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rich little man with white hair died
what has that got to do with the price of rice right and why is that woe
to us?
because you people
and sixty-two million other americans are listening to me right. now because less
than three percent of you people read books
because less than fifteen percent of you read newspapers
because the only truth you know is what you get over this tube. right now!
there is a whole an entire generation that never knew anything that didn't
come out of this tube
this tube can make or break presidents, popes, prime minister
this tube is the most awesome goddamned force in the whole godless world!
so, you listen to me
listen to me! television is not the truth
television is a goddamned amusement park television is a circus, a carnival
a traveling troupe of acrobats we're in the boredom-killing business!
so if you want the truth
go to god
go to your gurus
go to yourselfs! because that's the only place you ever going to find any real
but man,
you're never going to get any truth from us
we'll tell you any shit you want to hear
we deal in illusions, man! none of it's true!
but you people sit there day after day night after night all ages colors creeds
where all you know! you're beginning to believe the illusions we're spinning here
you're beginning to think the tube is reality and that your own lives are unreal. you do
whatever the tube tells you, you dress like the tube, you eat like the tube,
you raise your children like the tube
you even think like the tube. This is mass madness! you maniacs!
in god's name you people are the real thing, we are the illusion.
So turn off your television sets. turn them off now!
turn them off right now. Turn them off and leave them off.
turn them off right in the middle of the sentence i I'm speaking to you now! TURN THEM....