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  • Hi! Welcome to Math Antics. In this lesson, we are gonna learn about long division.

  • If you haven’t already watched our video about basic division, then be sure to go back and watch that first.

  • It will make learning long division a lot easier.

  • Long division is just a way of breaking up a bigger division problem into a series of short division steps

  • like the ones that we did in the basic division video.

  • The nice thing about long division is that once you know the procedure,

  • you can divide up all kinds of numbers, even if they are REALLY big.

  • The key to long division is to think about our division problem digit-by-digit.

  • If our dividend (the number were dividing up) has a lot of digits,

  • then that means that there will be a lot of division steps to do.

  • When we learned basic one-step division, all of the dividends were small enough

  • that we could just use the multiplication table to help us find the answer.

  • But what if we have a division problem like this? 936 divided by 4

  • 936 is definitely NOT on our multiplication table!

  • In fact, there’s not anything even close to 936, so what do we do?

  • Well, instead of trying to divide the entire 936 by 4 all at once,

  • let’s break this problem up into smaller steps by just trying to divide each digit by 4,

  • one digit at a timedigit-by-digit.

  • Do you remember how with multi-digit multiplication and addition,

  • we always start with the smallest digit (the ones place digit) and we work from right to left?

  • Well division is backwards! We still go digit by digit, but the other way.

  • We start by trying to divide up the digit in the biggest number place first and we work our way from left to right.

  • So the first step in this problem is to divide the FIRST digit of our dividend by 4.

  • Well just ignore the other digits for now, and that makes it look like we have the division problem 9 divided by 4.

  • Great! That’s easy! It’s just a basic division problem like in the last video.

  • So we ask, “How many ‘4’s will it take to make 9 or almost 9?”

  • Well, two ‘4’s would be 8, and that’s almost 9.

  • So just like before, we put the 2 in our answer spot on top of the line.

  • But wait a minutethere’s a lot of room up there. Where exactly do we put it?

  • Well, the answer digit should always go directly above the digit were dividing.

  • Since were dividing the digit 9, our 2 should go right above the 9.

  • Okay, now we multiply… 2 times 4 is 8, and the 8 goes below the 9 so that we can subtract to get our remainder.

  • 9 minus 8 is 1, so our remainder is 1.

  • Now at this point in our basic one-step division problems, we would re-write our remainder up in our answer with a little ‘r’ next to it.

  • But we aren’t going to do that yet because this is long division and we still have more digits to divide (the ones weve been ignoring).

  • Since were going digit-by-digit, let’s stop ignoring the next digit in our dividend (the 3).

  • Now you might think that our next division step is to divide that 3 by the 4. But it’s not quite that simple.

  • We had a remainder from our last division step, and we can’t just forget about that.

  • We need to combine that remainder with our next digit and divide them both together.

  • We do that by bringing down a COPY of the next digit (the 3) and put it right beside the remainder (which is 1).

  • When we do that, it looks like our remainder is 13. It’s kind of like our remainder is teaming up with the next digit over.

  • And if you think about it, that makes sense because

  • the digits that we were ignoring during our first division step really are part of the remainder, because we still need to divide them.

  • Okay, so bringing down that next digit makes our remainder bigger.

  • And that’s good because before, the remainder was so small that 4 couldn’t divide into it.

  • But now it’s 13, and 4 will divide into 13.

  • So we ask, “How many ‘4’s will it take to make 13?”

  • Well, three ‘4’s would be 12, and that’s really close without being too big. So let’s put 3 in our answer line.

  • Yep - it goes right over the 3 because that is the next digit we were dividing in this digit-by-digit process.

  • And then 3 times 4 is 12 which we put right below the 13 so that we can subtract to get the next remainder which will also be 1.

  • See how were just repeating the basic division procedure? But were going further down the screen as we do.

  • Alright, now that we have a new remainder, it’s time for our next division step.

  • Let’s stop ignoring the last digit in the dividend (the 6) and bring down a copy of it to team up with our new remainder.

  • Together, they form a remainder of 16.

  • Ah ha! That’s good because it’s gonna be easy to divide 4 into 16 because 16 is a multiple of 4.

  • It takes exactly fours ‘4’s to make 16. So we put a 4 in the last place of our answer line,

  • and then we write the 16 below our new remainder.

  • Now if we subtract 16 from 16, we see that our last remainder will be zero, which means there’s no remainder left.

  • That’s great! We solved the whole division problem digit-by-digit by breaking it up into three basic division steps.

  • And now we know that 936 divided by 4 equals 234.

  • And we also know why they call it long division!!

  • In fact, that was so long, I think I need a coffee break

  • Oh man

  • that was some looooooooooooong division!

  • Wheewlet’s see

  • Okay, so that problem had a three-digit dividend and it also had three division steps.

  • But the number of steps isn’t always the same as the number of digits we have.

  • And that’s because the number of steps also depends on how big our divisor is.

  • To see what I mean, let’s work two division problems side by side.

  • These both look like the basic one-step division problems that you did in the last video, don’t they?

  • But as youll see, one of them is actually a two-step problem.

  • Let’s start with the first problem: 72 divided by 8.

  • We just ask, “How many ‘8’s does it take to make 72 (or almost 72)?”

  • Well that’s easy! On our multiplication table you can see that 72 is a multiple of 8.

  • 8 × 9 = 72 So we put 9 in our answer line, and we write 72 below, and we see that we have no remainder.

  • Now let’s try the next problem: 72 divided by 3.

  • If we ask, “How many ‘3’s will it take to make 72 (or almost 72)?”, we can see that the answer is not on our multiplication chart.

  • The biggest multiple of three listed there is 30 which isn’t even close.

  • The reason is that this should really be a two-step problem.

  • Let’s try using the new digit-by-digit method we just learned.

  • Instead of asking, “How many ‘3’s make 72?”, let’s just focus on the first digit and ask,

  • How many ‘3’s does it take to make 7?”

  • Ah - that’s easy. Two ‘3’s would give us 6, which is very close.

  • So let’s put a 2 in the answer line right above the 7.

  • Then we multiply 2 times 3, and that makes 6.

  • And we subtract 6 from 7 to get a remainder of 1.

  • Now for the second step

  • We bring down a copy of the next digit (the 2) and we combine it with the 1 to get a new remainder of 12.

  • Then we ask, “How many ‘3’s does it take to make 12?”

  • and the answer to that is exactly 4.

  • So we write a 4 in the answer line, and 3 × 4 = 12.

  • 12 − 12 = 0 So we have no remainder!

  • Were done! 72 divided by 3 is 24.

  • Now here’s the interesting thing about these examples.

  • The first problem could have been a two-step problem also.

  • If we had taken it digit-by-digit, we would have first asked, “How many ‘8’s does it take to make 7 (or almost 7)?”

  • But the answer would have been zero since 8 is too big to divide into 7.

  • We would have put zero in our answer line and the remainder would have just been 7.

  • So basically, we just skipped that step. And thatll happen with digit-by-digit division sometimes.

  • If the number is too small to divide into, you just put a zero in the answer line and you move on to the next digit.

  • Okay, now that you know the procedure for long division, are you ready to see a really long problem?

  • Good - I thought so!

  • Let’s divide 315,270 by 5.

  • Now don’t worryit’s really not that hard if you just go digit-by-digit.

  • I’m gonna work the problem pretty fast, so don’t worry if you don’t follow all the math.

  • Just focus on the repeating division process as we go along. Are you ready?

  • The first digit is 3. How many times will 5 divide into 3? Zero.

  • 5 is too big. So let’s just skip that step and combine our first digit with our next digit.

  • So how many times does 5 divide into 31? Six.

  • 6 times 5 is 30. And 31 minus 30 gives us a remainder of 1.

  • Now on to the third digitWe bring a copy of it down to join with the remainder.

  • And we ask how many times will 5 divide into 15? Three.

  • 3 times 5 is 15. And 15 minus 15 is zero.

  • On to the next digit

  • Now even though our previous remainder was zero, we still bring down a copy of the next digit.

  • Now we ask how many times will 5 divide into 2? Zero.

  • 5 is too big, so we need to move on to the next digit and bring a copy of it down also.

  • There, that’s better.

  • Now we ask, how many times will 5 divide into 27? Five.

  • 5 times 5 is 25. And 27 minus 25 gives a remainder of 2.

  • now for that last digit, which is a zero.

  • And you might wonder, “Why do we even have to bring a copy of a zero down? Isn’t that nothing?”

  • But the zero is an important place holderand when we bring a copy of it down,

  • it changes our remainder of 2 into a remainder of 20. Now that’s a big difference!

  • Now we ask, how many times will 5 divide into 20? Four.

  • 4 times 5 is 20. And 20 minus 20 is zero.

  • Yes! Were done! There’s no more digits to divide.

  • And you can see that our final answer is: 63,054.

  • Alrightthat’s the procedure for long division.

  • As you can see, it’s kinda complicated, so don’t get discouraged if youre confused at first.

  • Like almost everything, it just takes practice.

  • So, as you get ready to practice some long division problems on your own, here’s a few tips that will help you out.

  • First: If you haven’t already done it, memorizing your multiplication table will really help with division.

  • Second: When youre working problems, it’s really important to write neatly and stay organized.

  • If your writing is messy, it might be hard to keep your columns lined up and that could lead to mistakes.

  • And if that’s the case, try using graph paper to help keep things lined up.

  • Third: Start with some smaller two or three-digit dividends so you only have a few division steps to do.

  • Then work up to the longer problems.

  • And last of all: After each practice problem you do, check your answer with a calculator.

  • That will let you know right away if youve made any mistakes so you can correct them, and most importantly, learn from them.

  • And it will give you practice with a calculator, which is also important.

  • Alright, that’s all for this lesson.

  • Thanks for watching Math Antics, and I’ll see ya next time.

  • Learn more at

Hi! Welcome to Math Antics. In this lesson, we are gonna learn about long division.


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數學反常學--長除法 (Math Antics - Long Division)

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