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In 1997, J.K. Rowling published "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone".
1997年,J.K. 羅琳出版了《Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone》(《哈利波特:神秘的魔法石》,英國版魔法石為 Philosopher's Stone)。
But most of her audience didn't actually read that book.
They read "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone".
他們讀的是《Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone》(《哈利波特:神秘的魔法石》,美國版魔法石為 Sorcerer's Stone)。
Or "Harry Potter A L'Ecole des Sorciers".
或是《Harry Potter A L'Ecole des Sorciers》(此為法文譯名)。
"Harry Potter va Sang-e Jadu"
《Harry Potter va Sang-e Jadu》(此為印度文譯名)。
"Harry Potter y la Piedra Filosofal"
《Harry Potter y la Piedra Filosofal》(此為西班牙文譯名)。
The bewitching Harry Potter books have reached readers in over 200 territories in over 60 languages.
令人著迷的《哈利波特》已經被翻譯成超過 60 種語言,在 200 多個國家和地區獲得了眾多的讀者。
The authorized translations came from separate publishing houses with little oversight from the author.
So translators were not only tasked with adapting the text from English into their target languages and cultures.
But also making assumptions about Rowling's intentions and translating the spirit of her approach.
Their task was particularly challenging because the Harry Potter series is filled with invented words, alliteration, wordplay, and British cultural references.
The main characters first names: Harry, Hermione, and Ron mostly stayed the same across languages.
With small changes to accommodate different alphabets and phonetics.
That's easy enough for conventional names like Harry Potter.
But many of the other proper names in the books carry loaded meanings — meanings that would be lost if it's not translated.
Take Severus Snape. The name invokes severity and sounds like "snake."
例如「Severus Snape(賽佛勒斯石內卜)」,這個名字有「嚴謹」之意並聽起來很像「snake(蛇)」。
So the Italian translator made the jump and named him Severus Piton —which is basically python.
所以義大利譯者大膽地將他改名為「Severus Piton」,基本上就是取自「python(巨蟒)」一字。
In French, he's Severus Rogue which means Severus "Arrogance". As you can tell, both solutions sacrificed Rowling's alliteration.
法文譯本中,他叫做「Severus Rogue」,「Severus」代表「驕傲」。很明顯,這兩個版本都犧牲了作者羅琳的押頭韻。
The name "Hogwarts" combines two English words, but because the name stayed the same in most languages, those connotations were lost for those readers.
In an attempt to preserve Rowling's approach to the school's name, the French translator used "Poudlard".
"Pou du lard" means lice of bacon or fat.
「Pou du lard」意指燻肉或脂肪中的虱子。
The Hungarian version went with "Roxfort" a mix of the British university Oxford and Roquefort—a well known blue cheese.
The house names and founders, also experienced unique changes in some of the target languages.
In Catalan the names became: Nícanor Griffindor, Sírpentin Slytherin, Mari Pau Ravenclaw, and Horténsia Hufflepuff.
翻譯成加泰隆語的名字變成:「Nícanor Griffindor、Sírpentin Slytherin、Mari Pau Ravenclaw、Horténsia Hufflepuff」。
There is a ton of word play that happens in the Harry Potter books as well.
The famous Diagon Alley, a play on the word "diagonally", and the infamous Knockturn Alley from " nocturnally ".
著名的「Diagon Alley(斜角巷)」源自於「diagonally(對角的)」,而臭名昭彰的「Knockturn Alley(夜行巷)」則源自於「nocturnally(夜晚的)」
This type of pun is a real puzzle for translators, and most dropped it in favor of literal translations.
The Spanish translator was able to at least rhyme with “"allejón diagon."
西文譯者至少保留了「callejón diagon(斜角巷)」的押韻。
And translators had several approaches to quidditch, an invented game made from the invented words quaffle, bludger, and snitch.
The 3 types of balls used in the game.
In Spanish, the words were not changed. The French translator kept the word quidditch but changed the names of the balls.
And others changed the game's name altogether.
In Dutch, quidditch is "zwerkbal".
In Norwegian, it's "rumpeldunk".
OWLS and NEWTS, standardized tests in the wizarding world, weren't always able to retain their animal acronyms.
But in Swedish their implied meanings remained while the wording was changed.
OWLs became "Grund Examen i Trollkonst" or G.E.T meaning goat in Swedish.
普通巫術等級測驗(OWLS)變成「Grund Examen i Trollkonst」或「G.E.T」,在瑞典語是山羊的意思。
And NEWTs were changed to "Fruktansvärt Utmattande Trollkarls Test" or F.U.T.T. derived from "futtig" meaning measly or mean.
超級疲勞轟炸巫術測驗(NEWTS)則被翻為「Fruktansvärt Utmattande Trollkarls Test」或「F.U.T.T.」,參考「futtig」這個字,意思是「差強人意」或是「拙劣的」。
The infamous anagram of Tom Marvolo Riddle's name was altered by many translators to achieve the same revelation of "I Am Lord Voldemort."
In Danish, Tom is named Romeo G. Detlev Jr.
丹麥文中,湯姆被改為「Romeo G. Detlev Jr.(丹麥文原文:Jeg er Voldemort,「我是佛地魔」的意思)」。
And in French, he is Tom Elvis Jedusor, which was extra clever because "Jeu du sort" means "fate riddle".
法文則是「Tom Elvis Jedusor(法文原文:Je suis Voldemort,「我是佛地魔」的意思)」,非常聰明的做法,因為「Jeu du sort」意為「命運謎題」。
Culturally, the Harry Potter series is unmistakably British but translating that for a global group of readers wasn't easy.
Some food items were changed to make them seem less foreign to the target country.
Sherbet lemons, a popular candy item in Britain, became "krembo", a chocolate covered sweet from Israel.
Crisps became chips in the US and in the Arabic version, bacon became eggs.
Sometimes a foreign setting undergoes translation too.
For the Ukrainian translation, the atmosphere of an English boarding school was swapped out for an orphanage.
In the books and films, Hagrid has a provincial west country accent.
"No? Blimey Harry, didn't you ever wonder where your mum and dad learned it all?"
"You're a wizard, Harry!"
For the Japanese translations, it was replicated by using Tōhoku dialect, which is a pastoral accent from northeastern Japan.
日文的翻譯中,則是用東北方言詮釋,東北方言(Tōhoku dialect)是日本東北方的鄉下口音。
Other translators chose to have Hagrid simply speak more informally, while others dropped his accent entirely.
Despite translators' best efforts to remain true to the text, some things were still lost in translation.
In the mainland Chinese editions of Harry Potter, there were footnotes to explain puns and cultural references.
The Spanish translator sometimes used italics to signal an invented word with no translation.
But in the end, it doesn't matter if you're reading "Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone" or the many translations of it.
One thing that always seems to translate is the love fans around the world share for tales of "The Boy Who Lived."