字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 The best designs are timeless. Ahoy The wheel, lightbulb, sliced bread: 最棒的設計是歷久不衰的 this weapon ranks among them. 輪子、燈泡、切片吐司都是 The M1911 is an American semi-automatic pistol whose use spans over a century. 這把武器也是其中之一 So what set this weapon apart from early semi-automatic designs? M1911是一把橫跨了一個世紀的美國製半自動手槍 How has it influenced later pistols? 那麼,是什麼讓這把手槍 與早期的半自動設計有所區別 And how on earth has a wartime design remained so popular? 它又是如何影響後來的手槍的? Around the turn of the 20th century, the earliest self-loading pistol designs appeared. 這個戰時的設計,為何至今仍如此受歡迎? Inspired by Maxim's machine gun, weapons like the Borchardt C-93 and Mauser C96 attempted 大約在20世紀初,最早的半自動手槍設計開始出現 to scale down a repeating mechanism into a handheld package. (第一款實現火藥氣動的自動武器) 受到馬克沁機槍的啟發 The first American to do the same was John Moses Browning, a legendary arms designer 諸如博查特C-93和毛瑟C96 credited with many firsts. 都試圖把這個自動裝填機制改進成手持大小 Amongst them was the first production handgun with a slide: the FN M1900. 而第一個這麼嘗試的美國人是約翰.白朗寧 His semi-automatic pistol designs saw iterative improvements over the next decade, culminating 一位創造出許多首創設計的傳奇武器設計師 in one manufacturered by Colt and subject to trial by the US Army. 這也是他的創作之一,第一個使用滑套設計的手槍 Six designs were submitted, but only two were in major contention: a Savage Arms design FN M1900 providing a rival to Browning's. 他的半自動手槍設計在未來的十年裡得到了改善 Over an endurance test of 6,000 rounds, the Savage had 37 malfunctions: the Colt had none. 最終由柯爾特生產的M1900接受美軍的評選 Its superlative performance led to its official adoption in 1911 - as the M1911. 六款手槍提交評選,但只有兩款競爭最激烈 One of the weapon's defining traits is its calibre: .45 Automatic Colt Pistol. 薩維奇武器公司的設計成了白朗寧的競爭對手 The rimless straight-walled cartridge is designed for two things: reliable self-loading operation; 在6000次射擊的耐久性測試中,薩維奇出現37次故障 and stopping power. 而柯爾特... The US military's earlier experience with .38 Long Colt revolvers led to one conclusion 一次都沒有 for any future sidearm: 由於擁有極致性能的它在1911年正式被採用 Nothing less than a .45 would do. 便稱之為M1911 Browning's design has been particularly influential: many modern pistols follow its form, and mode 這把槍的其中一個特徵是它的口徑 of operation. .45柯爾特自動手槍槍彈 It does lack some modern conveniences: it is single-action only, meaning that the hammer 它的直壁無緣式彈殼設計提供了兩項功能 must be cocked for the first shot, either manually or by racking the slide. 可靠的自動填彈 However, an uncomplicated design does have some perks: a crisp trigger and reliable function. 以及制動力 Its short recoil operation is equally elegant: the barrel pivots about a swinging link, seamlessly 美軍從早先使用.38 Long Colt槍彈的轉輪手槍的經驗中 locking and unlocking with the slide during firing. 得出一個未來手槍槍彈的方針 This principle has subsequently been imitated in a surprising amount of modern pistol designs: 口徑不得小於.45英吋 models by Glock, H&K, SIG, and more. 白朗寧和他的設計總是特別有影響力 All have an action with a tilting barrel - and all owe this operation to Browning's 1911 許多現代手槍都遵循著它的構造和運作模式 design. 它確實缺少了一些現代化的便利,比方說它只能使用單動板機模式 In the early 1900s, the US military was relatively small: a product of non-interventionism and 這意味著必須扳動擊錘或是手動拉滑套才能射擊第一槍 reticence for war. 不過這種不複雜的設計確實有它的好處 However, the increasing scale of global conflict proved impossible to ignore: and with America's 明確的觸發器以及可靠的功能性 entry into World War 1 in 1917 a period of rapid military expansion followed. 它的短後座力動作(short recoil operation)也很優雅 In response to wartime experience, the 1911's design was slightly revised, as the M1911A1: 槍管會隨著搖擺式鏈環軸轉 principally to fix minor ergonomic gripes. 在開槍的過程中便無縫完成扣板機的動作 The changes include a smaller trigger with smoother frame moulding, and a longer backspur 這項原理後來被數量驚人的後輩現代手槍相繼模仿 to prevent any painful interaction with the hammer while firing. 像是克拉克、黑克勒&科赫、西格&紹爾等公司所推出的手槍 The weapon really came into its own during World War 2, with a huge ramp in production 均設有這種傾斜槍管設計 during this time. 這一切都歸功於白朗寧的1911設計 Nearly 2 million such pistols were procured by the War's end - plenty to go around, and 1900年代初期,美軍的規模相對較小 enough to ensure surplus for years after. (美國19世紀開始的孤立主義) 這是不干預主義和對戰爭表達沉默之下的產物 Unsurprisingly, the weapon turns up in World War 2 shooters quite often - where American 然而規模日益增長的全球性衝突已經不可忽視了 GIs are found, so too is the Colt. 美國在1917年參戰第一次世界大戰的同時 True to life, the weapon is shown as a sidearm: a comrade to weapons like the M1 Garand or 加速擴軍的日程也在緊接在後 Thompson. 為了因應戰時需求,M1911的設計略有修改 It's rare that it's given a prime role, but it's often at your side. 成為了M1911A1 Saving Private Ryan shoulders the blame for the popularity of World War 2 games at the 主要是為了解決一些細微的人體工學設計不良 start of the millennial decade. 其改變包含了將板機略微後縮並增加更為好握的容指窩 It was the Medal of Honor series that opened this trend: an attempt to recreate some of 還加長了擊錘保險的後突,以防射擊時擊錘打到虎口 the moments a soldier might have experienced from a first-person perspective, with a full 到了二戰期間,這把手槍才真正開始大展其才 complement of wartime weapons, 1911 and all. 這段期間它的產量有了巨大的漲幅 It's also here that the Call of Duty series first emerged - and as interest in wartime 在二戰結束前,共生產了將近兩百萬把的M1911 shooters waned, there was instead a transition to modern warfare: but of course - the M1911 供應充足,以保證在接下來的幾年不會缺貨 would remain. 不出所料,在二戰中經常有這把武器的身影 There was simply no hurry to replace it: most modern pistol designs use a similar principle, 「當發現一名美國士兵,那也會發現他身上的柯爾特(M1911)」 and while there are lighter designs of a higher capacity, the 1911's bulk does help to tame 這個比喻很寫實,因為它是副武器 the recoil of its powerful cartridge. 一名士兵的主武器可能會是M1嘉蘭德步槍或湯普森衝鋒槍 Still, its time in mainline service did come to an end with the US Army in 1985: when it 會用到它的機會不多,但它卻會常伴在你的身旁 was largely replaced by the Beretta M9. 搶救雷恩大兵應為從2000年開始盛行的二戰遊戲負責 A controversial decision, but one needed for NATO standardisation. 是它為《榮譽勳章》系列開啟了這個風潮 Nevertheless, the M1911 does remain in use with some units - notably with the US Marine 它試圖以第一人稱視角重現當時士兵可能會經歷的時刻 Corps, and some Special Forces. 並使用戰時的所有武器,也包含了1911 For those with the freedom to choose, it absolutely remains a favourite. 《決勝時刻》系列的首款遊戲也是這時候出現的 A relic perhaps, a holdover from a different age - but a worthy elective for those who 隨著對戰時射擊的需求減少,取而代之的是現代戰爭的轉變 respect their elders. 不過想當然耳,M1911仍然被保留了下來 It's a signature weapon of Captain Price in Call of Duty: someone who clearly holds military (現代戰爭) tradition dear. 基本上它根本不急於被撤換 It plays a pivotal role at the climax of Modern Warfare, and its reunion with Price gives 那怕是最先進的手槍設計也還是沿用它的設計原則 rise to a brief ceremony in Modern Warfare 2. 雖然那些設計能搭載更多彈藥而且槍體更輕 A torch passed from one generation to the next: a remembrance of roots, and a nod to 但1911的重量反而有助於抑制大威力子彈的後座力 the series' origin. 儘管如此,它在美軍的主要服役時間也在1985年終止了 While the 1911's military role has been reduced, it is now more popular than ever in civilian 絕大部分都被貝瑞塔M9取代 hands. 這是一項很有爭議的決策,但他們需要被北約標準化 Commonly seen in competitive shooting, recreational use - or in concealed carry courtesy of its 儘管如此,依然有一些單位繼續使用M1911 low profile single-stack magazine. 特別是美國海軍陸戰隊和一些特種部隊 Its long service lends it a potent dose of patriotism: it is a strong symbol of America. 對於那些可以自由選擇的人來說,它依然是最佳選擇 It's a display of allegiance for irregular forces: Soldiers of Fortune who might not 也許它是個古董,在不同時代繳械來的 bear rank, but stand for freedom nonetheless. 但對於那些尊敬前輩的人來說是很值得的選擇 A fitting match for the machismo of Duke Nukem: with a big enough bore to shake any feelings (萬年老不死,系列作中主角的長官大多都是他) 它也是《決勝時刻》中普萊斯隊長的簽名武器 of inadequacy, there's little doubt that the .45 is all man. 他顯然就是熱衷於軍事傳統的人 Spanning multiple genres, filling various roles: the 1911 has seen widespread use since 它在《現代戰爭》的高潮中扮演著舉足輕重的角色 its introduction. 而在《現代戰爭2》中與普萊斯再次團聚 也引出了一個簡短的儀式 A century of service, and ready for a hundred years more. 薪火相傳;代傳一代 A classic without compromise. 來自根源的記憶,以及對這個系列的原點致敬 The perfect intersection of ergonomics, reliable operation and .45 calibre power. (民用) The pistol that forgot to become obsolete. 雖然M1911的軍事作用已經減少了 The M1911. 但它在平民手中的受歡迎程度卻更甚過往 Antique. 經常能在競射、娛樂用途中看到它 Veteran. 或是利用它單排彈匣的低調特性來隱密持武 Patriot. 它的超長役期是愛國者的一種心靈支柱 Thank you very much for watching - Iconic Arms will return - and until next time, farewell. 「這是美國強大的象徵」
B2 中高級 中文 英國腔 手槍 設計 武器 口徑 自動 美軍 M1911. (M1911.) 323 24 Daniel Lin 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字