字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 [VoiceTube ProTip: 4 Common English Problems I See in Taiwanese Students.] [VoiceTube 達人教室:台灣學生學英文常見的四大問題。] Hello, everyone, I am the director of education at Easee Globe. 大家好,我是 Easee Globe 的教學長。 And I'm here today to talk to you about common things an English teacher might come across in Taiwan and how we solved it. 今天我要跟你們談談,英文老師在台灣教英文常遇到的問題,以及我們處理的方式。 First, I would like to talk to you about grammar. 首先,我想來談談「文法」。 I know you don't like it. 我知道大家不喜歡文法。 English grammar's crazy. 英文文法真的很瘋狂。 WHY? 到底為什麼這句長這樣? And I know you understand it. 我知道你其實是懂文法的。 But the problem is using it. 問題在於怎麼運用所學的文法。 So, a couple of mistakes we see a lot. 所以,我們先來看看幾個常見的錯誤吧! No s's on verbs. 動詞字尾沒有加 s。 Did you know that "s" is our favorite letter? 你知道 「s」是我們最愛的字母嗎? We love the sound of s's. 我們超愛 「s」的聲音。 Where are your s's? 你有記得加 「s」嗎? Also, "-ed" 此外,還有「-ed」。 Chinese doesn't have past tense, but English does. 中文沒有過去式,但英文有。 And we really need to hear that sound, or else it hurts my ears when you're talking. 所以我們得聽清楚「-ed」的音,不然你在講話的時候,我耳朵會痛。 I don't understand what you're saying. 因為我聽不懂你在講什麼。 Number 2, English grammar. 第二點,英文文法。 Yeah, we just talked about it, more? 我們剛剛才講過不是嗎?還有啊? I know! 沒錯! So English grammar's really hard. 話說回來,英文文法真的很難。 All of my students say "I want really long beautiful sentences!" 我所有的學生都跟我說:「我要又長又美的句子!」 We don't talk like that. 我們根本不會那樣講話。 Americans, we're lazy. 我們美國人可是很懶的。 We use "S.", "V.", "O." 我們用「S」、「V」、「O」。 "subject", "verb", "object" 主詞、動詞、受詞。 Who is doing the action? 是誰在做動作? What are they doing? 他們在做什麼? And what is the object of the action? 而這個動作的受詞是? So, easy, "S.", "V.", "O." 很簡單吧!主詞、動詞、受詞。 Number 3, Common words. 第三點,常用單字。 So many students tell me they need so many words. 有太多學生跟我說,他們需要擴充單字量。 How many words are in Chinese? 中文有多少個字? How many words are in English? 英文有多少個字? Thousands and thousands. 成千上萬個。 You'll never learn them all. 你根本無法全部學會。 But every day, we only use a few thousand words. 但平常會用到的,也不過就是那幾千字。 Three, maybe four, maybe five thousand words. 三千、四千,也許是五千個單字。 Grammar words, verbs, mostly. 大部分是文法相關的字跟動詞。 After that, it's a bunch of nouns you'll never need. 除此之外,都是些不太實用的名詞。 So study the most common words. 所以應該先熟記最常見的單字。 Part number 4. 第四點。 There are three or four different steps to learning a language that are critical. 學一個語言有三、四個重要步驟。 Input. 接收。 You have to listen and read English to learn it. 你要多聽並多讀英文。 But you also need output. 但「輸出」也不可或缺。 You have to say English to learn it. 你必須要將英文說出口。 And number 3, critically important is frequency. 第三點,頻率也非常重要。 Don't quit, keep going, keep going, keep going. 不要放棄,一直學下去。 Another really important part at Easee Globe, as we take into consideration, is the difference between students' needs and students' wants. 在 Easee Globe,我們還會顧慮另一點,就是學生的「需求」跟「欲望」之間的差異。 Most students know what they want, but they don't understand what they need. 大多數的學生都知道自己想學什麼,但卻不了解自己需要的是什麼。 There is a real difference between needs and wants. 「需要」跟「想要」之間是有差別的。 And what do I mean by this? 怎麼說呢? The student would come to you and say,"I want, as a student, business English.", "I want grammar.", "I want pronunciation." 學生會跑來跟你說:「身為一個學生,我想要學商業英文」、「我想學文法。」、「我想練英文發音。」 I have this goal, and I'm gonna hire a teacher to walk me across a bridge. 我有這個目標,然後我需要一位老師協助我達成目標。 But it doesn't work like that because the goal and the needs are the same. 但事情並不是這樣的,因為目標跟需求是一樣的。 It's more like building a building, like Taipei 101. 這比較像是蓋一棟大樓,例如台北 101。 You have to build on it, layer by layer. 你必須要一層一層蓋上去。 Fluency comes from frequency. 英文要講得流利就要多練習。 You have to get the input. 你需要有接收英文的管道。 What can you do? 你可以怎麼做呢? At home, you can read the newspaper in English. 在家,你可以多讀些英文報紙。 You can listen to the news, BBC. 聽新聞廣播,如 BBC。 You can watch TV. 你可以看英文的電視頻道。 This is frequency. 要頻繁的接觸英文。 There is also a process involved. 學英文要循序漸進。 So, it's one layer by one layer. 所以是一層一層疊上去的。 You can't just say, "OK, I'm gonna build the bridge and then be better at English." 你不可能說:「我想要英文突飛猛進。」 Because it doesn't work like that. 因為學英文不是這樣的。 Also, you have to give me your opinion. 同時,你也要提供意見。 The output part. 也就是「輸出」的部分。 When your teacher asks you a question, or when I ask a student a question, and they say, "yes.", they say "no". 當老師問你問題時,或是我問學生問題時,他們會說「yes」,或是「no」。 That's not practicing. 這不叫練習。 That's not building fluency. 這對「流暢度」於事無補。 In the USA, when I ask my friend, "Hey, what do you think about Barack Obama?" 在美國,如果我問我朋友:「嘿,你對歐巴馬的看法如何?」 He's not going to say, "I don't know." 他不會回答:「我不知道。」 He's going to say, "I think this, this, this. Because, because, because..." 他會說:「我認為怎樣、怎樣、怎樣,因為...。」 These are perfect opportunities to practice your English. 這就是練習英文的完美機會。 That's all I have for today, guys. 我今天要講的就是這些啦! Thanks, and see us again. 謝謝大家,下次見!
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 文法 學生 受詞 動詞 單字 常見 【達人教室】台灣人學英文常見的四大問題,你是不是也有呢? (ProTip // 4 Common English Problems Taiwanese Students Have) 126138 8517 VoiceTube 發佈於 2020 年 12 月 07 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字