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  • Gossip and rumors.

  • For one, don't do it yourself.

  • Don't make up things.

  • Don't say or do things to people that you wouldn't

  • appreciate being done or said to you, in a way,

  • and then also nip it in the bud.

  • I'd say that if something starts and if there is an issue,

  • I feel like honesty and conversation,

  • not arguing and fighting, but having

  • a conversation with another human being

  • and confronting a situation, discussing

  • it can be very, very productive.

  • Because a lot of it, a lot of things

  • are - a lot of problems happen because of miscommunication as

  • well.

  • So I feel like as human beings, as peers, as friends,

  • as coworkers, or students, you can get so much further along

  • and avoid so many things if you just talk to one another.

  • And if there was a problem or something

  • was being said about you, you clear it up.

  • And you just - you talk.

  • You don't - you don't talk behind someone's back.

  • You talk to them one on one.

Gossip and rumors.


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A2 初級 美國腔

旁觀者的革命尼娜-多佈雷夫|八卦和傳聞 (Bystander Revolution: Nina Dobrev | Gossip and Rumors)

  • 125 11
    姚易辰 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日