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Most of you, you make more money today than you have in your entire lives, and yet, you
battle with more financial stress than you ever have. Most of you, you've got better
better opportunities to do great things, and yet, you are more empty and more exhausted.
Why? It's because we are filling our lives with things that do not matter. In a word,
idolatry, idolatry. We are elevating good things to become supreme things. We are distracted
by all of the production and worldliness. Gotta have the bigger house, then it may help
our marriage. Gotta have the nicer car, then it will make me feel good about myself, therefore
I have got to get the promotion so I can sustain this lifestyle. Got to be at the meeting so
they will think well of me, because their opinion matters, and my whole self worth hinges
on what they think about me. Gotta have our kids involved in the best of all the opportunities,
because God forbid we invest spiritually in our children, they have got to be great flute
Gotta have the perfect body, because my soul is not as valuable as my body. I've got to
produce more and more and more, because I am so empty. It's idolatry. It's insane and
it's killing marriages and families and people are hurting. It's not what God intended.
So, what we are going to do is we are going to have what I call a 'come to Jesus meeting'.
In the next few weeks, I am going to challenge you and push you like you haven't been pushed
in a long time. Sadly, most of you are not going to change. I've done this long enough
to know, it just breaks my heart. Some of you, though, you are going to see it, you
are going to feel it, you are going to believe it, and you are going to do life not according
to the patterns of this world, but according to the rhythms of God's grace; and you are
going to choose what is better. When it is all said and done, God's going to look at
you and He's gonna say, "You did good, well done, well done my good and faithful servant".
You are not going to have regrets, because you are not going to give your life away to
things that do not matter and do not last. A few of you are going to get it and I am
going to praise God, and I am going to fight for it with you.
Come to Jesus meeting. Here is what Jesus said, Matthew 11:28-29; Jesus said, "Come
to me, all you who are weary and burdened"; (I will add a few words.) Come to me, all
who are stressed out, overwhelmed, can't get it all done. Come to me single parents who
are about to fall apart. Come to me business guy, who feels like you're gonna lose it all.
Come to me mom who has no margin for herself. Come to me those who are overwhelmed and feel
insignificant if they're not busy all of the time. Come to me all of us, Jesus said, and
"what will I give you?" He said, "I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn
from me"; that is what we are going to try to do, we are going to try to learn from God,
learn from Jesus. He says, "For I am gentle and humble in heart," and what will you find?
The Bible says, "You will find rest for your souls." Let that phrase just sink in for a
moment. Rest for your souls; peace, assurance, tranquility, rest for your souls. A lot of
us, we don't even know what rest is, we are going to talk a lot about rest next week.
Some of you go, "I'm gonna go on vacation and rest." Then you bungee jump, sky dive
and shop the whole time. Then you are like, "I'm exhausted, I need a vacation from my
vacation!" Others, you go on vacation and you have six days, and the first three days
you are unwinding and you are trying to stop, and then you go; "Oh my gosh, I've only got
three days to go!" Then you start winding back up and you don't ever really rest for
your souls, rest for your souls. My heart aches for so many of you.
Those of you that are not married, it's interesting how sometimes you can fall victims to this
the most. You feel like, "If I don't have something on my schedule, I am insignificant,
I'm a loser, I've got to have something all of the time or else there must be something
wrong with me." You realize just how sick that is?
Moms, if I can just talk to you for a minute. I talk to moms all of the time, "I don't have
any time for me, I don't have any time for me and if I did something for me, I would
feel incredibly guilty." Do you realize how insane that is?
Men, "Well I've got to make more, conquer more, achieve more, because that is what will
show love to...." idolatry.
Psalm 46:10, it says this; "Be still and know that I am God." Many of you don't know how
to be still. If I come hard on this is because this has been probably a
14-year battle for me, and I am learning to win this battle, I really am. I survived my
second round of counseling for being a workaholic, I've passed, I've graduated, I don't go anymore.
Ninety bucks an hour are freed up, praise God! The very first assignment my counselor
said, is he said; "Craig, here is your assignment, you have got to be still for five minutes
a day. You can't produce anything." I'm like, "Well that's easy, five minutes a day!" I
went there and I'm like going, "Okay, 30 seconds here, I can't do this! This is insane, I've
got things to do!" I talked to him again and I said, "I can't do this!" He said, "Do you
realize how sick that is?" Be still...be still.
That is where we are going to start this week, it's very simple. Your assignment is five
minutes a day, where you don't produce anything. You don't think anything, you just be in God's
presence, just listen. What it's gonna do is for five minutes is it's going to break
the idolatry, where you think you are on the throne of this life and you are going to leave
the laundry undone, the kids knocking, and your emails unchecked, and your facebook will
survive without you looking at it for five minutes; and you are not allowed to twitter
about it. You are just going to be, for five minutes, you are just going to be. It's a
first and significant step into creating a lot more of margin.
Here is where we are going to go in this series:
Week 1: We are introducing the idea.
Week 2: We are going to talk about scheduling margin and we are going to talk about some
extremes, because most of us we do not have time and you are going to say, "But I don't
have time to do that!" No, you have time for what you choose to have time for and we are
going to make some significant commitments next week.
Week 3: We are going to talk about financial margin, because most of us have none; have
none and the pressure is so real in this consumeristic, materialistic world, and I am going to show
you how you can create financial margin. It will be simple, not easy, but it will be simple
and your life can be transformed as we create financial margin.
Week 4: We are going to talk about moral margin, because all over the world people are falling
into dangerous lifestyles of sin, because there is no buffer between them and temptation,
and when our schedules are crushed, and when our finances are tight, all of a sudden we
are so stressed and so many people relieve themselves with sin, that is an escape and
ends up totally destroying their lives. We are going to build moral margin. We are going
to stop seeking meaning from the things of this world, and we are going to find meaning
from the things of God. Here is what He will do:
Isaiah 58:11; as we seek Him, "The Lord will guide you always"; not the culture, not the
expectations of this world, but the Lord will guide you always. "He", not the things of
this world, but "He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen
your frame." And, rather than being parched and thirsty, and empty and barren, and dry
and struggling; "You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail."
When you stop living according to the patterns of this world, but instead you live according
to the rhythms of His grace, and you will never be the same.
Hey thanks for viewing part of this message. If you'd like to see this message in its entirety,
or any of our messages, you can goto www.lifechurch.tv and I'll see you there.