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  • If you've read Homer's Odyssey, you have a head start on this motif.

  • That's because in Beowulf, just like in the Odyssey, there are stories everywhere.

  • Just when the story of Beowulf's battles is getting some momentum ... someone has to go tell another

  • story.

  • Aw, man!

  • But you know the saying, you snooze, you lose? Yeah, you really do in this poem.

  • That's because the stories in Beowulf serve two purposes.

  • First, they enable the narrator to include material outside the scope of the poem. You

  • know, like stories about different ancestors that either help explain Beowulf's character,

  • or clarify the heroic code. Think of them as the bonus material on a DVD.

  • And second, believe it or not, the stories actually keep the poem moving.

  • Let me repeat that. The stories in this poem actually keep the poem moving. Rather than

  • really making you snooze by going chronologically through Beowulf's life, the poem jumps from

  • battle to battle. The history that's important to the action is included only as neededin

  • stories that increase our faith in Beowulf and perhaps even get us a little excited about

  • his next heroic deed.

If you've read Homer's Odyssey, you have a head start on this motif.


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B1 中級 美國腔

"貝奧武夫 "MOTIF 2 -- "貝奧武夫"...來自60second Recap®。 ("Beowulf" MOTIF 2 -- "Beowulf" ... from 60second Recap®)

  • 21 2
    Chia-Yin Huang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日