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  • And now we get to Cohort series.

  • Now, what is a cohort?

  • A cohort is a group of patients that share a common trait.

  • And begin to identify them and follow them up over time.

  • And these are difference between a cohort study, a cohort series and

  • a case-control series.

  • In a case-control series, remember, have a snapshot in common, make a diagnosis, and

  • we look at what happened up until that point.

  • Now with a cohort series, we are going to identify a trait, a group of people and

  • we're going to follow them forward in time.

  • And let's look at an example.

  • le Roux and colleagues, they included mother child pairs born

  • in a urban area of the Western Cape in South Africa.

  • And they followed these pairs up for a year and

  • they looked at the development of pneumonia.

  • So, the start of the study was a point in time and that was at birth.

  • They then follow these children and mothers up for a year, and they look for

  • the development of pneumonia.

  • If we were to reconstruct that as a case-control series,

  • we would go to the clinic and identify children with pneumonia.

  • Make a control group of children without pneumonia and

  • then look at data points up till the point.

  • So, you can clearly see the difference between a cohort series,

  • looking forward in time, and a case control series looking rearward in time.

  • Now, I want to bring up two very important definitions.

  • Retrospective and Prospective data analysis.

  • People use these terms differently.

  • Let's come up with one way to properly use them.

  • Now, retrospective data analysis is usually used in terms of case-control

  • series.

  • We identify, for instance, patients with a complication after surgery and

  • those without.

  • We go to the patients' files and we gather data in those files,

  • from those files up until the point at which those complications occurred.

  • Now, these usually come from freehand notes made by clinicians, so

  • those notes were never designed to contain specific data points, specific variables.

  • We've got to extract it from that, and

  • that is when you called retrospective data analysis.

  • We retrospectively get some data out of a patient's file.

  • Now, prospective is used much more commonly in terms of cohort studies.

  • We identify the patients for our trial, for our study I should say,

  • at the beginning of the study, so at birth.

  • We now have a form.

  • We've designed a format because those are the data points we want to put them on

  • the form, that is what we want.

  • So, the data that we gather every time we phone those patients,

  • every time we see them in the clinic, that's prospective data collection.

  • Now, it's not so clear cut, because in this day and age with computers,

  • we can have databases.

  • So, I can have a database in my ward,

  • whereby I collect data on certain operations prospectively.

  • Whether they're part of a trial or not, whether they're part of a study or not,

  • that is the data I collect.

  • That's clean data because there's little boxes that I want

  • the clinicians to fill in.

  • I can now do a case-control series with complications without looking at

  • that data.

  • That data was really collected prospectively.

  • I could also decide I want to look at children with pneumonia and

  • without pneumonia, and I have not included them at the start of the trial.

  • But at the end, I'm just going to grab the files from the clinic, and

  • I'm going to look at them again though from birth, and get that data from a file

  • that had that data entered without being part of a trial.

  • So, that would really be retrospective data collection of

  • a forward looking cohort trial.

  • So, you can see those things in both directions.

  • So, in short, those would be cohort trials prospective and

  • retrospective data analysis.

  • And you might imagine that these children, in our example,

  • are followed up for a year.

  • Just the last word, it needn't be that long a follow up to make a cohort trial.

  • I might just want to follow up patients for the first five days after surgery.

  • And see what happens to them, do complications occur.

  • Now, next up we're going look at the exciting world of experimental studies.

And now we get to Cohort series.


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B1 中級

研究具有共同特質的群體 隊列研究 (Studying a group with common traits Cohort studies)

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    Jack 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日