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  • [Music Intro]

  • >>Hi. I’m Devon Dean, content director here at Today I’m going to

  • teach you how to help sell your project using a project proposal. A key thing to remember

  • is that people buy from people. Don’t expect the project proposal document that you put

  • together to be taken up by the decision makers in an organization in isolation of any communication

  • youve had with them and award funding and resources and mindshare to that project. It’s

  • important to remember this because you can write the best project proposal document but

  • without that people interaction you have a slim to no chance of getting your project

  • funded.

  • While youre preparing the project proposal document it’s really important for you,

  • your project sponsors and the champions of your project to go out there and actively

  • lobby the decision makers of your organization about your project. Use those lobbying sessions

  • and those one on one meetings to actually refine and hone your understanding of what

  • the problems are in your organization and the benefits that your project can actually

  • realize, that strike a chord with those decision makers. In developing your project proposal

  • document I highly recommend in tandem going out there and actively seeking the feedback

  • of those decision makers so that feedback help you refine and forge the sales pitch

  • you put together in your proposal document.

  • Your decision makers are going to make the decision whether to thrill or kill that project

  • within the first five minutes of picking up your project proposal document so it’s really,

  • really critical that you make a big impact right at the start of that project proposal

  • document. The way you do that is in stating that problem statement. You really need to

  • paint a bleak picture of your organization that shows or depicts the problems that youre

  • having in the organization which could be overcome had your project been in production

  • when those problems occurred. Highlight some specific examples of where opportunities were

  • missed or where risk or costs were incurred that your project could have prevented or

  • could have gained access to in terms of opportunities if your project had delivered by the time

  • of that event.

  • Efficiency gains or general skills uplift are not the messages you want to communicate

  • in terms of looking for those problem benefits. By saying that Sally works 50 hours a week

  • and your project is going to solve that problem is really not going to strike a chord for

  • those decision makers. Look for those specific examples of where your company missed an opportunity

  • or incurred costs because your project wasn’t in place. Put those in your problem statement.

  • Now the vision statement is a section that needs to tie your project to the company’s

  • long range strategy and vision and long range goals. Without tying your project in to your

  • organizational strategy and vision you run the risk of having your project being looked

  • upon as a rogue project: it’s out there in the distance, it really doesn’t fit with

  • what were doing so you run a risk of not having your project being funded because of

  • that reason. You need to tie your project into your company’s organizational strategies

  • and vision.

  • Benefits further expand upon the vision that your project will have, that you paint the

  • picture of that vision. Youre going into a bit more specific details on what are the

  • things your project will deliver, what new capabilities or what costs youre going

  • to avoid by having the project deliverables in place. Be very specific about the benefits

  • and make sure theyre things that are measurable.

  • The deliverables section further goes into another level of decomposition about what

  • your project is going to deliver. It talks about the artefacts which your projects will

  • deliver and how those will be delivered in terms of what the users can expect. A deliverable

  • might be, for example, for a call center project youre delivering new computer telephony

  • integration. That would be a deliverable when that call center has that equipment.

  • Success criteria are very important to outline in that project proposal. You need to be able

  • to have smart success criteria which mean it’s specific, measurable, achievable, realistic

  • and time bound. These success criteria, once theyre met, give the project owners, the

  • decision makers and the stakeholders 100% confidence that your project has achieved

  • success. It’s important that you list out those criteria which everyone is looking at

  • your project to deliver.

  • The next section is talking about how your project is going to achieve the deliverables

  • and success criteria and benefits. In here is where your deadlines are listed, where

  • the project plan comes together and what the approach to delivery might be for your project.

  • Are you going to use external vendors? Are you going to use internal staff? Are you going

  • to use an agile approach to delivering that project or are you going to use a more traditional

  • waterfall method to enable your project to deliver on its deliverables?

  • Lastly, of course, the cost and the budget. Here’s where you pull it together and you

  • show the funding plan for that project and how it’s going to achieve its deadlines

  • against those deliverables and for the dollar value.

  • Now if you find in the first section that youre getting into quite a lot of detail

  • that runs past, let’s say, two pages I think it’s really important to take the time and

  • consolidate all the high points from these into an executive summary for that document.

  • Put the high level problem, visions and benefits in that exec summary. As I mentioned before,

  • decision makers will take about five minutes looking at your proposal to make sure that

  • it’s something theyre going to fund or decide that theyre not going to fund it

  • in this year. Ensuring those messages are concise is really critical and by putting

  • these elements into executive summary if you find them going long is a really important

  • way for you to quickly communicate those ideas.

  • It’s important to remember the flow of the document in the proposal. You need it to flow

  • like a fiction book. You need to tell a story and paint a picture and leave no stone unturned

  • for your decision makers to ponder. Everything needs to flow from the start of the problem

  • down to the cost and benefits in terms of the key themes of your project need to be

  • expounded upon, need to be mentioned at the start and then further drilled down upon throughout

  • the rest of your project proposal. If you have items that youre introducing in your

  • deliverables, for example, that don’t fit in with solving the problems youve identified

  • up here or fit in with the benefits that youre going to realize your decision makers will

  • look at that and it will cause them to think a little bit more about your proposal in terms

  • of does this proposal really communicate in a tight way the objectives that it’s going

  • to achieve for the organization. It needs to flow. All the items here need to mesh with

  • one another and not introduce any new topics or any new items as you go along in the project

  • document.

  • Your project proposal is one key way for you to communicate your project’s vision and

  • benefits to the organization but a project proposal in itself is not going to sell your

  • project and get it funded and resourced. Only you can do that. Only your champions and your

  • sponsor can do that. Like I said in the start, the proposal will help you sell your project

  • and get it funded and resourced but really you need to be there actively lobbying for

  • that project and getting it off the ground.

  • For more project management tips and tricks and to try out our software come join us at


[Music Intro]


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B1 中級 英國腔

項目建議書的寫作。如何寫出一份成功的項目建議書 (Project Proposal Writing: How To Write A Winning Project Proposal)

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    chenqianyu 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日