字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 -Hello and Welcome to the first episode of the Lost Codex, a channel where we’ll discover, 嗨,歡迎來到失落文典, and discuss the people, places and histories of Azeroth’s Universe. 我們會在這個頻道一起發現並討論艾澤拉斯宇宙的人物、場所以及歷史。 For the first chapter, we’ll be talking about the Black Empire, Azeroth’s ancient 第一章的內容,我們要來討論黑暗帝國, regime Lorded over by the Old Gods In order to understand how and when the Black 由上古之神統治的艾澤拉斯的遠古政權。 Empire came to be, we must first travel back further in history, to a time when Azeroth 為了瞭解黑暗帝國是何時、如何形成的, was still young; a time when its surface was ruled and shaped by the Primal powers of the 我們必須要先回溯歷史,到艾澤拉斯剛剛形成的時間點; Elements. 當它的地表還在被原始的元素之力統治與塑造的時候。 Four Primordial forces held dominance over the young world- Fire, Wind, Water and Earth, 四種原始的力量支配著新生的世界─火、風、水、地 while the fifth Element, the Element of Spirit, was mostly absent. 此時第五元素,靈魂,幾乎是不存在的。 Due to this absence, balance between the other four were not upheld and the entire planet 因為靈魂不存在,四元素之間無法維持平衡, became a battleground for the Ancient Spirits that dwelled there. 整個星球變成遠古之靈的戰場。 Ragnaros the Firelord ,Neptulon the Tidehunter,, Al’Akir the Windlord and his scores of Cyclonic 火焰領主拉格納羅斯、獵潮者奈普圖隆、 servants and Therazane the Stonemother For Countless ages, these Four lords and their 風領主奧拉基爾、石母瑟拉贊恩 armies clashed and reshaped the surface of Azeroth in their image, relishing in the chaos 在數不清的歲月中,這四個領主與他們的軍隊互相衝突,並依他們的形象重塑艾澤拉斯的地表, that churned in their destructive wake. 享受著他們毀滅性的混亂攪動 The hostile Reign of the Elements would soon come to an end with the arrival of a new, 在一個新的威脅來到時,元素們充滿敵意的戰爭才結束。 outside threat. 幾個小行星等級,類生物形態的巨大肉塊墜落於艾澤拉斯上最大的陸地。 Like living asteroids of meat, several massive beings crashed into Azeroth’s largest continent. 在破碎的墜落地點,四個具有駭人血肉的上古之神崛起了, From their scattered crash sites, Four Old Gods rose as terrifying entities of flesh, 他們海綿狀身軀上的開口有長著尖牙的血盆大口、上百顆惡毒凝視的眼球, with cavernous maws of sharp teeth, hundreds of evil staring eyes and black tendrils that 他們黑色的觸手爬行、滲入地底。 crawled and seeped into the earth. 這四個存在被稱為 These Four beings would be known as Y’Shaarj 亞煞拉懼、恩若司 N’Zoth C’Thun 克蘇恩、尤格薩倫 and Yogg-Saron From the living miasma that seeped from their 從他們無形的形態中滲出的瘴氣裡,兩個種族從中誕生: shapeless forms, two races were born into existence: 第一種成形的是納拉其,形態由笨重、怪異的血肉與肢體組成。 The N’raqi were the first to take form as hulking, eld-rich beings of flesh and limbs. 這些恐怖的血肉怪物後來被稱為無面者, These Terrifying Flesh Fiends would be known as the Faceless Ones and would serve as the 以古神麾下的主宰身份存在。 Overlords of the Old Gods. 第二種是亞基,他們體型較小,外型是類似昆蟲的形態。 Next, the Aqir were born in the form of smaller, insectoid-like creatures. 他們在古神的新王國中是勞工與士兵的角色。 They would become the laborers and foot-soldiers in the Old Gods new kingdom. 這些種族在他們的主人周遭建造巨大而複雜的神殿、豎立無數方尖碑而形成巨大的都市, These races would construct the massive temple complexes, towering obelisks and enormous 黑暗帝國的疆域就這樣形成了。 cities that would surround the hulking forms of their Masters, forming the borders of the 古神都市不可能平靜的興起。 Black Empire. 元素之靈不會忍受這些入侵者在這裡肆虐, This Old God’s rising cities would not go unnoticed. 他們結合力量試圖擊退上古之神 The Elemental spirits would not allow these invaders to go unchallenged and together, 四個元素領主同心協力抵抗黑暗帝國。 combined their might to bring down the Old Gods 他們摧毀了許多古神的奴僕與據點,但他們的攻擊沒有效果。 The Four Elemental Lords banded together and took the fight to the Black Empire. 無數的納拉其與亞基從他們主人的黑暗中形成,就像一個巨大傷口噴出鮮血一樣, While they destroyed many of the Old God’s minions and holdfasts, their attacks were 並吞噬了與他們交戰的軍隊。 for naught. 一個接一個,艾澤拉斯四大原始領主的軍隊被上古之神擊潰,他們的軍隊與他們自己都遭到古神的奴役。 Like Blood from an open wound, endless scores of N’Raqi and Aqir poured from their Masters 黑暗帝國勝利了,他們的軍團在各地擴張,而元素軍隊也被他們吸收。 Blighted forms and engulfed the armies that warred against them. 在上古之神的黑暗都市與巨大的腫瘤體的統治下,艾澤拉斯進入了一段惡夢般的時代。 One by one, the Four Primal Lords of Azeroth fell to the Old Gods, and found themselves 感謝你的收看! and their armies enslaved. 如果喜歡這部影片,請別忘了按個讚! The Black Empire reigned victorious, their legions spread and the Elemental armies absorbed 如果有任何你想看的主題,或是如果有任何評論與感想都歡迎留言, into their ranks. 如果想要看到更多失落文典的影片 From the dark cities and the hulking tumorous bodies of the Old Gods, Azeroth was plunged 請按下訂閱,繼續關注,我們將會推出黑暗帝國的第二章。 into an age of Nightmare. Thank you for joining us today! If you enjoyed our opening chapter, hit the like button below! If you want to request a future topic or leave feedback, please leave a comment and if you want to see more from the dusty pages of the Lost Codex, click the subscibe button. Stay tuned for chapter II of the Black Empire.
B2 中高級 中文 黑暗 元素 帝國 軍隊 形成 巨大 黑色帝國》第一部。舊神之怒 (The Black Empire Part 1: Wrath of the Old Gods) 354 12 rara 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字