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講一下我今天的這個感觸 Let's talk about my feeling today.
先講幾個門診來求助的個案 First, let's talk about few of my clients from my clinic.
第一個個案讓我印象比較深刻 The first case gave me very deep impression.
他其實才小學五年級 He is only a 5th grader
可是他被診斷眼睛的"黃斑部病變" but has been diagnosed as 'Macular Degeneration'.
大家知道"黃斑部病變"是眼睛的一個中老年的疾病 As you all know, Macular Degeneration is the eye disease for older adults.
而且一旦得到是沒有辦法治療的 Once infected, it will not cure.
所以這個小學五年級的小男生 So this 5th grader little kid
他面臨可能持續惡化到不知道甚麼時候會瞎掉 is facing the possibility of getting blind if the condition continue to deteriorate.
小學五年級 The young boy
看了所有眼科的名醫沒有治療方式 have visited all the famous eye specialists but before the doctors give any treatments,
就向他說運氣好的話就慢慢退化到有一天瞎掉 the doctors told him that he will gradually become blind if he is lucky,
運氣不好 兩三年內就會瞎掉了 what if he is unlucky, within 2 to 3 years, he will get blind.
好 那一樣我跟大家講賽斯心法怎麼幫助這個小朋友 Well, I tell you how Seth Material helped the young boy.
我就跟這小朋友玩一個遊戲 I played a game with the young boy.
我說 小明 Let's assume
假設他是小明好了 the young boy name is Xia Ming.
我說 小明叔叔跟你玩一個遊戲 I told Xia Ming, “Uncle Hsu wants to play a game with you."
他說 玩什麼遊戲 Xia Ming asked, "What kind of game?"
我說 假設你這個"黃斑部病變"是被你吸引過來的 I said, "Assume the 'macular degeneration' is attracted by you"
那你覺得你為什麼會把它吸引過來 “So, what do you think you could attract it?"
因為小朋友很容易進入狀況 You will find the young children are easy to play along.
大人會馬上說 什麼我吸引它 If they are adult, they will immediately deny it.
它就是病變啊什麼吸引 They will think that is the disease and that has nothing to do with the attraction.
各位大人很討厭懂我意思嗎 They hate to believe what I said is true.
大人就是跟小朋友不一樣 Adults are different from the children.
小朋友就很快跟你進入這個遊戲的過程 For children, they are easily indulged in the game.
他就說 嗯 叔叔我想第一個我看太多電視了 Xia Ming said, "I think I must be watching too much of TV".
玩很多的網路 "Played a lot of internet."
我說有道理喔 有道理 I said, " It sounds logical."
那當你看這麼多電視 玩網路的時候 "When you were watching TV or getting on internet,
你有沒有跟媽媽起衝突 did you quarrel with your mom?"
他說有啊 媽媽常常罵我 說眼睛不要囉 Xia Ming replied, " Yes, my mom always scold me, she said I don't take care of my eyes."
說我再玩下去就瞎了 "If I continue to play, I will blind!"
再看電視就瞎了 "If I continue to watch TV, I will blind!"
那你有沒有因為這樣子就沒有看電視就不玩了 Then I asked, "Do you stop watching TV or getting on internet because of this reason?"
他說沒有啊 我還是繼續看電視繼續玩 Xia Ming said, "No, I still continue to watch TV and getting on internet."
那你心中有沒有罪惡感 I asked, " Do you feel guilty?"
各位來了沒有 Dear all, do you see that?
所以他的潛意識有沒有罪惡感 Do you think Xia Ming feel guilty subconsciously?
有 那潛意識有沒有可能被暗示了 Yes, his subconscious mind has been implied.
各位我說我們常講父母親常常為了善意 Dear all, the parents want to do something good for their children many times
而告訴孩子某一些話 by telling them a message
可是卻變成了一個負面的暗示 but this message turn out to be a negative implication to their children.
明白了喔 Now, do you understand it?
所以你們常常希望孩子好 So, you want your children to be good,
你不要給我看電視 you do not allow them to watch TV,
你眼睛看瞎了啦 you told them, if they watch TV, their eyes will get blind.
各位有沒有 Do you see it?
這個是負面暗示不要講 This is a negative implication, please don't say that,
不要講 Please don't say that.
或是你看你又亂吃東西 Or, you tell your children that if they eat wrong food,
你哪一天又怎樣了 if one day,
你肚子痛中毒我就不理你了 they will get food poisoning and you will not take care of them.
各位不要亂講 Dear all, please do not simply say this.
因為我們以前常講 As we mentioned before,
小孩子有耳無嘴 對吧 Children “have ears but no mouths”, right?
大人你們不要一天到晚有嘴無耳 As an adult, please do not “has a mouth but has no ear.” all the time
因為大人我剛講為了孩子好 This is because the adults thought they are doing something good for their children,
常常你會講一些 they end up saying something like,
你看感冒出門你不撐傘感冒肺炎死掉 “If you don't use the umbrella, your flue will be worsen and you will die with pneumonia.”
我告訴你喔 對不對 It sounds familiar right?
像最近這麼熱有時候我跟你說你中暑 Like the weather is so hot recently, the parents will say you will get the heat stroke.
中暑很可怕會死掉喔 The heat stroke is very serious, you will die.
各位你可以保護他 Dear all, you can protect your children,
你可以給他衛教 you can teach them health education,
但是你不要講負面的話 but you do not give them the negative implication.
各位聽懂了嗎 Dear all, do you understand this now?
就像以前賽斯講說 Seth has said before,
像我們以前父母關心孩子 Some parents, they care for their children.
你吃飽飯不要去游泳 They told their children not to swim after their meal.
等一下你抽筋就死掉喔 If not, they will die from leg cramp.
萬一哪天他吃飽飯 忘記了 去游泳 If one day, the children forget it and they go swimming after their meal,
剛好那個暗示一發作 Coincidentally, that implication has surfaced,
會不會抽筋 Do you think, the children will feel their leg cramp?
各位這樣聽懂了我的意思嗎 Dear all, do you understand what I want to tell you?
所以你們不要誤會 So, please do not misunderstand it.
我們一樣要關心孩子 We still care for our children.
一樣要把孩子導向正向 We still want to lead our children to the correct direction.
那我今天的專注點在於你不要講負面暗示 Today, my emphasis is not using negative implication.
你不要講負面暗示 Do not use the negative implication.
很多父母就很喜歡講負面暗示 Many parents like to give negative implication such as
你就沒讀書以後做乞丐 “If you don't study hard, you will become a beggar.”
對啊 是啊 Yes, don't be shocked, some parents did say so to thier children.
像我媽媽也很喜歡給我負面暗示 My mom also like to give me negative implication.
像我昨天不是在中正紀念堂嗎 For example, I was in Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall yesterday.
那我剪這個髮型 I was in this hairstyle.
已經被詬病罵到今天了嘛 對不對 I was scolded by my mom for a long while.
我媽就跟我講 My mom said to me,
我跟你講你這髮型有多難看 “How terrible your hairstyle is!”
你不要看到中正紀念堂人那麼多 “Despite many followers in Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall,
你這髮型喔再過兩三年大家都跑光了 but if you continue keeping this hairstyle, within 2 to 3 years, all your followers will run away.”
我說媽媽人家來聽身心靈演講不是因為我的髮型 I told my mom, my followers came for my speech not for my hairstyle.
不是那也是有關係啊 They are two different things.
好 因為我媽媽的負面暗示就是有點太離譜 Well, my mom's negative implication was too weird.
所以對我起不了作用 So it didn't cause any effects on me.
可是你們的負面暗示對你們的孩子會起作用啊 But your negative implication to your children can cause effect!
這樣各位了解我的意思嗎 So, do you understand what I am trying to say?
所以我剛講說是我們關心孩子ok What I said is it's okay to care for our children
但是你盡量說出口的不要講負面暗示 but try to abstain from using the negative implication.
那我們回到小明 Now, back to Xia Ming's case.
那我就問他說 I ask him,
你平常會把"黃斑部病變"吸引過來 "You attracted the 'macular degeneration'"
那你覺得平常還會有甚麼壓力嗎 "other than this, do you encounter any pressures?"
他說其實功課 Xia Ming told that it could be his study.
我就問他功課 So I asked him about the study.
他說功課大概中下 He said his study is below average.
我問他為什麼中下 I asked him why his study is below average.
他說因為怎麼樣怎麼樣的 He said there are few reasons.
那媽媽覺得呢 I asked him how his mother think about that.
他說媽媽會罵我 He said his mother will scold him.
那媽媽罵你 I asked, “if your mother scold you,
你有沒有希望自己功課好一點 do you want to improve your study?”
他說有啊 He said certainly
可是好像就是愛玩 but he is still very playful.
不知道怎麼念書 He doesn't know how to concentrate in his study
也不知道怎麼提昇功課 also he doesn't know how to improve it.
那我說現在眼睛出問題了呢 When I ask him that his eyes now is facing problem,
他說媽媽就說沒關係了 he said his mom said that is okay,
媽媽就說沒關係了 His mom said that is okay.
那後來我就跟小明說 Later when I talked to Xia Ming again,
我說小明說叔叔跟你玩一個遊戲 I said I want to play a game with him.
我就問他說 I asked him,
那你去看那麼多眼科的名醫 since he has visited so many eye specialists,
全台灣的權威都看過了 all the Taiwan famous eye specialists,
那我說 你對你的眼睛覺得怎樣 how does he feel about his eyes now?
他說 就是不會好啊 He said it wouldn't heal.
就是慢慢維持這樣 It will remain in this condition.
他現在視力已經是0.1了 His eye sight now is 0.1 already,
兩隻眼睛都是0.1了 Both eyes are 0.1 already,
然後他說就是會維持這樣或是越來越壞 he said this condition will remain or become deteriorate,
不可能好 it won't cure.
我說 對 小明 I told him, "You are right, Xia Ming"
以前的眼科醫生都是這樣跟你說 "All the eye specialists have said so"
但是叔叔有另外一個說法 "but Uncle Xu has different opinion."
就是我們要不要試著來相信你眼睛會好起來 "that is, can we try to believe your eyes will be getting better?"
各位 開始給他不同的信念囉 Dear all, I am trying to give him a whole new belief.
我們要不要試著來相信眼睛會好起來 "Can we try to believe your eyes will be healed?"
因為叔叔跟你玩一個遊戲 "Reason being is Uncle Xu wants to play a game with you"
假設這個"黃斑部的病變"是被你吸引過來的 "Assume that 'macular degeneration' is attracted by you"
那你把它放掉啊 "now you release it!"
你叫他走啊 "You ask it to go away!"
他說 可以嗎 Xia Ming said, " Can I do so?"
我說 當然可以啊 I said, "Of course, you can do so!"
不然試試看 "Let's try and do so."
也不會有甚麼副作用啊 "It wouldn't cause any side effects."
各位 有沒有這就是 Dear all, this is how
賽斯心法如何運用在跟孩子的一個溝通了 Seth Material can be applied to communicate with the kid.
我說如果它是你吸引來的 I said, " If this is what you have attracted,
那麼你當然也有能力叫它離開 of course you can ask it to go away."
對不對 Right?
那你叫計程車來 For example, if you accidentally call a cab
結果計程車停下來 the cab is in front of you now,
說 不好意思我叫錯了我沒有要坐 You can apologize and don't have to get into the cab,
你叫他走啊 You can ask the cab to leave.
當然我不是叫你整計程車司機 Of course I do not ask you to make fun of the taxi driver.
各位不要誤會 Please do not misunderstand me.
我說那是你的權力 What I want to say is this is your rights to do so.
那是你的權力 This is your rights.
你可以叫它來 也可以叫它走 You can ask him to come and ask him to go away also.
那小明就慢慢接受了 Xia Ming slowly accept it.
後來我就請媽媽進來 Later I asked his mom to come into the room.
我就跟媽媽說 I told his mom,
我說媽媽我們來玩一個遊戲 "Let's play a game."
假設說小明是有能力來吸引這個黃斑部病變 "Assume Xia Ming has the ability to attract this 'macular degeneration'"
那我們也相信他有能力叫它走 "We believe he also has the ability to ask this 'macular degeneration' to go away ."
那媽媽也只能說Yes His mom reluctantly said "Yes"
不然還有其他辦法嗎 If not, is there any other solution?
沒了嘛 No.
你知道意思嗎 Do you understand what it means?
也沒有其他方法 There is no other solution
因為沒得醫嘛 because it can not be treated medically.
那我就跟媽媽說 So I told the mom.
媽媽我們也來跟小明做個約定 "Let’s make a deal with Xia Ming"
將來如果小明的眼睛通通好了 "In future if Xia Ming's eyes getting well"
我們也不要逼他念書 "we will not force him to study"
我們鼓勵他唸書就好了 "We will only encourage him to study"
各位 我們鼓勵他唸書 Dear all, if we want to encourage our children to study.
那我們不要罵他 We shouldn't scold them.
因為我怕妳一罵 他眼睛又變壞了 I am afraid, once you scold him, his eyes will be getting worse
因為小明一定不想被罵嘛 because Xia Ming doesn't want to be scolded by his mom for sure.
一定不想被罵嘛 Surely, he doesn't want to be scolded by his mom.
是啊 然後小明如果將來眼睛都好了 Right, if Xia Ming's eyes recovered one day,
那我們來跟他訂個自制條約 we can make an agreement with him,
網路 電視 都還可以看 he is allowed to use internet and watch TV,
但是讓他自己說他要看多久 but let him decide how long he wants to watch.
我們來跟他訂一個遊戲規則 We will make a rule of game with him.
你們現在慢慢理解 Now do you start to understand
怎麼跟小朋友談賽斯心法了嗎 how we can talk about Seth Material to the kids?
有沒有 First,
他就先建立一個假設 you set up an assumption
小明 叔叔跟你建立一個假設 "Xia Ming, Uncle Xu wants to set up an assumption"
假設這個病是被你吸引來的 "The assumption is the disease is attracted by you"
那你一定有能力讓他離開 "So you will definately has the ability to ask the disease go away"
那你為了什麼原因把它吸引來了 "What is the reason you attracted the disease?"
那我們把它找出來 "Let's find it out"
那我們可以做什麼努力讓它離開 What effort to put in to let the disease to go away?
那這時候家長要做什麼樣的配合 What the parents can do to help?
有沒有 So you see,
那這就是一個很好的案例 this is the best example.