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  • Hi there, I'm Angela Oberer and today's good idea comes from Kendra. She writes in and says:

  • First of all, be the first to apologize.

  • Whenever you get in an argument, whenever you get in a fight, be the first one to apologize.

  • If you wait for the other person to apologize, you might be waiting forever right?

  • So if you're the first one to apologize, you can start the forgiveness process, you get

  • that off your chest, and you're free to move on and live happily ever after.

  • What happens to the other person, I have no idea.

  • They might apologize, they might try to mend the friendship or relationship, or they might

  • choose to hold a grudge and be ugly for the rest of their life. I have no idea.

  • But be the first to apologize any time you come into an argument.

  • Second of all - When there is an argument and emotions are

  • running high, and there's tension, and there's frustration, and people are slinging stuff

  • back and forth at each other, which probably can't ever be taken back, slow down.

  • When I was learning drivers ed, and I was learning to drive my dad took me out in the

  • car for a test drive. And as we came up around a great big curve,

  • My dad turned to me, I was going about 70 miles per hour. And he could have said lots

  • of things, he could have cussed at me, he could have said "WHOA" or he could have said

  • "STOP" or something, he could have said anything, but what he did was, he turned to me quietly

  • and he said: "You don't want to take that curve at 70 miles per hour."

  • Ooh. And I slowed down. Okay, there's danger at 70 miles per hour.

  • In an argument, that danger is saying things that cannot be taken back.

  • Okay? There's danger at 70 miles per hour. Now there's not a day that goes by that I

  • haven't thought of that. "You don't want to take that curve at 70 MPH"

  • And if you're in the middle of an argument, slow down.

  • Listen, and watch, but don't say things you can't take back.

  • Life is too short, and you'll spend the rest of your life apologizing.

  • So be the first to apologize, and then when you talk to your mother-in-law slow down.

  • I'm telling ya, that might save your relationship, and it's a good idea.

  • It's a good idea.

Hi there, I'm Angela Oberer and today's good idea comes from Kendra. She writes in and says:


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A2 初級

你的婆婆很牛逼嗎?- 這是個好主意 (Is Your Mother-in-Law a Bully? - It's a Good Idea)

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    VoiceTube 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日