字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 good evening 晚安 well, first of all, it's great to be with you 很高興見到你 and thank you, everybody 以及感謝各位 this is it--your last chance to make an impression 這是你們加深大眾印象的最後機會 so…let's make it count 所以,讓這一切有意義吧 okay 好的 we know we've got lots of work to do 我知道我們有許多事情需要去做 let's do this in Bb minor 讓我們用降B小調來起頭吧 AHHHHHH 啊~~~~ <boombox placement with great stamina> 真是個爛女人 <beat intensifies> 他語無倫次 such a nasty woman 才沒有 he choked 他語無倫次 wrong 才沒有 he choked 他到處散佈他的假慈悲 wrong 才沒有 he goes around with crocodile tears 真是個爛女人 wrong 我們在海外有這麼多的競爭對手 such a nasty woman 我們是否能繼續保持亦敵亦友的關係 <AHHHH concludes> 我會繼續與我們的中東盟邦保持合作關係 we have so many adversaries overseas 這是保持和平的唯一途徑(好的) can we all agree to be frenemies? 摩蘇爾,摩蘇爾,摩蘇爾 I would work with our allies in the Middle East 真悲傷,好難過 that's the only way we're going to keep the peace (okay) 這是場大災難 Mosul, Mosul, Mosul 真慘,慘到不行 so sad, so sad 是否大家都能實現他們的美國夢? it's a catastrophe 還是他們都該來加入我的龐氏騙局? so bad, so bad 我們必須要去有錢賺的地方 can everyone achieve the American Dream 我們必須要幫助小型企業 or should they sign up for my Ponzi Scheme? 我們的經濟害得我們喪失工作機會 we are gonna go where the money is (alright) 在這個當下,我們的國家正在凋零 we are gonna help small businesses 凋零的大聯盟 our jobs are being sucked out of our economy 為什麼該由你檔選? right now, our country is dying 我們必須做的比更多還要多 dying big league 告訴我們我們必須要知道 why should you run the show? 我們必須要制裁那些毒梟 we've gotta do more 剩兩個禮拜就要投票 tell us 'cause we need to know 只是走進商店也中槍 we need to get the drug lords 誰才應該當選為總統 two more weeks until we vote 川普陷入了推特大戰 you get shot walkin to the store 有關於大法官人選,你會選誰呢? who should really run the show 拜託別提名我---我是個大忙人 Donald got into a twitter war 最高法院,就是那個樣子 for the Supreme Court, who would you choose? 第二修正案正在被重創 please don't say me--I'm a busy duuude 我了解也尊重擁槍權 the Supreme Court, that's what it's all about 我希望參議院能批准 the second amendment is under such, such trauma 歐巴馬總統的提名人 I understand and respect gun ownership 我們應該做什麼好停止冷戰? I hope the Senate confirms the nominee 你會去和普丁用拇指摔角一決勝負嗎? of President Obama 我又跟他不熟--他不是我最好的朋友 to stop a cold war, what should we be doin? 他可比那懦弱的希拉蕊聰明多了 would you go thumbwrestle Vladimir Putin? 看看他們簽署的起始條約 I don't know Putin--this is not my best friend 你又願意談論起普丁了 he's outsmarted Hillary and she's playing Chicken 這些來自克林姆林宮的網路攻擊 look at a startup they signed 目的便是影響我們的選舉 you are willing to spout the Putin line 顯然普丁在這次大選中有的特別偏好的一方 these cyber attacks from the Kremlin 他寧願是個魁儡來做美國總統 are designed to influence our election 為什麼應由你當選? Putin has a very clear favorite in this race 我們做的交易令人咋舌 he'd rather have a puppet as President of the United States 告訴我們因為我們必須要了解 why should you run the show? (PREEKOTOS CHEETOS OMNIPITOS) 川普買了中國鋼鐵 we have horrible deals 在兩個禮拜就大選 tell us, 'cause we need to know (SCHMEEGORÓS TRUMPTOS EECLINTONPROS) 我本能輕鬆獲勝 Donald bought Chinese steel 誰才應該坐上總統大位 two more weeks until we vote 他污蔑了我們的民主 I should win easily 這一點有不公正 who should really run the show? 我認為這被操控了 he's talkin down our democracy 根據她所做過的爛事她根本沒資格當選總統(我了解了) it's so dishonest 我們的民主是有作用的----我們有自由糗公平的選舉 I say it's rigged 只要事情不合川普的意他就覺得是被他人操控的 she should never have been allowed to run based on what she did (I see) 我們這裡有些壞傢伙們在作亂 our democracy works--we have free and fair elections 我們要把他們趕出去 Donald thinks things are rigged every time they are not going in his direction 就是這麼一回事 we have some bad, bad hombres here 壞傢伙 and we're gonna get em out 為什麼該由你當選? it's what it's all about 我想要提高最低薪資 bad hombres 告訴我們因為我們必須要知道 why should you run the show? 我們的國家實力超群 I wanna raise the minimum wage 在兩個禮拜就要投票啦! tell us, 'cause we need to know 我們從零開始做起 our country is so outplayed 誰才應該坐上總統大位 two more weeks until we vote 我們的工作機會都被搶走了 we invest from the ground up 哇!那簡直太棒了各位 who should really run the show 音樂超殺 our jobs are being sucked, sucked 感謝你們的努力 <stance of power> 我感到非常驕傲 wow--that was great, guys! 是只有我覺得還是這裡的風真的超大的 fantastic melodies 就我覺得? thanks a lot for doin a great job 這是--這是我的風? I'm very proud of that 就--就吹我一個? IS IT WINDY IN HERE OR IS IT JUST ME? 讚啦! <blue steel> Schmoyoho,重音在yo上 JUST ME? 把辯論做成音樂劇比較讚啦 THIS IS--THIS IS MY WIND? 去看看怪人艾爾 JUST--JUST FOR ME? 然後這裡有所有的辯論歌曲 cool! 還有一些bonus在我們的新募資平台上 Schmoyoho, accent on the yó 誰唱的最好就可以當上總統 debates are better as musicals 平衡預算(當總統) check out Weird Al 剃別人的頭(當總統) and here are all the debates songs 打仗(當總統) and a bunch of bonus stuff on our new Patreon 和名人一同玩樂(當總統) whoever sings best gets four years to run the show 親親小孩子 BALANCE BUDGETS (the show) SHAVE PEOPLE'S HEADS (the show) FIGHT WARS (run the show) CHILL WITH CELEBS (the show) KISS CHILDREN
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 總統 普京 普丁 辯論 民主 最高法院 BAD HOMBRES, NASTY WOMEN (ft. "Weird Al" Yankovic) (BAD HOMBRES, NASTY WOMEN (ft. "Weird Al" Yankovic)) 87 5 g2 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字