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  • hi there I'm drew badger the world's number one english

  • world's number one english

  • world's number one english fluency guide and it is a

  • fluency guide and it is a

  • fluency guide and it is a pleasure to welcome you to

  • pleasure to welcome you to

  • pleasure to welcome you to another advanced listening

  • another advanced listening

  • another advanced listening practice lesson well in this

  • practice lesson well in this

  • practice lesson well in this video this is another requested

  • video this is another requested

  • video this is another requested thing actually maybe not

  • thing actually maybe not

  • thing actually maybe not necessarily a requested video

  • necessarily a requested video

  • necessarily a requested video but it's a question that I do

  • but it's a question that I do

  • but it's a question that I do receive from learners all the

  • receive from learners all the

  • receive from learners all the time

  • time

  • time almost every other video i tend

  • almost every other video i tend

  • almost every other video i tend to see it as a comment and this

  • to see it as a comment and this

  • to see it as a comment and this is why can't i understand you

  • is why can't i understand you

  • is why can't i understand you but i can't understand regular

  • but i can't understand regular

  • but i can't understand regular people speaking

  • people speaking

  • people speaking ok well let's talk about this I

  • ok well let's talk about this I

  • ok well let's talk about this I think it's been covered

  • think it's been covered

  • think it's been covered elsewhere on youtube as well and

  • elsewhere on youtube as well and

  • elsewhere on youtube as well and I've even spoken about it before

  • I've even spoken about it before

  • I've even spoken about it before but since more people continue

  • but since more people continue

  • but since more people continue to have the same question let's

  • to have the same question let's

  • to have the same question let's talk about it

  • talk about it

  • talk about it well right now i'm using what i

  • well right now i'm using what i

  • well right now i'm using what i call my english teaching or

  • call my english teaching or

  • call my english teaching or English education voice so I'm

  • English education voice so I'm

  • English education voice so I'm speaking in a way that's quick

  • speaking in a way that's quick

  • speaking in a way that's quick or I'm trying to speak a little

  • or I'm trying to speak a little

  • or I'm trying to speak a little bit faster than I typically do

  • bit faster than I typically do

  • bit faster than I typically do in english lessons but at the

  • in english lessons but at the

  • in english lessons but at the same time I'm still speaking

  • same time I'm still speaking

  • same time I'm still speaking quite clearly and well in

  • quite clearly and well in

  • quite clearly and well in general I speak pretty clearly

  • general I speak pretty clearly

  • general I speak pretty clearly anyway most people don't have a

  • anyway most people don't have a

  • anyway most people don't have a problem understanding me some

  • problem understanding me some

  • problem understanding me some people say i do mumble a little

  • people say i do mumble a little

  • people say i do mumble a little bit like i'm talking like this

  • bit like i'm talking like this

  • bit like i'm talking like this but not really

  • but not really

  • but not really typically i am speaking quite

  • typically i am speaking quite

  • typically i am speaking quite quickly and I'm taking care to

  • quickly and I'm taking care to

  • quickly and I'm taking care to pronounce my words clearly so

  • pronounce my words clearly so

  • pronounce my words clearly so you can understand what I'm

  • you can understand what I'm

  • you can understand what I'm saying now Finn in a everyday

  • saying now Finn in a everyday

  • saying now Finn in a everyday conversational sense the way I'm

  • conversational sense the way I'm

  • conversational sense the way I'm speaking normally and you can

  • speaking normally and you can

  • speaking normally and you can see this in master English

  • see this in master English

  • see this in master English conversation videos when I'm not

  • conversation videos when I'm not

  • conversation videos when I'm not really making much of an effort

  • really making much of an effort

  • really making much of an effort to actually speak clearly i'm

  • to actually speak clearly i'm

  • to actually speak clearly i'm just talking with you know

  • just talking with you know

  • just talking with you know fellow native speakers and this

  • fellow native speakers and this

  • fellow native speakers and this is how I train people to

  • is how I train people to

  • is how I train people to understand that kind of

  • understand that kind of

  • understand that kind of information but i know not

  • information but i know not

  • information but i know not everyone can join us in master

  • everyone can join us in master

  • everyone can join us in master English conversation so I

  • English conversation so I

  • English conversation so I thought I would talk about this

  • thought I would talk about this

  • thought I would talk about this specific problem in this video

  • specific problem in this video

  • specific problem in this video and how you can train yourself

  • and how you can train yourself

  • and how you can train yourself to understand more native

  • to understand more native

  • to understand more native speakers so if you're listening

  • speakers so if you're listening

  • speakers so if you're listening to English lesson videos and

  • to English lesson videos and

  • to English lesson videos and this is mostly what you listen

  • this is mostly what you listen

  • this is mostly what you listen to online and you have trouble

  • to online and you have trouble

  • to online and you have trouble understanding with native

  • understanding with native

  • understanding with native speakers are saying the reason

  • speakers are saying the reason

  • speakers are saying the reason is because they're speaking more

  • is because they're speaking more

  • is because they're speaking more quickly

  • quickly

  • quickly they're using a slightly

  • they're using a slightly

  • they're using a slightly different vocabulary and they're

  • different vocabulary and they're

  • different vocabulary and they're typically having accents or

  • typically having accents or

  • typically having accents or pronunciation it's a little bit

  • pronunciation it's a little bit

  • pronunciation it's a little bit different from what you're used

  • different from what you're used

  • different from what you're used to

  • to

  • to so even in America I might hear

  • so even in America I might hear

  • so even in America I might hear another native speaker from

  • another native speaker from

  • another native speaker from Texas or from Oklahoma or some

  • Texas or from Oklahoma or some

  • Texas or from Oklahoma or some other state where I'm from

  • other state where I'm from

  • other state where I'm from Chicago

  • Chicago

  • Chicago I'm from Illinois but the person

  • I'm from Illinois but the person

  • I'm from Illinois but the person from a different state might

  • from a different state might

  • from a different state might have not only different

  • have not only different

  • have not only different but they might pronounce

  • but they might pronounce

  • but they might pronounce something a little bit

  • something a little bit

  • something a little bit differently i have one like

  • differently i have one like

  • differently i have one like clear example of a Southern

  • clear example of a Southern

  • clear example of a Southern woman typically like southern

  • woman typically like southern

  • woman typically like southern people have a different way of

  • people have a different way of

  • people have a different way of pronouncing things and often

  • pronouncing things and often

  • pronouncing things and often people say I have that even

  • people say I have that even

  • people say I have that even though it doesn't really come

  • though it doesn't really come

  • though it doesn't really come through in the way I speak in

  • through in the way I speak in

  • through in the way I speak in these lessons on youtube but you

  • these lessons on youtube but you

  • these lessons on youtube but you do hear that morning master

  • do hear that morning master

  • do hear that morning master English conversation so this

  • English conversation so this

  • English conversation so this woman I used to go like 10 my

  • woman I used to go like 10 my

  • woman I used to go like 10 my met her like a friend of my

  • met her like a friend of my

  • met her like a friend of my mother's or something and I we

  • mother's or something and I we

  • mother's or something and I we went to her house for dinner and

  • went to her house for dinner and

  • went to her house for dinner and after dinner was over she said

  • after dinner was over she said

  • after dinner was over she said you want some path you want some

  • you want some path you want some

  • you want some path you want some path and i said 'what like to do

  • path and i said 'what like to do

  • path and i said 'what like to do I want some and I didn't I

  • I want some and I didn't I

  • I want some and I didn't I didn't quite understand what she

  • didn't quite understand what she

  • didn't quite understand what she was saying some path some pie

  • was saying some path some pie

  • was saying some path some pie and I said what do you mean pass

  • and I said what do you mean pass

  • and I said what do you mean pass and she said oh pike up i like i

  • and she said oh pike up i like i

  • and she said oh pike up i like i like i'm pronouncing it clearly

  • like i'm pronouncing it clearly

  • like i'm pronouncing it clearly and I say pie so yes she was

  • and I say pie so yes she was

  • and I say pie so yes she was offering me some pine she didn't

  • offering me some pine she didn't

  • offering me some pine she didn't have a pie in front of me so it

  • have a pie in front of me so it

  • have a pie in front of me so it was difficult for me to

  • was difficult for me to

  • was difficult for me to understand what she was saying

  • understand what she was saying

  • understand what she was saying so even native speakers have

  • so even native speakers have

  • so even native speakers have trouble understanding what other

  • trouble understanding what other

  • trouble understanding what other native speakers are saying and

  • native speakers are saying and

  • native speakers are saying and even maybe from America to a

  • even maybe from America to a

  • even maybe from America to a different country like Australia

  • different country like Australia

  • different country like Australia or the UK or Canada even our

  • or the UK or Canada even our

  • or the UK or Canada even our vocabulary might be might be

  • vocabulary might be might be

  • vocabulary might be might be different so the pronunciation

  • different so the pronunciation

  • different so the pronunciation vocabulary we use again the

  • vocabulary we use again the

  • vocabulary we use again the speed at which were speaking

  • speed at which were speaking

  • speed at which were speaking other things like that make it a

  • other things like that make it a

  • other things like that make it a little bit difficult to

  • little bit difficult to

  • little bit difficult to communicate so it's even more

  • communicate so it's even more

  • communicate so it's even more difficult for non-native

  • difficult for non-native

  • difficult for non-native speakers now what I do to help

  • speakers now what I do to help

  • speakers now what I do to help come back to this problem so to

  • come back to this problem so to

  • come back to this problem so to combat something to fight

  • combat something to fight

  • combat something to fight against it what I do in master

  • against it what I do in master

  • against it what I do in master English conversation the typical

  • English conversation the typical

  • English conversation the typical thing you should be doing is

  • thing you should be doing is

  • thing you should be doing is listening to not only the same

  • listening to not only the same

  • listening to not only the same piece of information repeatedly

  • piece of information repeatedly

  • piece of information repeatedly but you should be listening to

  • but you should be listening to

  • but you should be listening to that said or spoken by in a

  • that said or spoken by in a

  • that said or spoken by in a natural way many different

  • natural way many different

  • natural way many different people so this is one technique

  • people so this is one technique

  • people so this is one technique for helping you train yourself

  • for helping you train yourself

  • for helping you train yourself for being able to develop better

  • for being able to develop better

  • for being able to develop better listening so you're listening to

  • listening so you're listening to

  • listening so you're listening to the same information you always

  • the same information you always

  • the same information you always have that anchor when you're

  • have that anchor when you're

  • have that anchor when you're learning something so when

  • learning something so when

  • learning something so when people are trying to learn new

  • people are trying to learn new

  • people are trying to learn new information especially of

  • information especially of

  • information especially of learning new languages typically

  • learning new languages typically

  • learning new languages typically they hate learning new languages

  • they hate learning new languages

  • they hate learning new languages because they're learning too

  • because they're learning too

  • because they're learning too many new things at the same time

  • many new things at the same time

  • many new things at the same time like my name is Drew and they

  • like my name is Drew and they

  • like my name is Drew and they don't know any English at all

  • don't know any English at all

  • don't know any English at all and that sounds easy to me as a

  • and that sounds easy to me as a

  • and that sounds easy to me as a native speaker but if you don't

  • native speaker but if you don't

  • native speaker but if you don't know what my or name or drew or

  • know what my or name or drew or

  • know what my or name or drew or any of that means and you don't

  • any of that means and you don't

  • any of that means and you don't know why it's in the order it's

  • know why it's in the order it's

  • know why it's in the order it's in it's making you frustrated

  • in it's making you frustrated

  • in it's making you frustrated from the very beginning so in

  • from the very beginning so in

  • from the very beginning so in the same way what you want to do

  • the same way what you want to do

  • the same way what you want to do is take this

  • is take this

  • is take this same piece of information and

  • same piece of information and

  • same piece of information and have multiple people saying that

  • have multiple people saying that

  • have multiple people saying that now you could even do something

  • now you could even do something

  • now you could even do something like this like let's say you

  • like this like let's say you

  • like this like let's say you work at a place with native

  • work at a place with native

  • work at a place with native English speakers you might write

  • English speakers you might write

  • English speakers you might write something down or give them

  • something down or give them

  • something down or give them something to read and say hey

  • something to read and say hey

  • something to read and say hey could you just help me with my

  • could you just help me with my

  • could you just help me with my pronunciation I want to develop

  • pronunciation I want to develop

  • pronunciation I want to develop my listening ability and your

  • my listening ability and your

  • my listening ability and your pronunciation is connected with

  • pronunciation is connected with

  • pronunciation is connected with this as well so you can give

  • this as well so you can give

  • this as well so you can give that to them and have multiple

  • that to them and have multiple

  • that to them and have multiple people read the same thing so

  • people read the same thing so

  • people read the same thing so when we do our time-travelling

  • when we do our time-travelling

  • when we do our time-travelling lesson stories in master English

  • lesson stories in master English

  • lesson stories in master English conversation I have multiple

  • conversation I have multiple

  • conversation I have multiple people reading the same thing

  • people reading the same thing

  • people reading the same thing and we have been reading it at

  • and we have been reading it at

  • and we have been reading it at different speeds as well so can

  • different speeds as well so can

  • different speeds as well so can you take that anchor of the same

  • you take that anchor of the same

  • you take that anchor of the same story but then you connect with

  • story but then you connect with

  • story but then you connect with that in different ways and

  • that in different ways and

  • that in different ways and that's training you to listen to

  • that's training you to listen to

  • that's training you to listen to multiple ways that people might

  • multiple ways that people might

  • multiple ways that people might say something you can even do

  • say something you can even do

  • say something you can even do this on youtube one of the ways

  • this on youtube one of the ways

  • this on youtube one of the ways i recommend people doing that is

  • i recommend people doing that is

  • i recommend people doing that is with music so if you take music

  • with music so if you take music

  • with music so if you take music you listen to something and you

  • you listen to something and you

  • you listen to something and you listen to a cover of that music

  • listen to a cover of that music

  • listen to a cover of that music and this means somebody else

  • and this means somebody else

  • and this means somebody else like a different artist or a

  • like a different artist or a

  • like a different artist or a different band that has decided

  • different band that has decided

  • different band that has decided to play the same song but they

  • to play the same song but they

  • to play the same song but they played in slightly different

  • played in slightly different

  • played in slightly different ways or maybe they sound a

  • ways or maybe they sound a

  • ways or maybe they sound a little bit differently when they

  • little bit differently when they

  • little bit differently when they play it so an example like a

  • play it so an example like a

  • play it so an example like a common example is 99 red

  • common example is 99 red

  • common example is 99 red balloons or maybe a song by the

  • balloons or maybe a song by the

  • balloons or maybe a song by the beatles and if you look up right

  • beatles and if you look up right

  • beatles and if you look up right here on youtube i'm sure if you

  • here on youtube i'm sure if you

  • here on youtube i'm sure if you type in beetles like the Beatles

  • type in beetles like the Beatles

  • type in beetles like the Beatles you know like be forgetting

  • you know like be forgetting

  • you know like be forgetting spell dat le s so the beatles

  • spell dat le s so the beatles

  • spell dat le s so the beatles and then you've got covers COV

  • and then you've got covers COV

  • and then you've got covers COV ers so if you're typing in that

  • ers so if you're typing in that

  • ers so if you're typing in that right here on searching for

  • right here on searching for

  • right here on searching for something on Google are on

  • something on Google are on

  • something on Google are on youtube i should say you will

  • youtube i should say you will

  • youtube i should say you will find multiple versions of people

  • find multiple versions of people

  • find multiple versions of people playing the same song i think

  • playing the same song i think

  • playing the same song i think the soundtrack to i am sam the

  • the soundtrack to i am sam the

  • the soundtrack to i am sam the movie i am sam these are all

  • movie i am sam these are all

  • movie i am sam these are all beatles covers and you can

  • beatles covers and you can

  • beatles covers and you can listen to the way the beatles

  • listen to the way the beatles

  • listen to the way the beatles are saying it so maybe someone

  • are saying it so maybe someone

  • are saying it so maybe someone like you know the Beatles are

  • like you know the Beatles are

  • like you know the Beatles are from Britain's with a British

  • from Britain's with a British

  • from Britain's with a British accent but then you have like a

  • accent but then you have like a

  • accent but then you have like a singer like Rufus Wainwright who

  • singer like Rufus Wainwright who

  • singer like Rufus Wainwright who is singing a different version

  • is singing a different version

  • is singing a different version of the same song but he has like

  • of the same song but he has like

  • of the same song but he has like kind of a more nasal sound like

  • kind of a more nasal sound like

  • kind of a more nasal sound like this the way he speaks or the

  • this the way he speaks or the

  • this the way he speaks or the way sings so when you're doing

  • way sings so when you're doing

  • way sings so when you're doing this you're training yourself to

  • this you're training yourself to

  • this you're training yourself to have the same native learning

  • have the same native learning

  • have the same native learning experience that a native speaker

  • experience that a native speaker

  • experience that a native speaker would because you're listening

  • would because you're listening

  • would because you're listening to the same kinds of things that

  • to the same kinds of things that

  • to the same kinds of things that a native speaker would listen to

  • a native speaker would listen to

  • a native speaker would listen to but you're doing it in a

  • but you're doing it in a

  • but you're doing it in a systematic way that makes it

  • systematic way that makes it

  • systematic way that makes it easier for your brain to

  • easier for your brain to

  • easier for your brain to understand so this is why in

  • understand so this is why in

  • understand so this is why in mastering this conversation in

  • mastering this conversation in

  • mastering this conversation in all the lessons I create I want

  • all the lessons I create I want

  • all the lessons I create I want to have you learn things in

  • to have you learn things in

  • to have you learn things in steps because what about

  • steps because what about

  • steps because what about people typically try to do

  • people typically try to do

  • people typically try to do learners will try to move from

  • learners will try to move from

  • learners will try to move from an intermediate level to

  • an intermediate level to

  • an intermediate level to affluent level and that's where

  • affluent level and that's where

  • affluent level and that's where they find a lot of frustration

  • they find a lot of frustration

  • they find a lot of frustration so maybe they can speak in their

  • so maybe they can speak in their

  • so maybe they can speak in their english lesson but they have a

  • english lesson but they have a

  • english lesson but they have a lot of trouble speaking in

  • lot of trouble speaking in

  • lot of trouble speaking in conversations for different

  • conversations for different

  • conversations for different reasons could be confidence

  • reasons could be confidence

  • reasons could be confidence could be not even understanding

  • could be not even understanding

  • could be not even understanding what they want to say you're not

  • what they want to say you're not

  • what they want to say you're not understanding the other people

  • understanding the other people

  • understanding the other people speaking you could be many

  • speaking you could be many

  • speaking you could be many things like that but again if

  • things like that but again if

  • things like that but again if you take steps individually

  • you take steps individually

  • you take steps individually moving from one place to the

  • moving from one place to the

  • moving from one place to the next that's what's going to help

  • next that's what's going to help

  • next that's what's going to help you improve much much faster

  • you improve much much faster

  • you improve much much faster anyway I'm losing my voice here

  • anyway I'm losing my voice here

  • anyway I'm losing my voice here we are recording a bunch of

  • we are recording a bunch of

  • we are recording a bunch of videos at the same time but I

  • videos at the same time but I

  • videos at the same time but I hope you have enjoyed that is

  • hope you have enjoyed that is

  • hope you have enjoyed that is the end of this lesson just

  • the end of this lesson just

  • the end of this lesson just wanted to give you some quick

  • wanted to give you some quick

  • wanted to give you some quick tips about number one why you

  • tips about number one why you

  • tips about number one why you have this problem and then

  • have this problem and then

  • have this problem and then number two what you can do to

  • number two what you can do to

  • number two what you can do to solve that anyway I hope you do

  • solve that anyway I hope you do

  • solve that anyway I hope you do enjoy this video again if you

  • enjoy this video again if you

  • enjoy this video again if you have click that like button

  • have click that like button

  • have click that like button share this video with a bunch of

  • share this video with a bunch of

  • share this video with a bunch of people become a subscriber to

  • people become a subscriber to

  • people become a subscriber to the English anyone . com youtube

  • the English anyone . com youtube

  • the English anyone . com youtube channel and I will see you in

  • channel and I will see you in

  • channel and I will see you in the next video bye-bye to

  • the next video bye-bye to

  • the next video bye-bye to continue learning click on the

  • continue learning click on the

  • continue learning click on the link in this video to download

  • link in this video to download

  • link in this video to download speak English naturally our free

  • speak English naturally our free

  • speak English naturally our free guide to speaking and sounding

  • guide to speaking and sounding

  • guide to speaking and sounding like a native English speaker

  • like a native English speaker

  • like a native English speaker the guide reveals the three most

  • the guide reveals the three most

  • the guide reveals the three most important kinds of

  • important kinds of

  • important kinds of conversational English must

  • conversational English must

  • conversational English must learn if you want to sound

  • learn if you want to sound

  • learn if you want to sound native and will help you

  • native and will help you

  • native and will help you experience instant improvement

  • experience instant improvement

  • experience instant improvement in your fluency and speaking

  • in your fluency and speaking

  • in your fluency and speaking confidence to download your FREE

  • confidence to download your FREE

  • confidence to download your FREE guide on a mobile device click

  • guide on a mobile device click

  • guide on a mobile device click on the link in the upper right

  • on the link in the upper right

  • on the link in the upper right of this video to download your

  • of this video to download your

  • of this video to download your FREE guide from a computer click

  • FREE guide from a computer click

  • FREE guide from a computer click on the link in the lower right

  • on the link in the lower right

  • on the link in the lower right of this video i look forward to

  • of this video i look forward to

  • of this video i look forward to seeing you in the guide

hi there I'm drew badger the world's number one english


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A2 初級 美國腔

如何理解以英語為母語的人--高級英語聽力練習--66篇。 (How to Understand Native English Speakers - Advanced English Listening Practice - 66)

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    g2 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日