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  • Chawy hasn't gotten to play in the World Championships.

  • And I think that's because of his curse.

  • Winning and losing is part of the game,

  • but I think Chawy's story is definitely the saddest.

  • Actually I'm pretty worried that if

  • ahq picks Westdoor as the mid laner,

  • then I won't have a chance to play again.

  • So who are they going to pick here?

  • Westdoor said he wants to play Azir.

  • And the other players say stop fooling around.

  • You can see AN facepalm and say stop fooling around.

  • He's really picking it! He picked Azir!

  • I wish to keep my strengths

  • and improve my Champion pool.

  • After the Spring Finals, we realized that two players

  • in one lane isn't actually that great.

  • So when next season starts,

  • we will pick the more suitable player for each lane.

  • I have to compete for the Mid Lane position.

  • So to me it's very disappointing.

  • Chawy's reaction should be...

  • same as mine. Practice harder.

  • Hope to compete and earn the position.

  • Whats up?

  • Why are you trembling?

  • Stop trembling.

  • -I wasn't trembling. -Loosen up.

  • Why are you all tensed up?

  • Don't drag the rest of us down.

  • Oh...

  • The elevator just hit something.

  • What... what was that-

  • Oh...

  • Are we going?

  • Well I'm gonna live no matter what.

  • If you want to live, as soon as it crashes,

  • you just jump.

  • I know that.

  • Are you sure?

  • If you jump, you'll live.

  • Does that work?

  • You just have to jump.

  • We are pro gamers, easy.

  • Left, left.

  • Oh, it's the ROX Tigers.

  • There are the Tigers.

  • Hello, Hello...

  • All: Hello.

  • At the Spring Finals,

  • I think we tried really hard, the entire team.

  • But despite all of that effort,

  • at the very end,

  • since we experienced that very disappointing loss,

  • that part is the most...

  • difficult.

  • Today is our first match of Summer Split.

  • The opponents are Samsung.

  • It's my first match in a while,

  • so I'm feeling a bit nervous.

  • And, honestly, I just want to get it over with quickly.

  • I think it's going to be fun.

  • I come from Singapore.

  • My dad is Singaporean,

  • and my mom was born in Malaysia.

  • Come here and get something to eat.

  • Is it very far?

  • Do we need to buy tickets to get in?

  • No need.

  • I don't think so.

  • Pretend you're there to play in the competition!

  • So our family is actually quite loving.

  • Here, eat more.

  • And I feel like I am closest with my brother.

  • Gameboys and such, we didn't have those.

  • Because we were considered like country people,

  • So we played some pretty basic stuff,

  • perhaps like cards.

  • And actually we were pretty happy

  • and we felt very fortunate.

  • We always played outside.

  • We didn't really play indoor things like computer games.

  • So our childhood was pretty different from other people's.

  • So in my school there were quite a few people,

  • who would pick on weaker or smaller kids.

  • So at that time I was pretty much small and skinny

  • and I got picked on a lot.

  • So I started working out.

  • Starting when I was 13, I worked out every day.

  • Every time when I'm back in Singapore,

  • we will come here.

  • Sometimes I'll be, like,

  • "Aww... I'm tired from all the training."

  • He'll be, like, "Oh, come on man...

  • let's go down and workout."

  • It's always good to have someone,

  • who wants to do the same thing as you.

  • Our family is considered not very rich,

  • so we did not have computer growing up.

  • So we had to sneak out and play at Internet cafes.

  • So we would tell my mom we went...

  • to exercise, to run, to ride bicycles.

  • But we always went out to play at Internet cafes.

  • When XingLei (Chawy) started playing,

  • he would say he's going out with brother.

  • But we knew in our hearts,

  • he definitely was running to that-

  • to inside that shopping mall.

  • To play games.

  • And then us parents would definitely

  • walk around and see if he's there.

  • If he was, we would secretly check up on him.

  • After a while we said,

  • as long as you guys don't learn bad things,

  • or hang out with bad people,

  • then you can play.

  • When they came back they looked very satisfied.

  • They were really happy.

  • Shoot?

  • Oh, you don't have it.

  • I'm dead.

  • So I think that if we didn't

  • go to Internet cafes in the past,

  • I probably wouldn't be playing professionally right now.

  • Actually, when I first told my parents

  • I wanted to compete,

  • I wanted to be a pro gamer,

  • they were very much against it.

  • Playing games in Singapore isn't easy.

  • The majority of parents don't approve of it.

  • Guess how many there are?

  • I don't know.

  • Don't you know?

  • Huh? Yeah you do!

  • 6 years ago... 7 years ago, this was for Dota.

  • This one's also 2nd place.

  • Wow, I keep getting 2nd place.

  • The first time I wanted to be a pro player,

  • a pro player with a salary was

  • when the Singapore Sentinels were founded in Singapore.

  • Because at that time I just joined...

  • just started in the Army.

  • And in Singapore you have to do two years in the Army.

  • So at the time they were looking for 10 players.

  • I was considered the best player on our server.

  • But they didn't put me on the 10-player tryout list.

  • Because they thought since I just joined the army

  • I would probably become bad.

  • Usually, players who serve in the Army become really bad.

  • National Service lasts for two years

  • and practice time is very, very little.

  • So because it was a bit-

  • I was very sad and a bit angry.

  • So I made myself really strong.

  • So I told myself in competition I have to destroy them.

  • That is, I must join this team.

  • And then, at that time I found four players,

  • and then in a tournament

  • we beat Singapore Sentinels.

  • And then they finally were willing to seek me out.

  • We realized that Chawy had a great potential

  • even though he was still in National Service.

  • Hi, everyone, my name is XingLei.

  • People know me for Chawy.

  • Yeah and I play the AD Carry for Singapore Sentinels.

  • I woke up every day at about 6:00am,

  • took the bus to the Army grounds.

  • After work I would rush over to the Singapore Sentinels.

  • And regardless of if it was team practice

  • or preparations for a match,

  • we would practice until 10:00pm.

  • So when I got home it would be about 11:00pm,

  • but once I got home I felt like I hadn't practiced enough.

  • So I would practice until 2:00, 3:00am.

  • And then go to bed for three hours or so

  • and then wake up again.

  • And I did that pretty much for two years.

  • I would tell myself over and over

  • however much I can sacrifice, I'll sacrifice

  • to keep persevering.

  • Because I thought,

  • I really wanted to be the world's best player.

  • and do our region proud.

  • When I was in the military,

  • I was photographed, that is, as the poster boy,

  • And I thought it was pretty funny.

  • So every day when we ran at Parade Square,

  • running, or just walking, we'd see my face.

  • All big and hanging there.

  • Back in the days when Chawy was in Singapore Sentinels,

  • it was a team that was very exciting and innovative.

  • We were like two tiers above all the other teams

  • and basically no one could come near us.

  • Chawy was pretty much our star player

  • because he was playing very well.

  • He actually carried Singapore Sentinels in a number of games.

  • A lot of videos were made showing his muscles.

  • I think in his time with Singapore Sentinels,

  • I think it is clear that

  • his teammates weren't at his level.

  • If you really want to go, like, greater heights,

  • you really have to get out of Singapore.

  • I joined TPA in 2014 because

  • at that time on Singapore Sentinels,

  • we didn't get any good results.

  • We were very sad to see him go because

  • it was definitely a big blow to our chances,

  • but it was definitely the right step for Chawy

  • and Singapore in general.

  • At that time, they were preparing to go to All-Stars

  • and also preparing for Worlds,

  • and they told me they would let me start.

  • When I first heard the news, I was very happy.

  • And I discussed with my family for a long time.

  • I couldn't bear to part with my family.

  • But my parents, especially my mom, kept saying,

  • "Go, go, not everyone gets this kind of opportunity."

  • We all supported him going.

  • Because this is his dream.

  • This opportunity isn't one everyone gets.

  • I think that leaving your home

  • and going to do something you really want to do

  • and even chasing your dreams

  • is a very mighty thing to do.

  • Leaving my family, just...

  • is quite difficult

  • because I can't see my family every day.

  • So I came to Taiwan.

  • And then in the end they didn't let me play.

  • Because there was another Mid Laner.

  • I think Chawy was fairly close to Worlds at the time,

  • but Chawy's individual skill and his team

  • didn't ever pair well.

  • I came to Taiwan to chase my dreams.

  • And to chase my dreams,

  • the most important thing is, of course, to play onstage.

  • At that time, I kept watching them play from the sidelines.

  • I didn't get any opportunities to play onstage.

  • So I felt like I wasted a year.

  • At the time, I felt very disappointed

  • because I felt a bit like I was tricked into coming to Taiwan.

  • In 2015, the coach and manager promised me that

  • they'll definitely let me play onstage,

  • they'll let me start.

  • So I grasped the opportunity.

  • Actually, there were a lot of weeks when I got MVP.

  • Then I got suspended,

  • and TPA had to bring in a sub to play.

  • Because back in 2013... there was a time

  • on Singapore Sentinels that I didn't want to play any more.

  • because I wanted to study, study at a private school.

  • It's very expensive and the tuition is really high.

  • And I didn't want to keep burdening my parents.

  • So I thought, hey, I can play someone's account

  • and make some money.

  • It's alright because

  • I'm not playing professionally any more anyway.

  • At that time I could play a few matches

  • and make about a hundred dollars.

  • So I went to play for my friend.

  • But after I played for him,

  • he didn't pay me back for a year or so.

  • But after that TPA came to find me,

  • and I went to TPA.

  • So at that time we looked like we really

  • had a good chance to go to Worlds.

  • Initially, we could have played in the Semi Finals,

  • but, in the end,

  • the past years of elo boosting were discovered.

  • And then I got suspended from competition for half a year.

  • So I missed that chance.

  • If you're a pro player, you must have

  • the most fundamental professional ethics.

  • Your responsibility is to compete

  • and not to elo boost and earn money.

  • At the time I felt very sorry

  • towards all my TPA teammates.

  • I was their captain

  • and also considered their big brother.

  • So everyone sort of depended on me.

  • I felt really sorry to my family

  • because they always kept supporting me.

  • He said things have gone bad.

  • I felt that he was really down.

  • In our opinion, we don't think that it was wrong.

  • Because when he did it,

  • he wasn't even signed with a team.

  • I've failed a lot of times.

  • And then when I was about to succeed,

  • this kind of thing happens.

  • So it was a very, very big blow to me.

  • On Facebook I posted about this incident.

  • I'm sorry for disappointing everyone

  • supporting me out there

  • all this time.

  • I'm even more sorry for letting my team down,

  • including my managers, coach, translator.

  • I never expected this to happen,

  • And I'm the same or even more

  • disappointed than anyone else.

  • It's not like it was the Finals.

  • Let's go.

  • The start of Summer wasn't that great for me.

  • During the Samsung match, it was extremely...

  • my plays were extremely bad.

  • First of all, I...

  • wasn't in a very good mood.

  • And when I'm like that, I usually go home.

  • But it's weird because every time I see my parents,

  • tears just come out.

  • My goal is still to make this year

  • the year of the ROX Tigers.

  • After I came to Taiwan,

  • I often came here to pray because

  • I felt that my luck was bad after I came to Taiwan,

  • things didn't go as I expected.

  • But usually when I pray,

  • I'm not only praying for myself,

  • it's also for my family.

  • This season Westdoor will play first

  • because I took a few weeks off.

  • Because too many things happened and then

  • I had to keep leaving the country

  • to take care of some things.

  • After my grandma passed away,

  • the first thing I did was to go back to Singapore

  • to be with my family.

  • To see my grandma.

  • To go to her wake, funeral.

  • But the main reason I went back is

  • I hope my dad is fine.

  • Seeing my dad cry,

  • actually, my brother, my sister and I, we were...

  • We didn't know what to do.

  • My dad is a very strong man.

  • In order to support our family...

  • and he also had to support my grandmother.

  • He takes very good care of all of us.

  • We basically went to see my grandma

  • every week since I was young.

  • She was proud of me.

  • Entering the Summer Split,

  • the biggest challenge I faced was

  • definitely my rank on the Korean server.

  • Because they said the starter

  • will be chosen based on

  • our rankings on the Korean server.

  • It made everyone work harder to climb the ranks,

  • practice even harder

  • just to get the starter positions.

  • On the first floor here these are our goals.

  • So every month we'll write our goals.

  • Mine is to get into Korean Challenger.

  • And then Westdoor wants to get first on the KR server.

  • This dream is relatively bigger.

  • I think the solo queue score

  • on the Korean server is a reference.

  • It definitely has some influence,

  • but isn't all there is to it.

  • As long as you have the confidence

  • to challenge the current starter,

  • then you can go ahead and challenge them.

  • I've been telling myself

  • I want to wake up earlier than Westdoor,

  • go to sleep later than him,

  • practice more than him.

  • I have to play better than him.

  • I have to work hard.

  • I have to be much stronger than Westdoor.

  • So, in the end, choosing to have only

  • one player as the starter,

  • there's actually nothing to feel sad about.

  • Because whether Westdoor starts or I start

  • it will be more effective.

  • Because I feel that the team's results

  • are more important.

  • AHQ!

  • TEAM!

  • I joined ahq because I hoped to get to Worlds,

  • and get good results.

  • My hope for the World Championship?

  • It means too much to me.

  • Winning the championship would be

  • a good pay back to myself.

  • I've been working so hard after all.

  • If I still don't get the championship,

  • I will be very disappointed.

  • If ahq makes it to Worlds this year,

  • and if I don't make it into the starting lineup,

  • I would still keep on working hard.

  • I may watch their team practices

  • and help them with whatever they need.

  • Or if Westdoor could improve anywhere,

  • I will help him out.

  • If I don't go onstage,

  • of course, I'll be disappointed.

  • That kind of determination is...

  • is just incredible.

  • And that is why he has the respect

  • of every single one in Singapore.

  • Chawy is...

  • someone who really, really deserves

  • admiration from people.

  • There are very few players

  • who have the same perseverance and attitude.

  • He's not afraid of hard work.

  • It's his passion. He's not afraid of hard work.

  • However tired he is, he still puts in the effort.

  • So like if I'm competing internationally,

  • my sister might take a photo of

  • my parents watching me compete to show me.

  • And then I'll be really touched,

  • and I'll want to play even better, to show them,

  • to let my parents be proud.

  • In the beginning, we didn't understand.

  • "What are you guys playing?"

  • Slowly we learned a little,

  • but still don't really understand.

  • When he was playing in Singapore,

  • we also went to watch.

  • but we didn't understand it. - Didn't understand it.

  • We just saw other people going, "AHH!"

  • What just happened?

  • In the past, I've gone out of the country to compete.

  • So the competition was

  • perhaps around 4:00, 5:00AM here

  • and my parents would wake up to see the match.

  • A-Lei (Chawy) is here.

  • This is a double kill.

  • Double kill, A-Lei gets a double kill.

  • They won!

  • This is a super pretty victory for ahq.

  • It's very touching because in the beginning,

  • that is, in the past when I gave up,

  • when I didn't want to play any more,

  • it was my parents who told me to keep playing.

  • If he can go to Worlds,

  • we will definitely be happy for him.

  • If he can just make it this time. Man...

  • This is what he wishes for the most.

  • That moment would be very happy.

  • Really, a happy moment.

  • Because this is what he dreams of.

  • We also hope he can go.

  • If we want to give Chawy a meaning,

  • we can say it means,

  • "Never Give Up."

  • I've fallen many times.

  • But I've never given up.

  • I've always gotten back up.

  • I believe there will be a beautiful ending.

Chawy hasn't gotten to play in the World Championships.


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A2 初級

傳奇崛起第二季:第4集--耐力篇 (Legends Rising Season 2: Episode 4 - Endurance)

  • 365 6
    黃士剛 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日