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  • Hi everyone!

  • My name is Tyler Oakley, and I am so excited because today,

  • we are having a very special edition of The Tyler Oakley Show.

  • It's time to celebrate Frozen!

  • My gosh [LAUGH].

  • Today on the show, we have special guests, Ana and Elsa themselves.

  • Idina Menzel and Kristen Bell.

  • There's laughter, there's crying, there's hugging and I'm here, Olaf, hello.

  • So enjoy.

  • I am joined today by the very special Kristen Bell, everybody.

  • >> [APPLAUSE] >> Hello.

  • >> Thank you so much for joining me.

  • >> Thank you for having me.

  • >> Of course, my pleasure.

  • I am a huge fan of you and everything you do.

  • But my nieces and nephews are obsessed with you for Frozen.

  • And- >> I thought you were gonna say

  • House of Lies, but they [CROSSTALK].

  • >> House of Lies, actually, they're huge fans.

  • [LAUGH] >> Yeah.

  • >> Is there any news we can get about

  • the Frozen sequel? >> I wish there was, but

  • I don't actually have any of [CROSSTALK]. >> Don't lie to me.

  • >> See, I'm dead serious.

  • >> House of lies right here,

  • right now. >> Uh-oh.

  • >> Uh-oh.

  • >> What we have been doing is,

  • we're doing an Olaf special next year. >> My god.

  • >> And we have recorded music and

  • dialogue for that. >> I am so

  • ready for that. There has been so

  • much fan made things about Frozen online. >> Yeah.

  • >> And there has been speculation on

  • the Internet about Elsa potentially being a lesbian?

  • And can you confirm that?

  • [LAUGH] >> Whatever else wants to do.

  • >> Okay. >> It's up to her.

  • >> I love that.

  • >> And it's up to us to support her.

  • >> And Olaf, obviously- >> That's my take.

  • >> Also is.

  • >> Well, for sure.

  • >> Yeah. >> Yeah.

  • >> I mean, I identify as Olaf, actually.

  • >> [LAUGH] >> [LAUGH] Because you have achieved my

  • dream of being in an animated movie, I thought we'd play a little game that is

  • testing our knowledge of characters and who voices those characters.

  • >> Okay.

  • [MUSIC]

  • >> First up, do you know?

  • >> Yeah. >> I know.

  • >> I know too. Let's say it at the same time.

  • >> Okay. >> Three, two, one.

  • Jonathan Taylor Thomas.

  • [SOUND] >> Who I was in in love with.

  • >> Of course.

  • >> Of course.

  • That's how I knew I was Olaf oriented.

  • >> Are we playing?

  • >> Shoot. Yeah, sorry.

  • >> Mila Kunis. [SOUND] >> Dang it!

  • Okay.

  • >> Angie Lansberg.

  • [SOUND] Ellen DeGeneres.

  • [SOUND] >> Okay.

  • >> Who's it? Adele Dizeme.

  • [SOUND] >> I'm just gonna let you ride this wave.

  • Who don't you know?

  • >> Amy Pohler. [SOUND]

  • >> Wow, Eddy Murphy,

  • [SOUND] thank you i need the one thing.

  • >> Owen Wilson.

  • [SOUND] >> Wow,

  • even a car >> Steve Carell.

  • [SOUND] >> I'm just-

  • >> Chris Rock.

  • [SOUND] >> [LAUGH] Tim Allen.

  • Thank you.

  • >> Nathan Lane. [SOUND] >> Who, yeah, I'm like, Angelina Jolie.

  • [SOUND] Thank you.

  • >> Wow.

  • Mike Myers. [SOUND]

  • >> Yeah.

  • James Earl Jones.

  • [SOUND] Thank you.

  • >> Wow. >> Gosh.

  • Yeah, no.

  • >> Ray Romano.

  • [SOUND] >> [LAUGH]

  • >> John Goodman.

  • [SOUND] >> Will Arnett.

  • [SOUND] >> Yeah.

  • [SOUND] >> Ed Asner.

  • [SOUND] >> [LAUGH] You don't have to hit me.

  • You clearly won.

  • I didn't know I was gonna be so

  • good at that honest to God i watched a lot of cartoons.

  • >> My- I guess my favorite thing was just seeing you scream celebrity names while

  • shaking your head.

  • That I think should be your brand.

  • >> Brad Pitt!

  • >> [LAUGH] That's beautiful.

  • I wanted to take a little moment to talk about something you do

  • that actually is helping save the world.

  • And that's these granola bars.

  • >> Yes. >> I want to talk about them.

  • Tell me everything you know about them.

  • >> Well, one of my best friends,

  • Ryan Deblin came to me with this idea, why isn't there a give back on food items.

  • >> Mm-hm. >> So, he and

  • a couple of us created this company called, This Bar Saves Lives.

  • >> It is so good. >> The cherry chocolate is my favorite.

  • This is dark chocolate cherry in sea salt.

  • But, this one.

  • >> Madagascar vanilla almond and honey.

  • >> And if it's warm a little bit,

  • like if you happen to accidentally leave it on the dashboard of your car.

  • >> Uh-huh. >> It tastes like a rice krispie.

  • >> And then like ice cream on top.

  • >> For every bar you buy, we donate a life saving packet to a child in need.

  • And we just passed our million dollar mark.

  • >> Amazing. >> So we have been responsible for

  • helping save the lives of 8,000 children.

  • >> Well, thank you so much for sharing this with us.

  • Thanks for playing my little game.

  • >> I loved it.

  • >> Frozen.

  • Today I am so happy, because I'm joined by an all-time fave.

  • We have Idina Menzel everybody.

  • >> [APPLAUSE] >> Hello.

  • >> Thank you so much for joining me.

  • >> Thanks for having me.

  • It's my first time on your show.

  • >> I am so honored for you to be here.

  • I need you to know to be here with you- >> Thank you.

  • >> Means a lot to me from a drama kid.

  • >> What would you listen to?

  • >> We sang 'For Good' at my graduation.

  • >> You did? >> Uh-huh.

  • >> That's nice.

  • Were you Glinda?

  • >> I was all of the characters.

  • [LAUGH] I heard that when you were on stage for

  • a long time, something particular happens to you.

  • You face a little issue.

  • If you're on stage for a while.

  • >> [LAUGH] [CROSSTALK] I sound like Donald Trump.

  • I was just about to go where did you hear that?

  • >> You started sniffling with Donald Trump now.

  • >> I'm sorry about all of this.

  • >> [LAUGH] >> Where did you hear that?

  • >> [LAUGH] >> What were we talking about?

  • >> We were talking about when you're on stage for a while.

  • >> Yeah, I pee in my pants. >> Yeah, that's what I heard.

  • >> Is that what you're getting at?

  • >> Yes.

  • [LAUGH] Is it true? >> Yeah, it's just,

  • I don't know if it's a genetic thing.

  • >> Is it a full situation?

  • >> My mom, my sister, and I, is it a full situation?

  • >> Is all of the bladder?

  • >> Yeah well, ever since I had a child perhaps it's even a little worse.

  • >> Gosh. >> But

  • when you're doing eight shows a week and

  • you're drinking water all the time because you're singing.

  • >> My gosh, yeah that makes sense.

  • >> And if you're a lead role and you're on stage for a long periods of time.

  • >> I can't wait for the first time I pee my pants on this show and

  • I'm gonna like run off.

  • >> Come on you know you do.

  • You need to get me an ad, like a commercial for Depend or something

  • >> That is a brand deal.

  • >> [LAUGH] >> Depends, if you are watching, call us.

  • So you are, not only known on Broadway, Frozen is a huge hit.

  • Is Elsa, a lesbian?

  • >> [LAUGH] >> Can you confirm, can you deny?

  • >> I cannot confirm or deny.

  • >> I figured you wouldn't be able to.

  • >> If I tell you, I would have to kill you.

  • I think in Frozen one, she was young, and so she's still you know.

  • >> Figuring it out >> Figuring stuff out.

  • >> If Elsa were to have a girlfriend, any Disney character.

  • >> My gosh.

  • >> We got Pocahontas.

  • [SOUND] We got Ursula.

  • [SOUND] >> This is such a good question.

  • >> Anybody is- >> And I'm not prepared.

  • Ursula?

  • >> Well, love is love.

  • You can't >> [LAUGH]

  • >> You can't help who you

  • have a connection with.

  • >> Like Tinkerbell?

  • [LAUGH] >> Tinkerbell.

  • That's cute.

  • You know what? I ship it.

  • When Kristen Bell was here we played a little game called,

  • Your Face Rings A Bell.

  • She dominated.

  • >> Really? >> I knew nothing, apparently.

  • >> I'm not gonna know a lot of this.

  • >> Okay, so it might be an even match.

  • >> Okay. >> Are you ready?

  • [MUSIC]

  • >> Ooh.

  • >> Cameron Diaz.

  • [SOUND] >> Tom Hanks.

  • [SOUND]

  • >> That's Albert Brooks.

  • [SOUND] >> Mindy Kaling?

  • [SOUND] >> Eddie Murphy.

  • >> Eddie, whoa.

  • >> Sorry, my boobs are shaking.

  • >> [LAUGH] >> That's what's his name?

  • Hard rock. >> Jack Black. [SOUND] >> [BLEEP] Sorry.

  • >> [LAUGH] You can swear here.

  • >> Who's the beluga?

  • >> Ty Burrell? [SOUND] Yes.

  • >> He is?

  • >> Uh-huh. >> I love belugas.

  • Kristen Bell. [SOUND]

  • >> Mandy Moore?

  • [SOUND]

  • >> Mandy Patinkin.

  • >> [LAUGH]

  • >> I almost said Mandy Patinkin!

  • >> That's, that's.

  • >> [LAUGH] >> James Earl Jones?

  • [SOUND] >> Is it?

  • >> No, Jeremy Irons.

  • >> James Earl Jones is Mufasa.

  • [SOUND] >> That's John Leguziamo.

  • Lazamo? >> Yeah right off the tongue.

  • [LAUGH] >> Well, you guys, thank you for watching.

  • You should get the album now.

  • It's in stores everywhere.

  • I would get a physical copy so you can have it in your car, live your best life.

  • >> Isn't that a novel idea, physical copy?

  • >> Again, Cake is so good.

  • >> Well, there's really pretty, the lyrics are in here.

  • >> I opened it.

  • I was like I thought this was gonna be a prop.

  • >> Does anyone your age ever actually look at the go like this and

  • enjoy this experience?

  • >> Yeah, you open it, you put it on your wall.

  • >> Look at the lyrics.

  • I can really see what she's singing about.

  • And look at- >> And the bonus pictures.

  • Look at the pretty pictures.

  • This is such a nice experience.

  • >> I like this one you're giggling.

  • >> Well, just go download it.

  • >> Why not?

  • >> [LAUGH] Get it anywhere and thank you so much for joining us.

  • This is so much fun.

  • >> Thanks for having me.

  • >> I love those two ladies almost as much as I love Frozen,

  • which I love Frozen a lot.

  • If you liked this episode,

  • go watch all of our past episodes of the Tyler Oakley Show.

  • We have episodes with Kerry Washington, Celine Dion, Seth Rogan, and

  • we have new episodes on ellentube every single Monday.

  • Thanks for tuning in and thanks for supporting the show.

  • I love you.

  • Okay, bye.

  • [MUSIC]

Hi everyone!


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A2 初級 美國腔

泰勒-奧克利秀》,迪士尼《冰雪奇緣》版,伊迪娜-門澤爾和克里斯汀-貝爾。 ('The Tyler Oakley Show,’ Disney 'Frozen’ Edition with Idina Menzel & Kristen Bell)

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    Voice 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日