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The first thing you should be clear about after you believe in Christ is that your salvation
is eternally secure. It can never be taken away. Seven proofs in the Bible confirm this
1. God initiated your salvation In John 15:16, Jesus says, "You did not choose
me, but I chose you." God chose to save you. It was His idea, not yours. He chose you,
marked you out, and called you into His salvation.
2. God's love is eternal Jeremiah 31:3 says that God loves you with
an eternal love, a love with no beginning and no end. He loved you before the world
even began. No sin, no failure, no weakness on your part can ever separate you from the
love of God.
3. God is righteous Before you were saved, God's righteousness
required that you be punished for your sins. But Christ came to be your substitute to die
for you. His death on the cross fully paid your debt of sin and satisfied God's righteous
requirement. Now God can never again require that payment from you. He can never take back
your salvation.
Psalm 89:14 says, "Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne." If God
were to retract your salvation, which Christ purchased on the cross, then God would be
unrighteous, and His throne would lose its foundation. God cannot and would not do that.
He is bound by His righteousness to save you.
4. God begot you as His child John 1:12-13 shows that when you received
Christ, you were born again of His eternal life and became a child of God. Just as the
physical life imparted by a father to a child cannot be taken back, once you are born again
with the eternal life of God, you cannot be "unborn."
5. God is strong God's strong hand secures your salvation eternally.
In John 10:28, Jesus said, "I give to them eternal life, and they shall by no means perish
forever, and no one shall snatch them out of My hand." No one is stronger than God,
so no one can snatch you out of His hand.
6. God never changes Malachi 3:6 says "I, Jehovah, do not change."
Your feelings may constantly change, but your salvation is grounded in an unchanging God.
His love and faithfulness are unchanging.
7. Christ has promised Christ promised to keep you and never leave
you. In Hebrews 13:5 He says clearly, "I shall by no means give you up, neither by any means
shall I abandon you." He will never go back on His promise.
What a wonderful, liberating fact! Your salvation is eternally secure. You will never lose it,
and it can never be taken away from you.