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  • JAN TING: Do we have greater concern for our fellow Americans than we do people from other

  • parts of the world? Should we? I mean, that's an interesting philosophical question. I know

  • Chinese philosophers have thought about that question a lot. Do you have greater loyalty

  • to your clan, to your nation? Does the nation mean anything in the 21st century going forward?

  • I think it does. I think we have a responsibility toward those people, including workers that

  • have worked their whole lives and now find themselves unemployed as they're facing retirement

  • and not having enough money for retirement.

  • Think about the competition that we're going to generate. I mean, I understand why big

  • business wants unlimited immigration. Big business loves unlimited immigration that

  • drives wage levels down in this country, and so they can drive profits up and wage levels

  • down. Yeah, corporate profits are going to go up, if that's what we're all about. You're

  • going to get the corporate profits up, but you're also going to get wage levels down.

  • Why don't American students go into science, technology, engineering, and mathematics?

  • Do you ever wonder about that? I wonder about that all the time. Why do we have to have

  • a STEM jobs bill just to bring in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics?

  • What's the matter with American students? Why do they all want to go to law school and

  • study with me? In part it's because there are all these smart foreign students coming

  • in, and you know if you're going into science, technology, engineering, or mathematics, you're

  • going to have to compete with these smart foreigners coming in. And you want to do that?

  • You want to stake your career on competing with these smart foreign students? So the

  • competition is real. And we need to decide what is our priority? Is it taking care of

  • our fellow Americans first, or is it worrying about the entire world? Can we not take care

  • of our fellow Americans until we take care of everyone in the whole world? I don't think

  • so.

  • BRANDON TURNER: Can I let Bryan respond?

  • BRYAN CAPLAN: Sure. I care about my children far more than I care about other Americans

  • or other human beings. I love my children, and yet there are many things I will not do

  • to help them. I will not steal from other people to help my children. I won't try to

  • get other kids kicked out of school so my kids can be the best kids in the class. I

  • won't, because it seems wrong. The fact that you love someone and care more about them

  • is a reason to make sure that you are treating other people fairly. And that is precisely

  • what immigration laws do not do.

  • Immigration laws are not about saying we're going to take care of Americans as long as

  • we're treating other people fairly. It's about saying we're going to take care of Americans

  • no matter what the cost we impose on other people. And that is really what immigration

  • restrictions come down to. It's saying that we are so concerned about a few people here

  • that we're willing to inflict enormous harm on other people who've done nothing wrong,

  • they just happened to be born on the wrong side of the border.

  • In terms of the economics of what Jan is saying, this is the kind of thing that economists

  • try to root out of people in first semester econ. Yes, you can always look and find ways

  • that you're losing from things. You also need to look at ways that you're gaining. And then

  • you need to add the two up and see what the net effect is.

  • If we were to actually run a world on the principle of try to get rid of anyone who

  • might compete with you by being better than you or anything, what kind of a world would

  • this be? What kind of economy would it be? We would be living in dire poverty. We should

  • be glad when there are more talented and skilled people in the country realizing their potential.

  • Most of the time we gain from them, because usually we're trading with them. Sometimes

  • we lose because we're competing with them. It's important to remember the bottom line:

  • total amount of stuff produced in the world. There is very good reason to think that immigration

  • would double the total amount of stuff produced in the world, most of which is going to go

  • not just to corporations but to human beings all over the planet.

  • TURNER: Let me push on this though. So if this the kind of immigration equivalent of

  • a free lunch, why aren't we taking it?

  • CAPLAN: I think the reason why we're not taking it is because most people are economically

  • illiterate, so they focus on whatever downsides they can find. And second of all, people suffer

  • what I call anti-foreign bias. Namely, any time there's a problem, they look around for

  • a way to blame foreigners. Whenever foreigners are about, they try to find anything negative

  • that they can to say about them. Very rarely do people take a deep breath and say let's

  • consider, first of all, all of the good and all the bad added it up. And second of all,

  • rarely do people consider, am I doing wrong to a foreigner? Should I feel bad that I mistreated

  • someone who wasn't born in this country? And this is yet a question that we all should

  • be asking ourselves.

JAN TING: Do we have greater concern for our fellow Americans than we do people from other


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