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  • Once upon a time, there were three brothers, triplets, named Tom, Dick, and Harry Class.

  • They were raised in the same home, with the same parents, had the same IQ,

  • same skills and same opportunities. Each was married and had two children.

  • They were all carpenters making $25 per hour.

  • While they were very similar in all these respects, they had different priorities.

  • For example, Tom, chose to work 20 hours per week, while his brother, Dick worked 40 hours

  • and Harry 60.

  • It should also be noted that Harry's wife worked full time as an office manager for a salary of $50,000.

  • Dick's wife sold real estate part time 10 hours a week and made $25,000 per year.

  • Tom's wife did not work.

  • Tom and Dick spent all of their family income. Since they paid into Social Security they figured,

  • they didn't need to save for retirement. Harry and his wife, on the other hand, had,

  • over many years, put away money each month and invested it in stocks and bonds.

  • Here's how it worked out: Tom made $25,000 a year, Dick and his wife made $75,000

  • and Harry and his wife, $150,000.

  • When a new housing development opened up in their community,

  • the brothers decided to buy equally-priced homes on the same private street.

  • One day the brothers decided to pool their funds for the purpose of improving their street.

  • Concerned about crime and safety, and wanting a more attractive setting for their homes,

  • the three families decided to install a security gate at the street's entrance;

  • repave the street's surface; and enhance the lighting and landscaping.

  • The work was done for a total cost of $30,000.

  • Harry assumed they would divide the bill three ways, each brother paying $10,000.

  • But Tom and Dick objected. "Why should we pay the same as you?" they said.

  • "You make much more money than we do."

  • Harry was puzzled. "What does that have to do with anything?" he asked.

  • "My family makes more money because my wife and I work long hours, and because

  • we have saved some of the money we've earned to make additional money from investments.

  • Why should we be penalized for that?"

  • "Harry, you can work and save all you like" Tom countered.

  • "But my wife and I want to enjoy ourselves now, not 25 years from now."

  • "Fine, Tom. Do what you want. It's a free country. But why should I have to pay for that?

  • "I can't believe your being so... unbrotherly," Tom argued.

  • "You have a lot of money and I don't. I thought you'd be more generous."

  • At this point, Dick, the peacemaker in the family, entered the conversation.

  • "I've got an idea," Dick said. "Our combined income is $250,000, and $30,000 is 12 percent of that amount.

  • Why don't we each pay that percentage of our income? Under that formula, Tom would pay $3,000,

  • I would pay $9,000, and Harry would pay $18,000."

  • "I have a much better idea," said Tom. "And one that's fairer than what you're proposing."

  • Dick and Harry turned to Tom.

  • "Harry should pay $23,450; Dick, you should pay $6,550; and I will pay nothing."

  • To Dick this sounded completely arbitrary, and not really fair. But it did have one big plus.

  • His share would be $2,450 less under Tom's formula than under his own.

  • So, he decided to be silent.

  • Harry, however, was stunned.

  • "You want me to pay almost 80% of the bill despite the fact that

  • each of us is receiving the exact same benefits?

  • Where did you get such a crazy idea?"

  • "From no less an authority than the U.S. government," Tom responded, as he pulled out a gray booklet.

  • "It's all right here in the IRS tax tables. This is the progressive income tax system

  • all U.S. taxpayers live under, and I don't see we should be any different. In fact,

  • I believe all future improvements should be paid in this way."

  • "Works for me," said Dick. So, by a vote of two to one, the cost of the street improvements

  • was divided as Tom had proposed, even though they benefited equally, and even though the

  • reason Harry had more money was that he and his wife had worked many more hours than his

  • brothers and their wives, and saved some of what they had earned

  • instead of spending it all.

  • Tom and Dick lived happily ever after with their new arrangement. Harry grumbled a lot,

  • but whenever he complained his brothers called him greedy and selfish.

  • The end.

Once upon a time, there were three brothers, triplets, named Tom, Dick, and Harry Class.


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累進所得稅。三兄弟的故事 (The Progressive Income Tax: A Tale of Three Brothers)

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    VoiceTube 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日