字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 *WINDOWS XP LOG IN INTRO* 好~~~的 All right everyone! It's time to continue with the green screen competition 各位 We got a lot, we got so much fucking weird shit. 是該來繼續「綠幕比賽」了 I forget to turn on my light, I guess the lighting's so good hey i dont need it 我們收到很多... I look sparkly and shiny and beautiful and... Perfect complex skin anyway, thank you very... 我收到-我們收到了很多莫名其妙的玩意兒 But enough about me! 我忘記開燈了 Let's keep watching the green screen competition submissions! 我猜這裡夠亮,我不用... This is creepy man... 嘿!我不需要! "FUCKING PIGGER" 我看起來閃閃發光又美麗動人 PEWDS THEME: NO ONE TOLD YA LIFE WAS GOING TO BE THIS WAYYYY (ahhhh..) 還有完美的緊緻肌膚,不論如何 *laughs* 非常謝(謝你們) Well that's a tv show I wanna watch! 但別再談我了! One pewds man 我們來繼續看「綠幕比賽」的稿件 Alright, alright, alright (精神科六月會報) ONE PUUUUUU- *seizure* 這好毛啊,老兄! *Someone call 911* (他媽的傻子!) HEYHEHE--Edgar 喔! (他媽的傻子!) I want to have my own anime so bad. 我會想看這節目! *Epic music* 一pewds超人 *Epic music* 好~好~好~! Why America? Should be Sweden, man. (一起尖叫)一拳~~~ That's fucking good shit, man. (參上!) *Pewds barfs and then laughs* (必勝!) *Dolphin laugh* (史上最強!) Get em, Malcolm! 嘿! (史上最強!) Really, it just-- Edgar~ Thank you for everyone else submitting 我超想要一個自己的動畫 But this one was clearly the best one 為什麼是美國? Jesus Christ. 應該要瑞典啊,老兄! "Hey, you! Fuck you! Don't like you!" 這真他媽棒! Pewdiepie meets Zoey 快幹掉Malcolm! *Prepare to fight!* 真假?就醬? JESUS. Thumbnail! 感謝其他所有投稿的人 Is that Zoey from Left 4 Dead? 但這個... What the hell that doesn't even make any fucking sense. 很明顯是最好的 *Goat has landed* 耶穌基督啊! *claps* Take it back! (嘿,那邊的!) That was the winner! Pewdiepie遇上Zoey (去你的!我討厭你!) "Oh, I love this" (去你的!我討厭你!) "It feels hot" *Intense Harry Potter look then Hermione eye roll* (準備戰鬥吧!) "Oh, you know what I'm gonna do with this..." 天哪! "...What I'm gonna do with this" 放縮圖囉! *Pewds laughs* 這是...惡靈勢力的Zoey? *sexual moans* *Pewds looking traumatised* 這哪招? "Oh, momma!" 這他媽完全不合理啊! "It hurts a little bit" *Nose laugh* 前言撤回! "That's a little too hard" 這才是贏家! To be fair, what was I expecting, honestly... (喔~我喜歡這個!) I don't know. (好性感!) Oh, God. Attack on Titan. (你知道我要對他做什麼嗎?) Attack on Pewds! (你知道我要對他做什麼嗎?) Attack on P-AHUH (喔,媽媽!) Dis gon be gud (會有點痛喔!) (Laughter) (有一點太用力了) Oh, no. 說句公道話 "I have landed" 老實說,我到底在期待什麼? "I'm so sorry, didn't mean anything bad" 我不知道 "I will just--UHHG" (標題:「進擊的Pew人」) 喔天哪! *wind splosions* *Pewds laughing as people die* (標題:「進擊的Pew人」) 進擊的巨人 No 進擊的pewds *More laughter* 進擊的~ So shit but so gu--so gud. 進擊的pew~(笑) Filthy Frank with PewDiePie 繼續吧! What the fuck? *ranting in the background* 這應該不錯(笑) That looks legit, man (艾倫:是他們!) "Mah name and likeness, huh?!" 喔~! When the Big Boss-- "Someone's newsfeed..." 不~(笑) "Wait... that's my news" (金拍謝) "Fuck you, you just got pranked!" *Pewds laughing* (沒有惡意) *sounds of gunfire and cast iron frying pans* (我只是會...) "Hey, you. Fuck you." 不... "PREPARE TO FIGHT" 超莫名 *fighting sound effects* 但超棒- It's ya boy! 這超-(笑) *echoes of "FOCK YOU" as Pewds WTFs* 髒髒Frank與Pewdiepie "PewDiePie, you want war? You can have it!" (Dillion:-我的名字跟-) I mean, I'd pay to watch it. 三小? Coming this never. Just like Kingdom Hearts 3, huh... 這真合理啊,老兄 *Pewds bleeps and bloots* Ooh (Dillion:-我的名字跟光彩,是嗎?) "Feels nice and spicy" (當大魔王駭了你) What the fuck? 當大魔王駭了你 (音:有個新聞...) (當大魔王駭了你) What the FUCK? (音:等等,是我的新聞) (最新消息:Pewdiepie遭駭) What da-- "TOP OF DA MORNIN TO YA LADDIES" (最新消息:Pewdiepie遭駭) Oh, hello! I need to start watching Game of Thrones... (wait 'til he finds out they're twins) (音:幹!你被整了!) (你需要夢幻團隊幫你解決) *Cersei going "stop, stop"* (你需要夢幻團隊幫你解決) "I'm so sorry, didn't mean anything bad" (嘿,那邊的!) "I will just--" *gets pushed out window* (去你的!) "Subscribe to PewDiePie" (準備戰鬥吧!) *Jaime going "are you completely mad?"* 看這傢伙! "How do you think I got this many subs?" (去你的!) 三小? *Cersei "He saw us!" (no shit Cersei, kid's got eyes) (音:Pewdiepie,要開戰是嗎?) (Pewdiepie之Dillion駭Pewds戰爭) "RWOOAHHH" (Pewdiepie之Dillion駭Pewds戰爭) NO! NO! (音:如你所願!) (Pewdiepie之Dillion駭Pewds戰爭) PEWDIEPIE NO! 我會說,我願意掏錢買票 "He gave you this" Hey, another Matrix--yes 永不上映 *Matrix and Pewds laughing* 就像王國之心3,是吧? Oh, nice lip-sync. (讚又刺激) Oh, no! It's Dillon and Malcolm! 三小? *Dramatic music* 三小啦! I don't know who the third guy is... (女士們!向您致上最棒的早晨!) "Malcolm!" (有碼) *Malcolm: PewDiePie sucks!* 喔!哈囉! (喔!這啥?) *too many voices to subtitle including Elrond murmurs* 我該看看「權力遊戲」了! Oh, whoa! (停!停!) Dha ha ha! (金拍謝) *Pewds inhales* (沒有惡意) *Dat Matrix music* (我只是會...) So good. (訂閱Pewdiepie) You know, it will have taken so long to superimpose all this shit, man (你瘋了嗎?) Oh, whoa! (不然你以為我哪來這麼多訂閱?) Holy shiet! (他看到我們了!) Hey! A-ha ha ha 不~! *Pewds being a fabulous rocket* 不~!Pewdiepie!不~! *Pewds applause* That was so good. That was so fucking good. 嘿!又是駭客任務 Thank you Lord-- George Lewd...cas? 好欸! "That's how you get number one on YouTube" (-是特務!) "Wanna see a magic trick?" *Pewds + Joffrey lovechild CONFIRME* (快走!) *Pewds WTFs* 喔~對嘴做的真好~ *He WTFs again* *More ranting by Malcolm* 喔~不! Oh my GOD that looks so good! What the hell! 是Dillion和Malcolm! Game of Subs... 我不知道那第三個是誰 That Edgar shot... (Malcolm) These are so creative, I love it. (Malcolm:Pewdiepie爛透了!) (Pewdiepie:你竟敢在這裡露臉!) It's so much fun to go through these (Pewdiepie:你竟敢在這裡露臉!) Nhu-Huh-Huh (look you try subtitling Pewds' laughing) (Malcolm:我恨Pewdiepie!) (Pewdiepie:來戰鬥吧!) Oh my God... 喔! Oh! 嗚喔~! *creep laughter and splosions* 太棒了! This is so cool! 你知道,疊這些很花時間的! (Caption author notes: These are undertale sfx up until now) 喔~! *demented cat sounds* 嗚喔~! Dha-ha-ha 靠邀! *More Pewds laughter* 超~讚! I hate them creams... 真他媽讚! It's true, I hate creams. It's disgusting. 感謝閣下! Now you know how to defeat me... George Just throw a Japanese cream mask in my face... Lewd...cas? That sounds weird, but it's true (你就是這樣得到Youtube第一的!) "Dear pewdiepie, this is your landlord" 噗!這啥- (想看看魔術嗎?) What? (想看看魔術嗎?) "the reason why i really kicked you out (笑)這三小? Is not because i'm a homophobic (Pwediepie的溫柔觸碰) It's because i loooove you, 這三小! Oh. (我討厭Pewdiepie!) and i hope you accept my.. [pewdiepie sucks in background] apology (我所說的一切!) Okay. 我的天啊! *More Pewds orgasm* 那超棒DER! Okay. 這三小? *creeper Pewds* *static noises* 訂閱遊(戲)(笑) Apology accepted. What can I say... 那個Edgar鏡頭... You still kicked me out, though. (我所說的一切!) PewDiePie chases Markiplier 好有創意! *Markiplier background enthusiasm* 我喜歡! *Pewds laughing* 這影片真有趣! *Bangs on door* "Pewdiepie!" (Pews開場)(近來如何,Bros?) I want it to be longer! 我的天哪! Oh, no. (婊婊婊子,幹掉你了!) It's an MMD of Five Nights At Freddie's? (換你了...婊子!) Oh, it's ma laser! 這超~酷! (換你了...婊子!) He makes such awesome MMDs (你逃不掉的!) I like how you bros-- oh, shiet! (日式乳霜面膜) (Stephano) OOOH he's coming! He's coming! (我討厭那些乳霜!) "What is uuuppp, Drama Alert nation!" 我討厭那些! (我討厭那些乳霜!) "I'm your host, K-K-Killer--" 我是真的討厭乳霜,超噁心的 (Pewds似乎很不爽) *dat static doe* 我是真的討厭乳霜,超噁心的 (放過他) That's some good shit. (放過他) They say the worst jumpscare of all is Pewdiepie's ass. (你贏了!) *epic remix* (你贏了!) (獲得0經驗值及0元) What? 現在你知道怎麼打敗我了 Holy shit the amount of editing that would go into this! 只要把日式乳霜面膜砸在我臉上就好 Oh yeah, so some of you flat out stole 聽起來很奇怪 Other people's submissions 但那是真的 Like, that's not cool. We, we know if you're pulling that shit. (親愛的Pewdiepie) You get banned for it, alright. 啥? (我是你的房東) So, have fun. (我是你的房東) *Lion King music to Lady and the Tramp. Ok* (我把你趕出去的真正原因) *Pewds WTFs once more* *At least you're a lady, Pewds* (不是因為我恐同) No... No! (是因為窩愛~泥啊) No furry shit! *I take it back, you're no lady Pewds* (我希望你接受我的...) God. Stop. No! (Pewdiepie爛透了!) (道歉) God damn it. OK Then the Lion King soundtrack in the back-- that's, yeah, that's... OK Why would you think of this!? (完) Okay... 我接受你的道歉 *running noises* --- *engine noises* 我還能說什麼? *screams* *splosions* 然而,你還是趕我走了 *Pewds speechless for a full 14 seconds* Pewdiepie追著markiplier (喔,我到家了!) Um.. (自由了!) .... (我要衝回家!) You don't win the competition. (去你的!) Oh my God, K-drama! (我是Peeewdiepie!) I. Love. K-Drama! 它不能長一點嗎? *korean, probably saying stop.* ----*pewdiepie saying "do you like me like this?" 喔,不! Yep, that was pretty--spretty... pretty slammin', man 是個MMD版的「佛萊迪的五夜驚魂」 "How's it going bros? This is PewDiePie... 喔是mahlazer! vote trump..." (我停不下來了) 喔是mahlazer! *RAGE* (我停不下來了) *Pewds laugh* 他做的MMD很-很讚 Oh, it's not even funny, but-- it's funny. 我喜歡你們Bros... *Insanity* 喔靠! Great use of... uh... 他要來了! 3 seconds, I gotta say. 他要來了! *Insanity repeats* (怎~~~麼了?) Yep. You did it. 3 seconds. That takes-- that takes talent, man. (DramaAlert粉絲們!) "My name's PewDiePie!" (我是主持人) "What? What are you going to be doing?" (殺-殺-殺手-) "You wanna see a magic trick?" 這玩意兒讚!(笑) "Ok, I love a mystery. Go ahead and do what it is you do." 人們說最糟的瞬間驚嚇(jumpscare) "I can fly." 就是Pewdiepie的屁屁 Oh my God... 啥? Fuck's sake. 靠邀! *Pewds sounding like he giving birth* 這要剪多久啊! *Pewds laugh* OK,所以... "I have landed." 有些人... Yeeee-he-he-hees! 很明顯的偷了... *Pewds struggling to breathe* 其他人的稿件 Oh, that was good. That was really good. 就,這不酷 Pewdiepie versus Pewdiepie. Oh my Lord. 我們... Is that the-- It's the Brighton Beach! Yeah, yeah yeah. 我們會知道你幹這種勾當 "How's it going bros, this is PewdiePie" 你會因此被BAN "Hey, you! Fuck you! Don't like you!" 好嗎? "Prepare to fight!" 就好好玩吧! Eyyy... Oh! Oh! OH! 三~小啦? PewDiePie wins! 不~! Oh, he's got a combo! He's got a com... 別~ Round Two 別毛茸茸! *Pewds laugh* 天哪! Holy shit 停- That's so good! 不- Oh! Oh! 天殺的! Oh, for fuck sake-- no, no. It was great until this point 然後配樂是獅子王 With the amount of sh-- like, the footage that we gave was so shit 那真是... And then, they-- youtube.com/savethekiddies managed to do that, out of that 對,那真是... That's pretty fucking impressive, man 你怎麼會想到這個啦! That was good. That was really good. 你不會贏的 PewdiepieMEME.exe 我的天! Holy shit 韓劇! Oh! 我! Oh, yeah! 愛! Nice! 韓劇! Holy shit! (你喜歡我嗎?) Oh, for fuck's sake (像醬?) Dude, that was fucking awesome (歐巴~) A spicy meme, indeed (殺了我吧) I loved every single one of these 好喔,那真是... So fun. Thank you so much for submitting to the green screen content... test 棒棒DER啊,老兄 Next one will be... the meme contest. (近來如何,Bros?) Pewdiepie meme contest, it should be a fucking... clusterfuck, I'm sure. (我是Peeewdiepie!) Link to that is in the description. (投川普) Thank you so much for watching and thank you so much for submitting (投希拉蕊) And as always, bros, I know you will... 喔這個... Stay awesome bros! 這甚至算不上...
B1 中級 中文 PewDiePie 乳霜 進擊 老兄 魔術 性感 反應我的同志SEXTAPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"。 (REACTING TO MY GAY SEXTAPE!!) 635 18 潘琮霖 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字