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Music means a lot to us, By just putting a record on it helps us process emotions, escape
reality, or just get really pumped up about something. But how did that sound get on a
piece of vinyl in the first place? And how does it make music to our ears.
Hey Audiophiles Julia here for DNews
I know it seems like a simple thing, but how do we record sounds on to vinyl?. How does
this vibration produced in our throats get carried through the air, and capture on disc?
Well it wasn’t easy. for centuries there were attempts to transcribe sound on to paper.
Back in the mid-19th century, scientists were studying how sound waves move through the
air and vibrate. Inspired by studies of the inner ear, French scientist Édouard-Léon
Scott de Martinville, tried to recreate the ear drum with a thin membrane. Attaching this
membrane to a stylus or etching pen, he could trace the vibrations that hit that membrane
onto a piece of paper or glass. But it took at least 20 years for anyone to realize that
hey… these 2d lines on a paper, if turned into 3d grooves in something, could be played
The earliest attempts at recording the human voice go back to the 1870s. And like most
inventions of that era, was developed at Thomas Edison’s labs. Once we had sound waves figured
out, there had to be a way to mark them down somehow and re-play them later. Edison’s
labs came up with a cylinder covered in tin foil with a needle attached to a thin membrane
called a diaphragm. As sound waves hit the diaphragm they jiggled the needle which etched
the vibrations and movements into the cylinder.
But he wasn’t the only one working on it. Emile Berliner developed a similar system,
but his had hand crank that turned not a cylinder but a flat disc cutting 3-dimensional grooves
of sound waves directly into it. The needle or stylus would “read” the grooves, producing
a sound that was amplified by a horn or cone. And thus the gramophone was invented in 1887.
And that’s still how analog sound is played today. Records work on a similar principle,
only instead of recording it fresh each time, it's recorded to a master disc and then pressed
into vinyl Today’s record players have the stylus, usually made from diamond or sapphire,
attached to a tone arm, that’s the thing you pick up and move to put on a record. Tone
arms can be straight or curved, and there’s some debate as to which is better. And the
sound isn’t amplified mechanically, they are carried through the tone arm to a cartridge
containing coils in a magnetic field. These coils take the vibrations and amplify them
electronically through speakers.
But on a warmer note, many record fans say they sound just that. They believe records
sound better and warmer than other forms of recording because of its fidelity. But that’s
an arguable case. But maybe the rise of record players lately is simply because many vinyl-philes
say they have an emotional connection to records. Some say it’s a nostalgia factor, others
like that records are so tangible, they’re something you can really see and feel. Maybe
it’s the appeal of the ritual, the taking off of the jacket, placing the record on the
table and finally get the stylus, literally in the groove.
So while some might get a little down on digital, it can be awesome, I mean modern scientists
have even found a way to listen to those Scott de Martinville’s recordings using a virtual
stylus. Seriously. it’s creepy. give it a listen, there’s a link in the description.