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  • Satire: It's all about making fun of things. Oh. Now you want to hear more. Stay tuned.

  • OK, so satire is all about making fun of thingsspecifically human vices, weaknesses, and shortcomings.

  • But it's not just pointless or mean making fun. Satire has a purpose.

  • Think of satire as comedy plus social activism. In other words, satire is about changing thingsand

  • hopefully waking other people up to this need for change, too.

  • And though satire is supposed to be funny, the author's focus is really on attacking

  • or criticizing something he or she disapproves of. In satire, though, the author's weapon

  • is wit.

  • Satire is everywhere. Charles Dickens used it. So did Jonathan Swift, Mark Twain, and

  • Jane Austen.

  • Even the guy on the hundred dollar bill used it. That's right: Ben Franklin was a satirist

  • too!

  • We're surrounded!

  • OK, great, you say, but how do you recognize a satire?

  • Look for things like irony, sarcasm, and exaggeration.

  • Here's another hint: If you're laughing but also feeling a little uncomfortable, it's

  • probably satire ... not that burrito you had for lunch.

Satire: It's all about making fun of things. Oh. Now you want to hear more. Stay tuned.


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B2 中高級 美國腔

AP英語文學和作文術語|SATIRE|60second Recap®(60秒回顧 (AP English Literature and Composition Terms | SATIRE | 60second Recap®)

  • 96 4
    Chia-Yin Huang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日