字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 I'm a dreamer 我是個夢想家 But it's hard to sleep when your head's not in it 但當你不在枕邊時,我便難以入眠 I've been restless 我變得不安 Cause you disappeared and that's all that's missing 因為你的離去,讓一切似乎都失去意義 The Earth is loose under my shoes 腳下的大地開始崩解 There's an angel 我看見一位天使 And he's shaped like you, and I thought I knew him 他的輪廓與你相似,我想我認得他 There's a window 我看見一扇窗 And it's dark inside, but the light was in it 雖然有燈,但裡頭卻一片漆黑 This can't be love if it hurts so much 如果這是愛,那未免也太疼了 I need to let go 我必須鬆開手 I will survive and be the one who's stronger 我會跨過一切悲痛,變得更堅強 I will not beg you to stay 我不會苦苦哀求你留下 I will move on and you should know I mean it 我會展開新生,你知道我會忘掉過往的一切 Wild horses run in me 現在的我猶如脫韁野馬 I remember 我仍記得 How we danced so close, I would stand on your feet 我們是如何親密的共舞 And the phone calls 及那些徹夜談天的通話 That would last all night, they were lifeboats to me 在那些日子裡,這些就是我的救贖 Our fading scars just shooting stars 現在這一切都成了褪色的瘡疤 They're here, then go 像是流星般,稍縱即逝 I will survive and be the one who's stronger 我會跨過一切悲痛,變得更堅強 I will not beg you to stay 我不會苦苦哀求你留下 I will move on and you should know I mean it 我會展開新生,你知道我會忘掉過往的一切 Wild horses run in me 現在的我猶如脫韁野馬 Our human hearts forget how strong they are 一旦受了傷,人們便想不起原本的自己是多麼堅強 And they get lost along the way, hey 還會迷失在自己人生的路途上,嘿 It's not giving up, it's letting go 你該做的是放手,而不是放棄一切 And moving to a better place 昂首闊步地走向更美好的未來 I will survive and be the one who's stronger 我會跨過一切悲痛,變得更堅強 I will not beg you to stay 我不會苦苦哀求你留下 I will move on and you should know I mean it 我會展開新生,你知道我會忘掉過往的一切 Wild horses run in me 現在的我猶如脫韁野馬 I will survive and be the one who's stronger 我會挺過艱辛存活下來,比以前更加堅強 I will not beg you to stay 我不會再依賴著你 I will move on and you should know I mean it 你應該明白,我即將遠走高飛 Wild horses run in me 猶如脫韁野馬般
A2 初級 中文 英國腔 野馬 猶如 堅強 苦苦 跨過 過往 小鳥野馬 (Birdy-wild horses) 1723 164 蔚軒 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字