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  • What I have here is a kit that I carry when I am with a group. It has in it everything

  • that I would need to take care of myself and another person or a couple people in a situation

  • where we were stuck out for a long time, and we had to deal with taking care of ourselves

  • in a wilderness environment.

  • Some of the things that I have in here, you'll notice it's in a dry or dryish bag. The dry

  • bag itself serves several purposes. It keeps the ingredients inside dry, relatively, but

  • it also serves in a pinch as a water container. It serves as a pot to cook in. I can collect

  • food in here. So the bag itself is an essential part of the kit.

  • Inside the bag, everything is in Ziploc bags which also, again I can collect water in,

  • I can cook in. I have garbage bags, candle, and a lighter. Garbage bags can serve as a

  • shelter. They can also serve with the candle as an emergency warm up kit so I can take

  • care of somebody that's hypothermic or if I'm cold myself, I can't really function very

  • well as far as getting a fire started or anything like that, this is a way to warm up.

  • I also have, for my own comfort and convenience, a little toilet paper and a wet wipe. Not

  • necessary for survival, but keeps you less gross in the back country.

What I have here is a kit that I carry when I am with a group. It has in it everything


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A2 初級 美國腔

生存包裡應該有什麼|生存技能 (What to Have in a Survival Kit | Survival Skills)

  • 61 5
    張育崧 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日