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  • Hey, I'm Keri Glassman here with some quick and simple tips to help you feel just a little

  • bit better. In case being well rested and having more energy isn’t enough motivation

  • for you, did you know that getting enough sleep every night may help prevent you from

  • gaining weight? A recent study from Columbia University found that women who don’t get

  • enough sleep will consume 329 more calories per day on average, compared to when theyve

  • had enough sleep. Losing weight while you sleep may be a fantasy, but getting more sleep

  • can help you keep weight off -- were getting closer. And this isn’t even the main reason

  • you should ensure that youre getting enough sleep -- it’s just a very welcome side effect.

  • So remember: Find the time for a full night’s sleep. Youll get all the benefits of being

  • well rested and full of energy, plus youll avoid eating some extra calories throughout

  • the day, all of which will have you feeling just a little bit better.

Hey, I'm Keri Glassman here with some quick and simple tips to help you feel just a little


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飲食小貼士。獲得一個完整的夜晚的睡眠|與Keri Glassman一起更好一點。 (Diet Tip: Get a Full Night's Sleep | A Little Bit Better With Keri Glassman)

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    盧怡靜 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日