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  • Hey guys! We're in Yahiko village in Niigata prefecture.

  • And we're going to be splitting up these next two days,

  • going to completely separate areas,

  • Jun with the boy group, I'm with the girl group.

  • So we're going to head out, and let us know what you guys think!

  • This is all-encompassing of Yahiko.

  • Pandayaki (fried Panda) ((NOT ACTUAL PANDA))

  • Supposedly they sell out really quickly in the morning so hopefully they have some left for us!

  • Where are you from? America.

  • Oh, is that so?

  • Are you fluent in Japanese?

  • NONONO I'm still studying!!

  • You're so good! HA. HA. THANK YOU

  • This place's specialty is this edamame paste one.

  • And they also have anko, custard, cheese, and chocolate.

  • Oooh.

  • One edamame please!

  • Thank you. Alright.

  • Ooo it's warm.

  • Here's my panda guy.

  • They're so floppy. I can't stop doing this.

  • It's like the best.

  • It's really chewy.

  • Yum.

  • They're so nice that they're giving us some tea.

  • Omg that's great! I'm so thirsty, that's perfect.

  • This is really good. I was worried it would taste like edamame vegetables but

  • it tastes sweet.

  • It's SUPPOSED to taste like edamame because it's made of vegetables!

  • You were worried about that??

  • I mean, I was worried it would be like a bitter vegetable taste but

  • it's sweet.

  • Thank you, it was delicious!

  • Let's take a picture.

  • Okay!

  • I think she wants to take a picture of us.


  • Okay, cheese, thanks

  • Thanks for the meal!

  • Cute! Cute! (^ 0 ^)

  • So we'll go on their wall now with all their cool people signatures (I guess?!)

  • Oh, they have some pictures there I guess!

  • Cute.

  • You need a hand?

  • You want me to pass it to you? Yes, please!

  • Thank you!

  • I was saying I should have brought my gopro so I could get these hot feet shots.

  • So you can put it underwater?? :'D

  • Because wouldn't that be an awesome shot?

  • Just people's feet. Underwater.


  • Dude, your mouth is coming out of your mouth.

  • Freaking me out a little bit, buddy.

  • Will they follow me? That's the question.

  • What do you think about THIS

  • DUNNDAHDAHDAHDAH *running noises*

  • heeheheeheh

  • Omg, I think this is our hotel??

  • How do we get inside??

  • I think there's another entrance.

  • We went around the wrong side. It's on the other side.

  • We made it to the onsen.

  • He's like Julius Caesar or something.

  • He is. :'D

  • We got special permission to film at the onsen.

  • ermergeeeeersh

  • This looks like it would be amazing.

  • This says that there's a lot of nature here

  • and so if there are bugs or leaves, you should just go in the onsen with them.

  • or if it's really bothering you, then they have this

  • that you can use to scoop them out.

  • It's so cute how they said it!

  • "Please let them take a bath with you."

  • This is our lunchro- OHHHYESSSSS

  • Yesssss look at thissssss

  • I'm going to give Mimei my edamame.

  • Thank you so much!

  • So we're getting lunch here at the ryokan that we're staying at,

  • and it's BEAUTIFUL! It's a traditional Japanese meal.

  • We're all quite full still from our super big mochi panda bear,

  • But...

  • we'll do our best. :)

  • Kampaaaaai!

  • Thank you!

  • Unbeknownst to us, we're getting more food.


  • There are so many plates now.

  • I have sashimi...

  • and this.

  • Not even-I don't even know.

  • Looks like eggplant, and meat,

  • and I don't even know.

  • It's black.

  • A black thing.

  • Ooh, duck?!

  • If you thought we were done


  • Now we have soba!

  • This is an entire thing of soba.

  • Okay. Soba time.

  • That's like one meal.

  • I know!!

  • I'm just going to keep going. I'll just keep chugging away.

  • I ate my sashimi

  • and I'm also eating Mimei's sashimi.

  • She's asking how many of our next courses we want.

  • Next was rice with miso soup.

  • And we're like (‘;△;`) NOOO. noooooo...

  • Here comes dessert!

  • Thank you!

  • Got some fresh fruit and stuff.

  • I still ta eat mah soba.

  • The spoils of our lunch.

  • This is absurd.

  • Table tennis is not available today?!

  • They have table tennis!!

  • It's not available? NOOO WHAT?!

  • Here's our room! oh waat

  • Aww, this is adorable.

  • A radio? It has a cassette- Do you know how to use it?

  • Like if I gave you a cassette, what would you do?

  • 21 year old Millie tries to figure out a cassette player.

  • I've seen them before, and I've used it several times.

  • Cassette player challenge video.

  • Millie reacts to: cassette players!

  • Shuffle...

  • We're like old *** holes.


  • "This is what we had to LIVE WITH" "You think you're so smart, huh MILLIE?!"

  • "Can't even figure out a cassette player, Millie?!"

  • You're so mean!


  • You did it!

  • Way to go, Millie.

  • I think that's my favorite part of the day.

  • So, some places in Japan offer free hotels for you to borrow.

  • I- Free hotels... - o -

  • Some HOTELS in Japan offer free UMBRELLAS for you to borrow.

  • So that's very fortunate.

  • Is this it?

  • We're already here.

  • Oh, this is it?

  • So this is a matcha (green tea) cafe.

  • Matcha au lait is one of the best drinks of all time.

  • Actually... yeah. If they have hot matcha au lait...

  • I highly recommend that to you guys if you come to Japan.

  • Millie just said sesame cheeseca- GOMA CHEESECAKE?!

  • Goma is like my favorite thing and cheesecake is like my favorite thing...!!


  • yesss o▽o

  • Mimei's matcha ice cream. That's really beautiful.

  • YAY omg it's so big!

  • Look at the huge cream!

  • I don't really taste the goma very much.

  • It tastes like cheesecake. Very delicious cheesecake.

  • Bunnies!!!

  • In Yahiko, legend says that bunnies used to destroy the crops

  • until the gods gathered them up and scolded them.

  • The bunnies apologized, hence their bowing pose,

  • and the natives of Yahiko designed bunny snacks in that image

  • to show their appreciation to the gods.

  • Oh gosh, it's so dark.

  • [Sorry for the ear-piercing crickets]

  • I cannot see that on this camera whatsoever.

  • You just have to imagine. Use your imagination, viewers of YouTube.

  • We're heading in that way to see if we can find the light up stuff.

  • I just stepped in a large puddle.

  • The moment of truth. We shall soon see...

  • The god bridge, or the special bridge--is it lit up?

  • Is it lit up?

  • Is it lit up?!

  • Is it?!?

  • I see nothing.

  • Absolutely nothing.

  • No.

  • It is in fact not lit up.

  • Umm... nothing is lit up.

  • Except... some little lanterns here.

  • OH GOD




  • Shall we head back to the hotel? Yeah.

  • There's not really much going on here.

  • Day 2 coming soon!

  • Check out everyone else's vlogs in the description box!

Hey guys! We're in Yahiko village in Niigata prefecture.


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B1 中級 美國腔

彌彥村的 "旅館 "裡的Rachel (Rachel at the Ryokan | Yahiko Village)

  • 243 30
    Voice 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日