulation. We will cover the following phases:
to begin with initial loading, it is assumed that you have just loaded the airplane, selected
the livery of your choice and deselected "Custom Failures" on the Main Menu.
Now select chocks, stairs and Doors MAN, which means DOORS MANUAL, so the doors are disconnected
from the emergency escape slides; now you can open the doors without deploying the slides.
The only doors with movement simulated are second and third doors from both sides. The
forward and aft doors will always remain closed and armed.
Ok so we have checked the DOORS MAN and now we are ready to open the doors by pressing
Shift F1 to Shift F4. The only doors that need to be open for the MAIN MENU to load
the airplane later on are 2L and 2R and that means shift F1 and shift F2 only, but you
may open the other doors if you want.
Next step is electrical power up.
In the overhead panel, turn on the battery switch and connect the two ground power units
or GPU«s to the airplane via the MAIN MENU; with both AVAIL indications lighted push both
external power switches to ON.
For the loading of passengers and fuel, fill in the blanks. Takeoff fuel is in thousand
of kilograms and should include trip fuel plus fuel to alternate. The system will calculate
a 5% reserve for you. Finally we call the passenger bus and the fuel truck and we are
now ready to beggin the loading by pressing the ¬LOAD FUEL¬ button. Remember, for this
loading process to function the requirements are:
All this fields thicked, both engines off, both L2 and R2 doors opened, the parking brake
set and all this fields with the required data.
This here means that the loading process is in progress and while that happens we can
continue with the pre-flight of the airplane. We cannot turn off the MAIN MENU while loading,
but we can move it out of view so that it does not interfere that much.
Pre-flight procedures for the first officer.
In the overhead panel basically we need to make sure that everything is set to ON, ARM
or AUTO with the exception of hydraulics and fuel. Things that you may not notice are the
cargo temperature selectors, which are way back in the overhead panel so to reach them
select the overhead panel view, then move the camera all the way backwards and after
that you may even need to tilt the camera a little bit more. Here they are. Set those
to low. Now if you do not want to miss anything you should set this panel in order from top
to bottom, from left to right, making sure that each single switch or selector is in
the correct position. If you have done it wright, the overhead panel should look exactly
like this...
Moving to the main panel, we cancel any warning or caution alert. Here you have the time remining
for ADIRU alignement. As the right side is not simulated, we will just make sure that
you have enough fluids by checking on the MFD engine and status indications. As we can
not clearly see the lower MFD screen, you may select left MFD and select ENG to check
engine oil, select status to check hydraulic quantities, apu oil and oxygen pressure. You
may also select doors, gearsÉ, you got the idea.
Now we set the Left inboard Multifunction display back to NAV and leave the lower Multifunction
display selected with the status page visible, set the autobrake to RTO. In the EICAS screen
we get rid of the compacted engine indications by pressing this button and make sure that
no red messages are displayed. After reviewing that all the amber messages displayed makes
sense we clear them with the cancel button and again to cancel the second page of messages.
Next if you select the fwd pedestal and tilt the camera a little bit fwd you may select
this FMC selector to AUTO. Finally, moving back to the aft pedestal, check that rudder
trim is set to zero and turn on the right radio tunning panel and select the right radio
as its tunning radio and left comm as the transmitter. Also make sure that the transponder
panel is set.
Next step is FMS programming via the CDU.
we always begin by selecting FMS 1, review that the information displayed is correct,
press here to proceed to next step which is POSITION INITIALIZATION; enter the most accurate
position, which will always be the GPS position. Select the GPS position down to the scratch
pad and enter it on the SET IRS position. Again next step: route loading. All the squares
need to be filled in. that is mandatory so if you are selecting the airplane with engines
on option on x-plane, please make sure that at least you fill all the squares in the different
CDU pages. Dashes means optional information. Enter ICAO codes for ORIGIN and DESTINATION,
and press next page to build you route. Waypoints or navaids are entered on the right and airways
on the left. if the flight plan contain several airways just enter them in order and the system
will calculate automatically the crossover point. To enter oceanic waypoints, just type
using this format. If you need to enter an exact coordinate use this long format with
no spaces. You may delete also something that is not ok. Once you are done you review your
route by selecting legs and plan on the EFIS control panel with an adequate range. You
will see this step prompt here to scroll through your route. Now we set back to map and go
back to route page. to activate the route press here and here. If you want to save the
route give it a name like Seattle San Diego 1 and press here. To clear or erase all your
route, just enter an ICAO code on the origin. It can even be the same one. Route is clear
now and to load a saved route just enter the name in Company Route.
Route is Ok so we set the flight number. To select the departure we need to listen to
the ATIS first so we select the chart on the EFB, zoom it in or out and PAN it as necessary
to look for the frequency, then we turn on the left Radio Tuning Panel and set it to
tune the left radio, dial the frequency and set that as active. With the left radio as
transmiter we can listen to the ATIS. ÒSEATTLE TACOMA INTL INFO ALPHAÓÉ
Now we go back and select departures-arrivals and select a departure from the applicable
runway and choose from the list of available SID«s. one more time we check by selecting
legs page with the chart to make sure everything is ok and activate and execute the changes.
There is no need to select an arrival at this time, unless your flight is a very short one,
lets say less than half an hour of flight time.
Preflight procedure for the captain
Set the EFIS control panel by setting the minimums to BARO and reset it, turn the flight
path vector to on as desired and set the meters to on if flying in China. Set the applicable
QNH, the VOR-ADF selectors as required and set map with a range of 10. Press the Traffic
switch to ON and turn on the flight director, set the Auto-Throttle arm switches to arm,
set the Heading-Track to Track and set the altitude selector from AUTO to 1000.
Next check the indications on PFD, They should look like this. Check the ND and they should
look like this. This are the only two flags that should be displayed at this time. On
the fwd pedestal specially check speedbrake forward, thrust levers idle, flaps selector
up, and fuel control switches cutoff. In the aft pedestal check the left Radio Tuning Panel
on and selected to tune the left radio, weather radar panel set, and center Radio Tuning Panel
on and selected to tune the center radio.
Is time now to select the normal checklists and select pre-flight checklist to make sure
you have covered everything.
Lets start the APU now and once we have the APU RUNNING indication on EICAS we can turn
off the external gpu«s. At this time the airplane loading should be finished, so we
dismiss the GPUs, passenger bus and the fuel truck, and we set the seat belt to on. If
flying online or with ATC, it is a good time to request your ATC clearance.
All passengers on board, and is time for performance information entry.
In the CDU go to index performance init page and set the reserve fuel value request the
final weight values, enter cruise altitude and cost index. next step and set the thrust
limits. I will use a 60 degrees as assumed temperature, now takeoff ref. again request
your cg values and set flaps for takeoff. Finally click the V speeds to make them big,
and now set V2 speed on MCP, arm LNAV and VNAV and make sure that the track and initial
altitude are compatible with your departure planning.
all set, so time to close the doors, make some PA announcements to the passengers, arm
the doors and remove the chocks. We now pressurize hydraulics and fuel and set the beacon light
to ON. press cancel, make sure that no amber or red messages and this should be the only
5 memo messages present at this time. finally we set transponder to TA-RA. read the before
start check list and Once you are cleared for pushback go to outside view and call the
pushback truck. wait until it is securely attached to the airplane, check that the parking
brakes are OFF (that is done automatically for you) and control the pushback with the
throttle and the rudders... once finished, remove the pushback truck, make sure that
no thick marks are left and that the parking brake is set again.
To start the engines, this airplane has an auto start system, so it is only a matter
of sit and watch.. we will start right engine first so we select right engine to start and
inmediately respective fuel control switch to run. We know that engine is running in
idle when this red start EGT limit dissapear. Repeat the same steps for the left engine.
once both engines are in idle, we turn off the APU, if operating in icing conditions
select engine anti-ice selectors to ON, press recall and make sure that we do not have any
amber or red messanges. Set flaps to takeoff flap setting and check flight controls. Make
sure that the trim is set ok and do the after start checklist.
We are ready to taxi, so turn on taxi and turnoff lights, release brakes and taxi-out.
Your taxi speed is showing here, maximum taxi speed is 10 knots for turns and 25 knots for
straight in... For takeoff, turn on landing lights, select WX, and read the before takeoff
checklist. Once aligned in the runway advance the thrust levers to mid position and press
the TOGA button here, make sure that your joystick does not interfere with your auto
throttle settings by setting the joystick levers full forward. on the FMA you should
see this and after 80 knots this. You steer to stay on rwy centerline and when reach VR
rotate slowly to an initial pitch attitude of about 15 degrees. once the altimeter is
moving, set gear to up, at 50 ft radio altimeter, the FMA should change to LNAV and after passing
200 Ft. radio altimeter engage auto pilot by pushing this switch here. At acceleration
height your FMA should look like this. Thanks for watching, enjoy your flight and happy