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  • - I look like Brooke Shields.

  • Oh shit.

  • (theme music)

  • - For this challenge,

  • since we only have two dudes

  • of the Test Friends,

  • we're inviting along our friend, Curly.

  • - I've been recruited

  • to join the Test Friends.

  • - I know the basics of make-up,

  • essential like the words

  • foundation--

  • - I don't really know the difference between

  • concealer or cover up.

  • - So we got the whole week to

  • sort of figure this out

  • and go through a trial and error process.

  • And then, Friday we have the holiday party,

  • which I think Ryan and Curly sort of forgot about.

  • - Aw, fuck! (laughs)

  • - The days leading up to the holiday party

  • will let me hone my craft.

  • - Make-up,

  • that's what we're doing now, I guess.

  • - We're here at the mecca of make-up.

  • - [Shane] None of us have any experience with this.

  • - It's easy. - It's easy?

  • - It's easy. - Okay.

  • - "Voo-doo prince",

  • "Man-scaper",

  • "Bush Master",

  • that's me!

  • - [Shane and Curly] Bush master.

  • - [Shane] You're the bush master?

  • (laughs)

  • - Bush master, butt plugs.

  • - Where did the butt plug come in?

  • - That pink thing looks like a butt plug.

  • How could I know about butt plugs?

  • - Don't put that in my face after you say that!

  • - Butt plug.

  • - Get in here.

  • - Is there like a thing

  • that we could do

  • to fill in my beard?

  • - Yes, we can do that too.

  • - Let's do it!

  • - [Ryan] Wait, I don't see what's happening.

  • - It's beauty.

  • That's what's happening.

  • - [Ryan] Oh, shit.

  • - [Shane] That is incredible.

  • (snaps)

  • - Daddy wants, daddy want that too.

  • - [Shane] Your eyebrows get pretty thin

  • on the sides though.

  • It's gonna look like

  • someone just drew

  • (overlapping talking and laughing)

  • - [Shane] So just sort of gunks up the hair

  • that's already there.

  • - [Henry] Yeah, yeah.

  • - Oh, that was definitely darker.

  • - [Henry] Yeah.

  • - Should I fill in the other eyebrow?

  • - [Shane] Oh, come on! I would like to see you

  • walk around like this

  • - Go ahead and do it.

  • I bet you can do it yourself. - Oh, shit.

  • - Okay, a little heavy.

  • A little heavy in the wrong spots, too.

  • - [Shane] A little heavy, buddy.

  • - I got that Marty's Chris Hazy look now.

  • - [Ryan] Do you feel fresh?

  • - No.

  • (laughs)

  • - There is something different about it.

  • - It being my face?

  • - [Ryan] The skin tone's all one color now.

  • - You know, if I get up real close,

  • it looks like the Utah salt flats.

  • - Whoa, you're right.

  • There's a little eggshell-ish stuff going on there.

  • - Yeah.

  • - [Henry] Nice, so let's go down to Kayla

  • and get you checked out.

  • - [Shane] Great! - Cool.

  • - Okay.

  • - I'm so happy.

  • - This is day one.

  • It's pretty early right now.

  • - [Voiceover] It's 8:15.

  • - I know but right now,

  • I normally would be asleep

  • and I'm not asleep.

  • - Just gonna wing this.

  • - I'm not nervous

  • bacause I've secretly have been wearing it

  • all weekend anyways.

  • - I might ask my girlfriend for help

  • one hundred percent.

  • She works in an office.

  • She needs the make-up.

  • She doesn't need the make-up (laughs)

  • - This is so fun.

  • - This is silly.

  • - [Shane] It was very reassuring

  • to know that,

  • well I look like shit,

  • but 10 minutes from now,

  • I'm gonna look like Ryan Seacrest.

  • I have a tiny little zit popping up over here.

  • Where'd it go?

  • You can't even tell.

  • - I look dead.

  • - No you don't.

  • Why do you look dead?

  • - Because my face is all one tone

  • and it only happens when you're dead.

  • - So what I do is I put the beard on.

  • Try not to put too much.

  • - Holy cow!

  • Those are brows.

  • - I don't know if I'm doing it right.

  • I just go like (gagging).

  • - And I'm just gonna,

  • okay, there's a lot.

  • - I don't think we need to put anymore on.

  • - Guess that's what I'm gonna look like today.

  • - Such beauty.

  • I did try out different techniques.

  • In the beginning, like I said,

  • I was filling in my eyebrows a little bit too much,

  • and Mallory noticed it.

  • - They look like one caterpillar.

  • (laughs)

  • - And it's a little furry.

  • But still sexy.

  • - [Shane] There was one morning

  • where I was running

  • a little late

  • and I had no time to do it.

  • Am I gonna go into work

  • looking like this though?

  • No.

  • This is trash.

  • There's a new standard now

  • and I have to adhere to it.

  • So I'm going to have to apply my make-up

  • in the Uber car that is arriving shortly.

  • The man in front didn't really give me weird looks.

  • He seemed cool with it.

  • - [Ryan] People at work

  • did say I looked "glowing".

  • - The boys are wearing make-up

  • and it's weirding me out

  • how lovely they look.

  • They look beautiful!

  • - [Ryan] I think she was just being nice.

  • She knew what was going on.

  • I don't know if it was a legit compliment.

  • I'm not gonna take it as that.

  • - My beautiful boys!

  • (laughs)

  • - It only took my 30 minutes to do this.

  • - Today is our holiday party

  • and the last day that we will have to be wearing make-up.

  • - Kind of gotta make sure that my make-ups like

  • not half-assed today.

  • - It was fun knowing

  • that I had this little extra fancy step to do

  • and that I was gonna be a little fancy man

  • going to the party

  • with these little fancy make-up.

  • - In the midst of the chaos of the holiday party,

  • we all somehow got together and took a picture.

  • - [Curly] Everybody looked great.

  • Shane's skin looks flawless.

  • Ryan, I couldn't even tell actually, was wearing make-up.

  • - [Ryan] We were all pretty out of it.

  • But it was a good time.

  • I think we came out with a solid

  • photo booth picture.

  • - [Curly] I think there is a stigma behind make-up

  • but I think that

  • there's something very empowering

  • about putting on a little bit of

  • war paint, if you will.

  • - I don't know.

  • I just think it's silly that we live in this society

  • where people are kind of pressured

  • into looking a certain way everyday.

  • I don't really think that's fair

  • or right.

  • - I'm not gonna wear it again probably.

  • But I can certainly see the advantages.

  • I didn't really feel like I was ever

  • enhancing my beauty in any way.

  • It was just kind of damage control.

  • - Make-up is dope.

  • You can hide behind it.

  • You can enhance it.

  • It'll give you a little bit more confidence.

  • It might take some away.

  • - I now know what it's like

  • to have to do this every morning

  • and it's not fun.

  • - Look at me.

  • This is a success story.

  • Kind of.

  • A little pale.

  • - [Ryan] I could sit here all day.

  • - [Curly] Also, you guys don't know

  • where those brushes have been.

  • - I mean, it's just on other peoples' faces.

  • It's not like someone's

  • brushing their ass cheeks over here.

- I look like Brooke Shields.


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A2 初級 美國腔

男人化妝一週--測試朋友們的測試 (Men Wear Makeup For A Week • The Test Friends)

  • 120 5
    Fang Yi Lin 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日