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- I got 10 years to fil the stadium,
but only two minutes to fill your cranium.
Humble The Poet signing in.
The best way to get the things you want
is to first cut out the things you don't want.
It's easy to forget that we don't have unlimited time
and energy, especially when we're young.
So we spend it chasing everything and anything
we think we want in life.
Most of that stuff won't make us happy,
but we don't know that, why would we?
We've never had it.
But when we start to see people on social media
with their squad goals, and their couple goals,
and their body goals, we start to tell ourselves stuff like.
- Maybe if I had a six pack, I would be happier.
- If I had a nice car, I would definitely feel better.
- I need more followers to feel cool, man.
- I need celebrities to notice me.
- I need someone to love me so we can take
adorable pictures like Laurex.
They seem so happy.
- So what we're doing, essentially, is looking
at people's made up lives
and assuming we need those same things.
And there's nothing wrong with that.
It's monkey see, monkey do.
And we come from tribes, and we're used
to following and copying other people.
And just because it's common,
it doesn't mean it's best for us.
Because what's good for someone else
may not be good for you.
You can waste away your life chasing
a life that won't make you happy.
- But Humble, if I don't look at other people's lives,
how am I supposed to know what I want out of my own.
- I'm glad you asked, my handsome friend.
- Instead of taking a look around to see what you want,
take a look inside.
Ask yourself questions like,
"What experiences in my life
"have made me feel the most alive?"
And often, these experiences are when we're
taking something in and when we're putting something out.
Not everybody gets goosebumps when they hear opera music,
but you might.
Not everybody gets excited at the
idea of trying out a new recipe, but you might.
I love learning new things and having my
old beliefs obliterated.
It makes me feel like I've leveled up.
But that's definitely not everyone.
We each have unique passions and interests,
and we have to explore ourselves to figure those out.
And what we discover may be very surprising.
And it's okay if we're the only person in our crew
to like something or feel passionate about it.
The blessing in knowing the things we value
is also the fact that it shows us what's not important,
thus getting a lot of the clutter out of our lives.
'Cause when you want everything, you end up with nothing.
I think a good list of life goals
should be no bigger than, like, five things.
Finding out why you want things will help you determine
if you really want them.
So if you want to be rich, the question is why?
And many times it's not because they just want cool things.
Sometimes it may be because they want to feel secure
and they think money's gonna do that for them.
And it may or may not.
For me, I thought I just wanted to be a famous rapper.
But slowly, what I realized,
through a lot of trial and error, was I just wanted
to bring ideas to life in any art form.
And that's why I make videos, write books,
make music, and design clothes.
I also realized that I only wanted any kind of fame
because I wanted to make up for all the bullies
and racism I experienced as a kid.
The second I realized this, I started doing other stuff
to make myself feel better instead of chasing fame.
I just decided to love myself and understand that the
closed-minded opinions of other people
does not determine my value.
I think, coincidentally, the less I focused on fame,
the more it came.
And that's the cool thing
about figuring out the whys in your life.
It helps us find more than one way
to accomplish those things.
And it also sheds the millions of things in life
that we shouldn't be focusing on.
'Cause saying yes to those things mean we're saying no
to other things that may matter more.
And once we start focusing on the things that really matter,
life will start to feel a lot more fulfilling.
But before we can focus on these things,
we have to figure out what they are.
So start exploring.
As William Barclay says, "There are two great days
"in a person's life: the day you were born
"and the day you discover why."
And once you discover the whys in your life, the hows
and the whats start to fall in place themselves.
And we'll stop looking for stuff we don't need,
like the approval of others, and instead we'll find
fulfillment in our own territory, whatever that may be.
Think about it, the coolest people you know are actually
the ones who are the most comfortable in their own skin.
That takes self-discovery and self-awareness.
It's a lifelong journey,
but you'll be good if you start today.
(upbeat music)
(electronic music) (drumming)
That is crazy.
This is the intersection where Biggie got shot.
(R&B music)
This is the first time in two years coming
to LA that I put my feet in the water.
This is the hottest sand in the history of sand.
I feel like I'm in a Tony Robbins video.
My feet are about to burn off.
- We gonna be alright.
Nigga, we gonna be alright.
(blues music)
- Celebrate, sing a song about cocaine
when the world wouldn't want to be in your brain.
Doughed up, bigger cut, richer bitch man.
Or not, born to live righteous.
When I get right shit, I'ma leave you ditched.
Drug money to my kid, they gon' go to school.
Tired of the shit that I did, now I'm dead
like they mama, gotta show 'em how to live.
'Cause we been out bankroll, bankroll.
I've got five minutes livin' 'til the bank close.
I got pay phones, I'm on low gears,
and we fight with guns that ain't sold.
♫ I need you baby
♫ If it's quite alright I need you baby
♫ To warm a lonely night
♫ I love you baby
♫ Trust in me when I say OK
♫ It's OK, oh pretty
♫ When you cry, I cry
♫ And I cry along with you
♫ When you smile, I smile
♫ I smile along with you
- Thank you so much for watching.
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Much love.
Let's learn to love ourselves the way we love somebody else.
Yeah, 50 Cent said that while he was being kicked off stage.
I'm not sure why he did it, I'm just happy he did.
Love is an amazingly beautiful thing,
and that's something everybody
in the world deserves to experience.
But love is a gift, not a loan.
So don't give it out just because you want it back.
There are people I wish I could force
to love and care about me more.
And there are people in my life that definitely wish
they could force me to do the same.
And it's frustrating 'cause we can't have our way.
But it's not fair to expect people to give us things
we should be providing ourselves.
Because as unromantic as it may sound,
they're on their own journey.
In the same way you want your space from people sometimes
and you don't want to be bound by their
expectations, so do they.
So, set an example by the way we treat ourselves.
Teach other people how they should treat us as well.